Council Minutes 18th February 2016
held on 18th February 2016 at 7.30pm
at Wenvoe Community Centre
PRESENT: Cllrs. C.Frost (Chair), J.Bird, T.Case, N.Harmer, E. Jervis, V.Jervis, I. Moody, L. Owen, C.Thomas.
Resolved: That the minutes of the Council meeting 18th February 2016 be approved.
No attendance, written report received from CPSO Keiron Byrne as below:
(i) Fraud – £1400 taken fraudulently through internet banking.
(ii) Theft – Landscaping materials taken from Garden Centre, also clothing.
(iii) Theft – Stolen car.
(iv) Damage – Vandalism at Upper Orchid Field
Resolved: Noted
Council received a presentation from Mr Phill Chappell and Ms Hannah Dineen of the Vale Council, Planning & Regeneration Dept.
Ms Dineen spoke of the community mapping process (also known as community asset or resource mapping) and how this might impact on the allocation of resources as above.
Mr Chappell spoke regarding Rural Community Development funding and how this could be sourced to expand total funding available.
Resolved: That Mr Chappell and Ms Dineen be thanked for their presentations.
(a) New Planning Applications referred for consultation:
Application No. |
Location & proposal |
Applicant |
Land at Rhiwau, Old Port Road, Wenvoe
Resolved: No objection
Land at The Rectory, Wenvoe (Reconsideration upon receipt of amended / further details)
Resolved: Object as previously, as low cost housing 2nd floor flat still overlooks established neighbouring properties and effects their amenity / privacy contrary to Env Policy 27.
Ty Capel, 63, Walston Rd., Wenvoe. Proposed single storey flat roof extension to form new shower room to rear of building.
Resolved: No objection
Swyn y Coed, 3, Station Tce., Wenvoe. Dormer loft conversion – designed to meet permitted development criteria.
Resolved: No objection subject to there being no privacy issues.
Dr. Keshav Singhal
Redrow Homes (S.Wales) Ltd.
Mr John Karamouzis
Mr Lewis Ham
(b) Planning updates, previously reported applications:
Application No. |
Location & proposal |
Applicant |
Community Council’s recommend’ |
Vale Council’s decision |
(iii) |
Gwenfo Junior and Infant School, Old Port Rd., Wenvoe Proposed nursery block and alterations to the school building.
Style Gdns., Port Rd., Wenvoe.Proposed alterations to the existing Style Garden Centre to include a single storey extension to the front of the Garden Centre to provide a new and improved entrance area; a single storey extension to the rear to accommodate an enlarged coffee shop and the erection of a canopy over the existing outdoor plant sales area at the rear of Garden Centre.
Home Farm, Dyffryn Solar farm. |
Vale of Glamorgan Council.
Style Gardens Ltd.
Suncredit UK
n/a |
Environmental Impact Assessment (Screening) not required
Resolved: That the decisions of the Planning authority as above be noted.
Consideration was given to a report from the Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer detailing receipts and payments since that reported to the previous meeting of Council.
Resolved: Approved.
The Clerk circulated the latest documentation received from the Library Action Group, in particular their draft terms for a licence in respect of their proposed occupation of the library premises.
That the Clerk progress a licence agreement with the Library Action Group on the basis as set out below:
- Robertsons Solicitors to be engaged, costs to be borne by the licensee approx. £250
- Rental £1500 pa wef 1st April 2016. (pro rata 2016/17 as intended date of occupation is wef 01.05.16)., there being provision for the Council to waive the rental in part or in full at its absolute discretion.
- Licensee to pay costs of electricity in addition to rental as above.
- Community Council to be responsible for the maintenance of the building structure and electrical and water services.
- NNDR, water charges ,and buildings insurance to be the responsibility of the Community Council.
- Licensee to be responsible for internal decoration costs, contents insurance, et al.
The Clerk circulated the extant document as above, in respect of which minor amendments to the dimensions of memorials was considered necessary.
Resolved : That the amended rules and regulations be as follows:
1. Notice of Burial is to be given to the Clerk to the Council, on forms provided for that purpose, at least two clear days before the intended burial, exclusive of Sunday – emergencies excepted.
2. The Certificate of the Death of the person to be buried, or the Coroner's Certificate (when an inquest has been held), must be delivered to the Clerk to the Council at such burial. The undertaker or other person having charge of any funeral is required to arrange with the officiating Minister, or authorised person, to be present to perform any religious service thereat.
