Valeways Walk & Clear Group

Valeways Walk & Clear Group


The group of volunteers meet weekly (weather permitting) to check, mark and cut back overgrowth on the Vale’s hundreds of miles of footpaths. (Wenvoe has 20 miles of paths) Broken bridges and stiles are reported back to the Vale’s footpath officers for future professional repair.

During the month of June they met in Wenvoe and checked on numerous local paths. They also managed to reopen the footpath 29 which commences on the St Lythan’s Road and proceeds westward alongside Hawthorn Cottage to emerge by The Chapel at Twyn yr Odyn.

The path, is probably not used very frequently and slowly became impassable (especially with lockdown restricting travelling) hence eventually  brambles, nettles, trees and hedging took over the whole 100meters of path. The route is now once again usable but will benefit from further work at a later date

If you are in the area walking please detour to walk this path, this will assist in keeping it passable. Hawthorn Cottage is the house on the right just before the sharp bend on the hill up to Twyn yr Odyn and St Lythans

If you discover any Vale footpath that is becoming  overgrown, broken stiles etc please report them to  the Vale of Glamorgan Council

Valeways Walks June 2024

Valeways Walks June 2024


In addition to the longer walks listed above, Valeways offers a “Coffee Shop Strollers” walk programme suitable for those walkers that want to enjoy a pleasant walk, over a firm surface, avoiding stiles and enjoy the surroundings and the company of others. All followed by a visit to a coffee shop, time for refreshment and a natter. Just turn up and walk!

There are groups meeting in Cold Knap, Cowbridge, Cosmeston and Llantwit Major on alter-nate Wednesdays; St Athan alternate Thursdays and Well Being Strollers, Barry waterfront eve-ry Thursday. There are also some monthly targeted groups but anybody can join, namely; “Living with Cancer” at Cosmeston, “Walk for Carers” at Barry Island and “Stress Buster” at Romilly Park.

For more details, visit or email


Valeways Walks March 2024

Valeways Walks March 2024




The footpath between Vennwood Close and Wrinston Farm was closed at the start of this year after the footbridge across the ditch leading onto the old railway route collapsed. A new bridge, with gates, has now been installed making the route safe for use again.








Recently, five Valeways volunteers joined with 3 Public Rights of Way officers to install 3 new kissing gates, one to replace a severely damaged wooden stile, the other two on a newly created route around Greave Farm, Wenvoe instead of through its yard and buildings. The work involved removing an old stile, digging new holes for the new gates, the 3- part gate assembly and securing with concrete. Then finishing off with some landscaping, ensuring the boundary was stock-proof and finally waymarking the new structures and surrounding indicators to make walkers aware of the new route. A job well done and enjoyed by all.

For more information about Valeways walks, strollers, self-guided walks and volunteering, visit



Giant Hogweed Warning


Just a reminder to walkers, especially now it seems summer has finally come, to be wary of Giant Hogweed when you are out in the country especially if you have your children with you. The picture below shows a young girl who suffered 2nd degree burns after coming into contact with Giant Hogweed









Short walks around Wenvoe


Short walks around Wenvoe

5km (3 miles)

1 Starting at the Church gate. Go up Walston Road and into Clos Llanfair to the end and pass through the kissing gate. Keep straight ahead and turn right when you reach the road. Follow the road around to a footpath between 50 and 51 Burdons Close. The path leads to a stile into a field. Cross the field diagonally heading for the electricity pylon to pass it on your right to a stile beyond and you are now on Burdonshill.

2 Turn right to reach a stony track at the top of the hill. Pass through the kissing gate ahead. You are now on the golf course, keep close to the righthand hedge to reach a footpath post; descend right to a kissing gate (can be muddy here if wet) Turn left to reach a stony track.

3 Turn left going downhill through a gate past the Goldsland Farm Orchard to reach Goldsland Farm. (This is a working farm cattle and machinery are moving around at times, keep to the public path)

4 Turn right and left to pass around the barns and continue along the drive to the junction. Turn left. Follow this road passing through the golf course and the entrance to the club. Continue past the Walled Garden and the Bothy houses to reach the main road. (The road opposite the Bothy will take you back to the top of Burdonshill).

5 Go left past the garage and Style garden centre and either continue to Old Port Road and go left back to the church or take the first turn left into Goldsland Walk and take the footpath in front of No 18 to re-join your outward path at the kissing gate.



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