Wenvoe Directory
Badminton (Tuesday) | Pia Dobbs | 2059 5216 |
Beavers & Cubs waiting list | Trudy Kennedy | 1stwenvoe.join@penarthanddistrict.org.uk |
Cattery | Dawn Rose | 2059 4755 |
Church Hall Booking | Carol Wyllie | 2059 2655 |
Community Centre | Tony Williams (Clerk) | 2059 1139 |
Community Centre | wenvoecc@googlemail.com | |
Community Council Chairman | Dickon Oliver | 2067 9108 |
Community Sports Club | Rob Griffiths | 07717 173734 |
Cricket Club | Richard Hitchen | 0777 1572995 |
Conservative Association | Cllr Jonathan Bird. | 2059 3371 |
Craft Workshop (Craft Fairs) | Glenys Tucker | 07922 109721 |
Cub Scouts | Sue | 2059 8031 |
Dancing | Annette Bracey | 2059 4518 |
Elderfit | Talik Hassan | 07455 277009 |
Ely Rangers | Mr L. Mansfield | 2055 4610 |
Environment Group | Trevor Case | 2059 4179 |
Football – Wenvoe Colts | Wayne | 07717 163013 |
Gem Girls Club | Lesley | 07970 760777 |
Hair Salon | Julie | 2059 2082 |
History Group | Ian Moody | 2059 4573 |
Karate Club | Lyndon Davies | 07777 626716 |
Ladies Choir | Sue Dodd | 2089 1736 |
Leisure Group | Betty Williams | 2059 2822 |
Library | 2059 4176 | |
Line Dancing | Annette Bracey | 2059 4518 |
Love Running | Lesley Smith | 07970 760777 |
Neighbourhood Watch | Jackie Gauci | 2132 8539 |
Page Turners | Sylvia Harvey | 2059 2261 |
Peace Movement | Ron German | 07810 26209 |
Petanque (Boules) | Mr D. Cannan | 2059 3107 |
Plaid Cymru | Mrs Olwen Griffiths | 2059 3438 |
Playgroup | Sandra
2059 7494
wenvoeplaygroup@btinternet.com |
Police | see contacts top of page | |
Post Office, Wenvoe | 2059 3206 | |
PTA (Wenvoe School) | Deb Wilson | 07940 087168 |
Quilters | Linda Edwards | 2059 3679 |
St. Mary’s Church | Rev. Jon Ormrod | 2059 5347 |
Scottish Dancing | Lyn Wilson | 01446 773422 |
Scouts | Tommy O’Neil | 2059 8031 |
Stretch and Relax | Julia Wylie | 07544 387211 |
Tai Chi | Annie | 2059 3570 |
Tea Dance & Sat evening dance | Ian Clarke | 2056 5431 |
Toddlers | Kerry Gibbison | 2059 4545 |
Tuesday Group | Mrs S. Davies | 2059 4335 |
Vale of Glam. Councillor | Cllr. Jonathan Bird | 07701 372569 |
Vale Village Church | Lesley Smith | 07970 760777 |
Village Hall Booking | wenvoevillagehall@yahoo.co.uk | |
Welsh Assembly | Jane Hutt | 01446 740981 |
Wenvoe Castle Golf Club | Nicola Sims (Club Sec.) | 2059 4371 |
Wenvoe (Gwenfo) School | Head Teacher | 2059 3225 |
Wenvoe W.I. | Pam Ewington | 2059 2621 |
Whist | Mieke Deschepper | 2067 9108 |
Wildlife Group | Bruce McDonald | 2059 3394 |
Yoga | Jeremy Dixon | 01446 760460 |
What’s On Website Enquiries | See “Wenvoe What’s On” Page | under “Information” |
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