3. All fees and charges are to be paid to the Clerk to the Council at the time the notice is given.
4. No burial shall take place before 10 o'clock in the forenoon, after 5.00 p.m. from Lady Day (25 March) to Michaelmas (29 September), or before 10 or after 4 from Michaelmas to Lady Day.
5. The time named for a funeral must be that of arrival at the Burial Ground.
6. No funeral will be allowed on Sunday, unless it be shown by the production of a Medical Certificate that the corpse cannot, for sanitary reasons, be kept until the following day.
7. No coffin shall be buried within one metre of the ordinary level of the ground.
8. All graves shall extend to the depth of at least two metres from the surface.
9. If, on re-opening any grave, the soil shall be found offensive such soil shall not be disturbed, and in no case shall human remains be removed from the grave.
10. All graves and cremation plots shall be excavated, opened, and re-filled by the workmen of the undertaker; all other work must be done by or at the expense of the person requiring the same, in accordance with the directions of the Council. No grave shall be excavated to a greater depth than two metres except by special permission of the Council.
11. No head stone shall be erected over a grave that has not been purchased.
12. On the transfer of the ownership of a grave or cremation plot (owing to death or otherwise), such transfer must be registered, and the deed produced for endorsement before the grave can be re-opened or the stone repaired, etc. A fee may be charged for registering the transfer and endorsing the deed.
13. The purchasers of graves or cremation plots shall not dispose of their rights without the consent of the Council, and every transfer shall be made by the Council at the expense of the applicant.
14. All graves are designated lawn. No kerbs, border stones, fencing, shrubs, chippings or any other obstructions are allowed on the surface of the grave except for a small area 500mm x 1000mm immediately in front of the main memorial which may be used for bedding plants or flower containers (glass containers are not permitted). On cremated plots, the entire surface must be kept clear with the exception of Easter time and Christmas time.
15. All grave stones, memorials, and inscriptions are to be subject to the approval of the Council, and a copy of every inscription pro-posed to be placed in the ground, and a drawing showing the form and dimensions of every headstone proposed to be erected must be left at the Office of the Clerk to the Council for approval, previous to erection; and the charges for such erection paid thereon upon the permission of the Council for the erection of the same being given, and before the work is commenced. The permitted size of headstones will normally not exceed 610mm width by 900mm high (above foundation). Applications for permission to erect headstones to be made to the Clerk to the Council.
16. Cremation plots to be 610mm x 610mm. All memorial stones will be flat stones, 610mm x 457mm, erected in a horizontal plane with the upper surface flush with the ordinary level of the ground.
17. Each stone must have engraved on it the number of the grave, at the expense of those who erect it.
18. Temporary wooden crosses will be permitted subject to them being removed from the Burial Ground following a period of 12 months, or at the discretion of the Council.
19. In all cases a minimum period of nine months will elapse before the surface of the grave space is finally levelled, turfed or seeded.
20. The erection of all headstones, when commenced, shall be proceeded with from day to day until completed, or the order of erecting thereof may become void. No hewing or dressing of stones shall be permitted in the Burial Ground, and no stone, trolley or vehicle shall be allowed to remain within the ground longer than reasonably necessary for loading or unloading. All damage done, including damage to turf, by any trolley, vehicle or other machinery entering the Burial Ground shall be made good at the cost of the person committing the same.
21. A deposit maybe required by the Clerk to the Council by all masons and others prior to the erection or preparation or admission into the Burial Ground of any work in which they may be engaged, which shall be repaid to them on clearing off all dirt or rubbish, and re-instating the turf damaged, or other injury done by them or their workmen, or on their default will be applied towards such purpose, so far as it will extend, they being held liable for any deficiency. Boards, cloths, mats, etc., to be used where necessary as an extra precaution, at the discretion of the Council.
22. All graves, must be made under the direction of the Council and all memorial stones must be subject to the Council's inspection. Main memorials shall be constructed of marble, granite, Portland stone or similar materials and shall be supplied and erected by a recognised firm of monumental masons who will be responsible for completing the necessary forms, drawings and payment of fees as required by the Council. No ornamentation in cement or any other composition, or any erection plastered on the surface with any composition, can be permitted.
23. All memorial stones must be of the best materials, and are to be kept in repair and proper order and condition by the owners, except a special agreement be made with the Council; and if not repaired and put in order and condition after due notice, may be removed by order of the Council. If no such owner or his or her representatives can be found to whom such notice can be given, then, after advertisement in a County newspaper, the right of such grave shall revert to the Council to be dealt with as they may deem fit.
