Dillwyn Davies Memorial


Dillwyn Davies Memorial


The team met on the village green to keep weeds and thorns at bay. This time of year, it’s a game of catch up. What with hospital and doctors’ appointments, the visits from carers and podiatrists and their outings with the Silver Foxes, it’s a wonder they can find the time, but the lads are always willing to give an hour or so to help keep the village tidy. Our lead singer Edwardsville Gareth told everyone who would listen which party they needed to vote for on July 4th. It seemed we didn’t have a choice.

The boys decided to remember the bravery of those who were there on D Day, by putting up a stone and plaque in memory of Dillwyn Davies from Wenvoe. He came through the horror of that day to tell his story. The stone is in a quiet corner of the village green. Those of us who knew Dillwyn, will remember a quiet peaceful man

Our team will meet next on 8th July. The destination is secret at present, as we don’t want fans bothering our lead singer.


An Unusually Dry Morning


An Unusually Dry Morning

On a day when rained threatened to curtail any activity, a skeleton crew tidied up and replanted the flower beds at the memorial, with plants donated by Michelles nursery in Suffolk. . The missing members had excuses beyond belief. Big John announced that his wife had glued his hand to his foot so he couldn’t come out, Gareth (the gypsy wrangler) had by all accounts, been set in a bucket of concrete because of an altercation with ne’er-do-wells, Alan said he couldn’t find his way to our location, Martin tweeted that the dog was blocking the exit and Mark had claimed to have eaten too much cake at the plant sale on Saturday and wasn’t in the mood for activity.

Our next gathering will be on Monday 10th June at 9.30 to check on the pile of stones and get the rest of the concrete off Gareth. Bring a hammer.


An Unusually Dry Morning


An Unusually Dry Morning


On an unusually dry morning the boys cleaned up at the front of the Community Centre. There were six working when we started but with Gareth extolling the virtues of socialism to a not so captive audience, the work soon petered out. To be fair, they had done their bit, and one has to take in the age of the group along with medical conditions, plus the fact that the carers were on the way to collect them. These lads are so good for the parish. You will never see them walk past a piece of litter without retrieving it, if you help them cross a road, they will be so grateful. Come along and meet the good folk at the plant sale, in the church hall on May 11th.

All being well our next meeting will be at the Village Green on 13th May, to assess a new venture before father time catches up with us.

Thank you for your support


Old Entrance to Whitehall Quarry


Old Entrance to Whitehall Quarry

Having been given permission from Alex the narcissist, to work in Upper Wenvoe, the boys tidied up the verge at the old entrance to Whitehall Quarry. If you recognise the chap in the light blue conservative coat, first left, could you let the police know, as every time we work in this area he comes along and berates passing motorists on their driving. When a driver takes offence, big John has to save him from a battering. Apparently, he’s French so that may explain the behaviour. We’ve asked at the new home, but they haven’t started taking residents yet. Ieuan thinks he may be an onion seller, as he looks like one that used to reside in the village during the war.


Our next outing will be on 8th April at the Community Centre. We are of course grateful for the offer of biscuits from well-wishers when we’re on duty, but without tea to dip the ginger nuts, we find them too hard. We are mostly wanting Jaffa cakes!!


A Beautiful February Morning


A Beautiful February Morning

A beautiful February morning brought a good contingent out to plant primroses, cut back the roses and shrubs plus replant a holly tree to a suitable spot.

As an environment group we are involved in sorting out all sorts of issues. Noise pollution was a first for the group. An incident was brought to the attention of the team from people living on Old Port Road and Station Road East, where in the vicinity of the Community Centre there were complaints of revving engines and inconsiderate behaviour on Friday mornings. A team member attended the area the following Friday and issued a verbal warning and spoke to their families. A threat of care home residency by their next of kin seems to have done the trick.

Apparently the Barrista had locked them out of the Hub by mistake.

All being well we shall meet at the top of Walston Road on March 11th, 9.30


Worrying Times For Our Group


Worrying Times For Our Group

Worrying times for our group at the start of 2024. Everyone had received a Pure Cremation funeral plan through the post. While discussing the cheek of it, one of the elders slipped. We discovered he has PTSD (post traumatic slip disorder). As his ears are further from the ground than the rest of us and the fact he hit his head, we decided against an ambulance and phoned the funeral people, because you get 10% off the first one.

After moving the patient to one side and putting him on light duties, the team got on with widening the bend on Tarrws Lane, by cutting back the vegetation.

This group are determined that nothing will stop them carrying out their civic duties – unless there is too much rain, wind, ice, sun or the cappuccino is only like warm.

Our next meeting will be on 12th February at the village green.


Clearing The Path To The Playing Fields


Clearing The Path To The Playing Fields

A lovely October morning spurred on most of the team while clearing the path to the playing fields. New member Mark got stuck in along with Ian, Alan and Ieuan. Gareth on the other hand was coming to terms with being eighty in a few weeks and couldn’t settle to anything. He spent his time asking the team what they might buy him for his birthday. When the clerk of works checked on their progress later, she was impressed and couldn’t believe that 41/2 men had accomplished so much in such a short time.

The village elders have asked if the team could turn out on the 6th November to tidy up around the memorial before Remembrance Sunday. As we have some war babies in the team I’m sure that won’t be a problem



A Busy Wenvoe Womble

On an overcast morning the team set about clearing the entrance to Pound Lane. Having an older workforce means we get a local history lesson from a time when everything was in black & white. Hospital, doctors and clinic appointments leave us short staffed on times so the silver foxes recruitment agency promised to send along their youngest member Alex Cooper but he is bedridden on account of getting a blister trying to remove an unfranked stamp from an envelope he’d found. The team completed the work and big John asked if the men could finish early because of the effort they’d put in.

We were due to cut the long grass on the footpath to the sports field next month but the last time we did that Gareth Sing-Song got lost and was only found when the last bit was cut. So we will regroup at the entrance to Clos Llanfair 11th September at 9.30.

We wish Jonathan a speedy recovery, we’re missing you.


Through a Glass of Malt


A Busy Wenvoe Womble

According to Big John the weather would be in spate on the morning the team were due to meet. So, he decided to monitor the situation through a glass of malt. The rest of the team got wind of this so consequently were difficult to prise out of their homes. When they were herded on to the village green, they became difficult to manage, going off in all directions. Once they’d settled down, work commenced in tidying up the roses and hedge around the memorial.
All was ok until Gareth ‘sing song’ turned up wearing a rubber ring, followed by a drop of rain and told them to go home before they drowned. So that was it. A man and his dog were nearly wiped out in the rush through the gate (pictured).

If we can find them all again, we’ll meet at Pound Lane on 14th August at 09.30. I hope to goodness it’s not too hot, wet, cold, sunny or there’s bad light!



A Busy Wenvoe Womble


A Busy Wenvoe Womble

The members started by clearing the border at the front of the Community centre. With a full team present short work was made of this task. The team then followed Ian’s lead by clearing brambles and young ash trees from beneath hedges. While doing so we came across a busy Wenvoe Womble ( pictured ) gathering litter. This chap has been seen in numerous locations around our community keeping the village tidy. Apparently his appearances on a Friday at the library hub make this meeting standing room only, which means the Womble has his own set of steps to make sure he gets his point across.

He has now become a dear friend of our team.

Next meet up will be at the roundabout in Greave Close on 13th March at 9.30am


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