Tucker’s Wartime Spring Plant Sale


Saturday 10th May


This year’s Spring Plant sale falls very close to the VE80 anniversary which is on 8 May. This commemorates the 80th anniversary of the cessation of fighting in Europe. Fighting would rage on in Japan until surrender came on 15 August 1945 which finally ended WW2. The usual array of plants will be on sale outside the church hall and there will be hustle and bustle inside the church hall too. The hall will be decorated inside and out with celebratory bunting, there will be music from the era playing inside and there will be refreshments with a chance for visitors to buy a sheet of ‘ration tickets’ which they can use to sample some food made from typical wartime recipes. There may be some under the table brownies and cakes available too but don’t tell anyone about that. Penalties are hard for Black Marketeers. If you wish to dress in clothes sympathetic to wartime we would be delighted.

There will be the usual raffle but running parallel to that will be another raffle which will have prizes which would have been treasured during wartime restrictions. You still only pay once but every winning ticket gets a prize from each table. There will be posters and information sheets around the walls. Glenys recorded older residents talking about their memories of WW2 in 2020 for planned celebrations for VE75 but Covid stopped that so there will be some transcripts for people to read on the day too. You may even like to have a go at ‘pin the cigar on Churchill’.

As usual the proceeds from the raffle and some proceeds from the plants and refreshments will go to our charity of choice which is the Wenvoe Wildlife Group to help enable them to carry out the much needed work they do in and around our village. We would love to see as many of you as possible on the day and hope you will join in with the spirit of the occasion. Mark your calendar!

Tuckers Reindeer Sale


Saturday 23rd November

Not long now until the 6th annual Tucker’s Christmas Reindeer sale and cafe on Saturday 23 November from 10am to 4pm at the Wenvoe Church Hall.

As well as the antlered stars of the show there will be some lovely things to buy and a festive atmosphere to get you in the Christmas mood. We will, of course, be joined by Trevor on the day with his lovely Christmas houses and decorations. There will be other local crafters joining us on the day. There will be beautiful turned wood items, some lovely textile gifts, painted wooden Christmas decorations as well as Laura’s ‘Flower Bunker Wenvoe’ with Christmas floral decorations and wreaths to order.

We will be holding the usual raffle with some excellent quality prizes including luxury food hampers, a home baked and decorated Christmas cake, some very interesting bottles and some items that would make ideal gifts for adults and children.

Once again, profits from this and from the sale of some crafts will be donated to our charity of choice, the Wenvoe Wildlife Group and members of the group will be manning a table with some very interesting items. There will be a visit from a man on a sleigh in a red and white suit which may offer an excellent, free photograph opportunity.

There will be tables inside the Church Hall for you to sit and enjoy a tea or coffee and maybe a homemade slice of Glen’s cakes or brownies while you catch up with old friends and meet some new ones. The reindeer and all craft tables will be under the cover of Christmas decorated gazebos and festive music will provide the backing track to the whole event. Why not join us and pick up a reindeer and some Christmas spirit! These have become collectors’ items so start making a list of people who deserve one as a gift. Bring a friend and have a festive catch up. We are so looking forward to seeing you there.

Litter Picking


Arlo and Will helping to keep the village tidy, by litter picking with their mum on Station Road. This isn’t a one off as they are often to be seen helping out. LITTER PICKING

Next litter pick;- week commencing 4th October with filled bags collected, along with black bags, on 11th October. Bags and pickers available . Please contact Russell Godfrey 07922 588924


Tuckers Christmas Reindeer Sale And Cafe


Saturday 23th November

The 6th Annual Tucker’s Christmas Reindeer sale and cafe will take place on Saturday 23 November from 10am to 4pm at the Wenvoe Church Hall. As well as the antlered stars of the show there will be some lovely things to buy and a festive atmosphere to get you in the Christmas mood. We will, of course, be joined by Trevor on the day with his lovely Christmas houses and decorations. There will be other local crafters joining us on the day and we will give more information about this in the next issue of Wenvoe What’s On so watch this space. We have room for two more tables to join us so if you are a local crafter get in touch to secure a place.