24. All headstones shall be placed at least 300mm from the boundary of any grave spaces at head and foot, and 150mm from such boundary on each side, as to leave a passage way between the graves.
25. All memorial stones placed in the Burial Ground are at the risk of the owner of the same, and the Council will not be responsible for any damage to such stones occasioned by storm, wind, subsidence or any other cause.
26. Prior to any second or subsequent interment in a purchased plot the written consent of the owner or his representatives must be obtained, and left at the Office of the Clerk to the Council with the notice of burial.
27. All interments will proceed in order of numbered grave-spaces.
28. The owner of any purchased ground shall not be permitted to transfer the right of burial in the same way to any person, other than relations by blood or marriage, without the consent of the Council; and any person establishing a claim to a grave space by heirship or otherwise will be furnished, if required, with a certificate or proprietorship on application to the Clerk, and on payment of the fee chargeable for a grant.
29. All floral tributes left in the Burial Ground are to be of fresh flowers and/or foliage with the exception of poppy and Christmas wreaths placed at the appropriate time of the year.
30. The Burial Ground is open to the public. All visitors will be expected to keep on the designated paths, and invariably to refrain from touching the stones or flowers, to observe perfect decorum in all respects and not cause distress or nuisance to other members of the public lawfully using the Burial Ground. No dogs will be admitted into the ground whether on a leash or not.
31. Smoking is strictly prohibited within the precincts of the Burial Ground during the presence of any funeral.
32. A plan of the Burial Ground, showing the situation of each grave, with the Register of Burials, is kept at the Office of the Clerk to the Council, where searches may be made and certified extract obtained on payment of the stipulated fees.
33. When ground is selected by the Burial Authority, the interment will be made in accordance with the convenience of the general arrangements.
34. Every person who shall destroy or damage any wall, building or fence belonging to this Burial Ground, or destroy or damage any tree or plant therein, or shall daub or disfigure any wall thereof, or wilfully destroy, damage or deface any inscription or gravestone, or do any other wilful damage, play at any game or sport, or discharge fire-arms (save a military funeral) in this Burial Ground, or wilfully and unlawfully disturb any persons assembled therein for the purpose of burying any body therein, or commit any nuisance within the grounds, will be prosecuted according to law.
35. The Clerk has directions to have removed from the Burial Ground all persons infringing these Rules or otherwise misconducting themselves
36. The Regulations of the Ministry of Housing and Local Government and the Secretary of State, under the Burial Acts shall be considered incorporated herewith, except where they differ to the explicit requirements of the Council.
37. The Council reserve to themselves the right from time to time to time make any alterations in these Regulations which they may deem necessary or expedient.
Twyn-Yr-Odyn children’s play area – The Clerk reported that he had arranged a meeting with Vale Council , Parks Dept., to secure their assistance in relation to any necessary repairs to the swings seats and understructure of the table bench. (Minute 109/15(a) October 15, 133/15 (c) December 15, 10/16 (c), February 16 21/16 refer)
Resolved: Noted.
(a) Trees in Grange Av. – Letter from Operational Manager, Leisure Services, Vale Council, removal of trees on hold.
(b) PRoW22 – Final agreed diversion.
(c) HM the Queen’s 90th Birthday Beacons 21st. April 2016 – Equipment ordered.
(d) WG Statutory Instrument – Amendments re Standards Committee and Model Code of Conduct.
(e) WG Well Being & Future Generations Act 2015 – WG advice.
(f) Allotments – Mr Alun Davies communications regarding rabbits and skip.
(g) Boundary Commission for Wales 2018 – Review of Parliamentary Constituencies.
(h) Request for marquee at the Twyn – Applicant had made alternative arrangements.
(i) Wenvoe Wildlife Group – planting of wildflower areas.
(j) Trees in cemetery, letter from Mr AJ Oliver – Clerk seeking quotations for removal along with fir trees on Village Green.
(k) Community Centre use “Super Stars” – Easter, Whitsun and Summer holidays.
Resolved: All noted.
(a) Members
(i) Hedges near former Police Stations and Greenwood Quarry.(Cllrs Bird & Harmer)
Resolved: Clerk to pursue with Vale Council.
(ii) Future cemetery site, land availability (Cllr Bird)
(iii) Port Rd. Metro Improvements , bus lane to continue to Culverhouse cross. (Cllr Bird)
(iv) Traffic lights anticipated at Christmas time at St. Lythans (Cllr Bird).
Resolved: Noted.
(iv) Port Rd metro improvements bus stops design issues (Cllr Moody)
Resolved: Cllr Bird to pursue with Vale Council.