December Planning updates.
Planning updates.
The following applications have been approved
• The Bothy, Port Road, Wenvoe. Remove existing porch and replace with single storey extension to the rear of the house to create a new garden room. Materials to match that of the existing house.
- 1, Burdonshill Cottage, Burdonshill Lane, Rear dormer extension to existing garage and raised decking
- Brooklands Retail Park, Culverhouse Cross, Tree works described as desirable & essential in the attached tree report
- St. Lythans Service Reservoir, St. Lythans. Erection of security fencing
- 1 & 2, Stone House, Dyffryn. Conversion of two semi-detached properties into a single detached property and erection of a sustainable (energy positive) rural exceptions bungalow, new access and associated works
The park play equipment at the Grange playing field and Twyn yr Odyn are to be replaced next year. There will be a display of the Grange Park upgrade on Thursday 24th January at the Community Centre when the Vale will be interested to hear your comments. The Twyn yr Odyn scheme will be displayed when details are finalised.
The rules pertaining to the cemetery ground have been updated. A copy will be displayed in the cemetery and a copy can be obtained by contacting the Clerk to the Council.
The allotment wardens are seeking the views of the allotment holders and any other members of the community for their views on permitting green houses and/or sheds to be erected on allotments in the future. Comments on the proposal can be e-mailed to the Council (see page 2).
A complaint concerning damage to the pavement surface due to cars parking was passed to the Vale.
An updated copy of highway issues were reviewed. Flooding on the corner of Old Port Road near St Lythans Park is to be added to the list.
A request from the school for a donation towards their proposed Timber Trail was received. The Council suggested an approach to a probable source of funding before they considered the request.
Work on the 5 Mile Lane project will result in the north bound lane of the road being closed for 6 to 8 week from January while the widening work near
Weycock Cross is completed. From April the Peterstone super Ely Road from Sycamore Cross will be closed for around 6 weeks for the road to be widened.
The notice and plate at the top of Tarrws Lane is due to a cracked service cover. The quarantine notices around a field off Old Port Road referred to a suspected case of strangles. This is a very contagious respiratory disease among horses but extremely rare to be passed to dogs or humans.
The Community Carol service is to be held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 19th December in St Mary’s Church followed by mulled wine and mince pies in the Community Centre.