We will be holding the usual raffle with some excellent quality prizes including luxury food hampers, a home baked and decorated Christmas cake, some very interesting bottles and some items that would make ideal gifts for adults and children. Once again, profits from this and from the sale of some crafts will be donated to our charity of choice, the Wenvoe Wildlife Group. Rumours have been circulating that there might be a visit from a gent on a sleigh in a red and white suit and these may very well be true and may offer an excellent, free photograph opportunity. There will be tables inside the church hall for you to sit and enjoy a tea or coffee and maybe a homemade slice of Glen’s cakes or brownies while you catch up with old friends and meet some new ones. The reindeer and all craft tables will be under the cover of Christmas decorated gazebos and festive music will provide the backing track to the whole event. Why not join us and pick up a reindeer and some Christmas spirit! These have become collectors’ items so start making a list of people who deserve one as a gift. Bring a friend and have a festive catch up. We are so looking forward to seeing you there




This is Wenvoe’s own local show and offers an excellent opportunity for some friendly, fun competition. Will your fruit and veg be the talk of the village? Is your baking a triumph? You don’t have to be an expert, you just need to enter.

The show is limited to entries from people who live in the Wenvoe community (Wenvoe, Twyn-yr-Odyn, St Lythans and Dyffryn) and children who attend the village school.

Entries to be registered at St Mary’s Church Hall between 8.30 and 11 am on Saturday morning ( for those who have other commitments on Saturday morning there will be a limited time slot to register entries between 6 – 7.30pm on Friday evening 8th September but this will NOT include culinary entries). The hall will then be closed between 11 am and 1.00pm for the judging to take place. The public will be welcome to come and view the exhibits between 1 and 4pm. From 3pm – 4pm there will be a chance to sample the culinary entries for yourself. There will be a good quality raffle, and this will be drawn at 3.30pm. We already have some really good prizes but if you have a prize that you could give we should be very grateful.

If you wish to reclaim your entries they should be collected between 4 and 4.30pm but please note that Items entered in the culinary categories will be offered for public tasting and will not be eligible for collection unless there is any left at 4pm.

Entry fee – £1 for the first entry and 50p for all subsequent entries per person. You may enter as many sections as you wish but the maximum number of entries per person in any one section of a category is two. Items entered in previous Wenvoe Village Shows are acceptable but only if they have previously failed to win a prize. If you would like to help on the day or have any queries, please speak to Mike or Glenys Tucker.

Weather permitting there will be refreshments available outside all day. All money raised will be donated to the Wenvoe Wildlife Group.

The categories for the show are published on the next page and you can view them at any time on the village web site at www.wenvoe. org.uk

Exhibit Categories



Wenvoe Village Show Sep 2024


This is Wenvoe’s own local show and offers an ex-cellent opportunity for some friendly, fun competi-tion. Will your fruit and veg be the talk of the vil-lage? Is your baking a triumph? You don’t have to be an expert, you just need to enter.

The show is limited to entries from anyone who lives in the Wenvoe community (Wenvoe, Twyn-yr-Odyn, St Lythans and Dyffryn) as well as all chil-dren who attend the village school.

Entries to be registered at St Mary’s Church Hall between 8.30 and 11 am on Saturday morning (for those who have other commitments on Saturday morning there will be a limited time slot to register entries between 6 – 7.30pm on Friday evening 6th September but this will NOT include culinary en-tries). The hall will then be closed between 11 am and 1.30 pm. for the judging to take place. The pub-lic will be welcome to come and view the exhibits between 1.30 pm and 4pm. From 3pm – 4pm there will be a chance to sample the culinary entries for yourself. There will be a good quality raffle, and this will be drawn at 3.30pm. If you have a prize that you could give, we should be very grateful.

If you wish to reclaim your entries they should be collected between 4 and 4.30pm but please note that items entered in the culinary categories will be of-fered for public tasting and will not be eligible for collection unless there is any left at 4pm.

Entry fee – £1 for the first entry and 50p for all sub-sequent entries per person. You may enter as many sections as you wish but the maximum number of entries per person in any one section of a category is two. Items entered in previous Wenvoe Village Shows are acceptable but only if they have previous-ly failed to win a prize. If you would like to help on the day or have any queries, please speak to Mike or Glenys Tucker.

Weather permitting there will be refreshments avail-able outside all day. All money raised will be donat-ed to the Wenvoe Wildlife Group.

The categories for the show were published in the July edition of ‘What’s On’ and and are repeated below


Wenvoe Village Show


This is Wenvoe’s own local show and offers an excellent opportunity for some friendly, fun competition. Will your fruit and veg be the talk of the village? Is your baking a triumph? You don’t have to be an expert; you just need to enter. (See category list opposite)

The show is limited to entries from people who live in the Wenvoe community (Wenvoe, Twyn-yr-Odyn, St Lythans and Dyffryn) and children who attend the village school.

Entries to be registered at St Mary’s Church Hall between 8.30am and 11.00am on Saturday (for those who have other commitments on Saturday morning there will be a limited time slot to register entries between 6.00pm and 7.30pm on Friday evening 6th September. However, this will not include culinary entries). The hall will then be closed between 11.00am and 1.00pm for the judging to take place. The public will be welcome to come and view the exhibits between 1.00pm and 4.00pm. From 3.00pm – 4.00pm there will be a chance to sample the culinary entries for yourself. There will be a good quality raffle, and this will be drawn at 3.30pm. If you have a prize that you could donate, we should be very grateful.

If you wish to reclaim your entries, they should be collected between 4.00pm and 4.30pm but please note that items entered in the culinary categories will be offered for public tasting and will not be eligible for collection unless there is any left at 4.00pm.

Entry fee – £1 for the first entry and 50p for all subsequent entries per person. You may enter as many sections as you wish but the maximum number of entries per person in any one section of a category is two. Items entered in previous Wenvoe Village Shows are acceptable but only if they have previously failed to win a prize. If you would like to help on the day (we would love volunteers) or have any queries, please speak to Mike or Glenys Tucker.

Weather permitting there will be refreshments available outside all day. All funds raised from this event will be donated to the Wenvoe Wildlife Group.

Bring Your Own Picnic

Bring Your Own Picnic

St Lythans Church,

Sunday 9th June 2pm till 4 pm

  • Bring your own picnic (and wine) and

come to meet some of your neighbours.

  • We cannot guarantee sunshine, (if only

we could) so we may need to picnic in the

church, but that won’t spoil the fun.

  • There will also be the chance to find

out a little about the history of this

beautiful building which has been here

for over 800 years, and has been a Holy

site for more than 5000 years.

  • This is part of building OUR community,

aking new friends and meeting old ones

too. It’s also a chance to raise money so

we can keep this Church open and alive

so any donations will be gratefully


  • Additional car parking at St Lythans

Court— look for the signs


Glamorgan Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers

Glamorgan Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers

The Glamorgan Guild of Weavers, Spinners & Dyers is a vibrant community of craft enthusiasts who share a passion for weaving, spinning, and dyeing. Established in 1978, this guild is affiliated with the Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners, and Dyers. Their members meet regularly to discuss and promote these traditional crafts. Whether it’s weaving intricate patterns, spinning yarn, or experimenting with natural dyes, the guild provides a friendly and social environment for skill-sharing and learning. If you’re interested in these crafts, you might want to explore their workshops and gatherings!

Saturday 15th June 10am till 4pm. Glamorgan Guild of weavers, spinners and dyers at the community centre.




Wenvoe Sewing Ladies


Explore Your Creativity

Wenvoe Sewing Ladies meet in the Hub each Monday from 1.00-3.00 pm. There are usually 6 or 7 members. The agreement is that they will buy a drink and Linda Edwards and Brenda Webster are both able to make the drinks and use the till.

On Mondays their usual activities consist of knitting, crocheting and hand sewing and a great deal of chatter. I know they appreciate their surroundings and look forward to being able to sit outside.

The group’s main event is in the Community Centre on Wednesdays from 10.00 am -2.00 pm when the sewing machines, iron and cutting boards are used. There are usually more members attending these sessions. More complex projects are carried out and beautiful garments, quilts and bags result.

I have been really welcomed into this group. I have been overawed by the standard and complexity of the work carried out and am seriously out of my depth. However no-one is “precious” about their skills and knowledge and help and advice are always given freely. Offers of fabric are often given as well as tip offs about where to buy the good fabric. I am now growing my stash again.

I think that anyone who crafts in any way will know the feeling of buying a fabric, wool, paper or card with no intention of using it! In fact, one of the ladies says that she is constantly telling her husband that buying fabric is not at all the same as sewing it!

There is no pressure to keep up and it’s quite acceptable to just go along and chat with this lovely group of ladies on both Monday and Wednesday.

Paula Johnson


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