Covid Pass Scam Alert


The NHS COVID Pass was recently launched so people can show their COVID vaccine or test status, which might be needed to travel and gain entry to some events. Vaccine passes are completely free. You can download a digital version using the NHS app, or ask for a physical copy to be posted to you. Fraudsters have been sending out fake NHS branded emails, falsely inviting people to apply – and pay – for a pass. Don’t follow the links on these messages



Temporary Coronavirus Testing Site

Temporary coronavirus testing site is to open in Barry

A walk-in COVID-19 testing facility is to open in Barry town centre in response to rapidly rising case numbers in the Vale of Glamorgan.


For more information Click below to go to this Vale of Glamorgan website



Community Centre to Remain Closed

Community Centre to Remain Closed

Under Covid – 19

The community centre will not reopen on 20th July and remains closed.

FYI – February councils minutes will be discussed and confirmed in July’s meeting on Thursday

Claire Harlow

Clerk to the Council

Tel: 029 2059 1139

Office Hours: Tues, Weds & Thurs 9am-1pm



Footpath Closures Lifted

Footpath Closures Lifted

The Vale of Glamorgan Council previously closed Public Footpaths at Cosmeston Country Park, Porthkerry Country Park, Dunraven Bay, Ogmore-by-Sea and Atlantic College.

All of these closures, which were introduced as part of coronavirus measures, have now been lifted. No formal closures associated with coronavirus remain in place at this time.

When making use of public paths please exercise responsibly, stay local and follow public health advice.

Following the lockdown landowners have raised concerns about increased use of public rights of way on their property, increased numbers of dogs, and perceived risks of exposure to Covid-19 for residents and farm workers, particularly where family members are either vulnerable and/or self-isolating.

To help address this, the Welsh Government have published guidance: ‘Stay active, stay healthy, stay local’ and increased messaging around responsible recreation.

Landowners do not have the legal right to block or obstruct public rights of way or access land. However, in very limited circumstances where large numbers of people are using such routes or where residents are vulnerable or self-isolating, landowners may consider the following measures:

  • Temporarily displaying polite notices that encourage users to respect local residents and workers by following social distancing guidelines and consider using alternative routes that do not pass through gardens or farmyards*.
  • Offering an alternative route around gardens and farmyards only where it is safe to do so (you must gain permission from relevant landowners and make sure the route is safe for users and livestock) provided that the original right of way is maintained.


*This is a polite request only, and there is no power under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CROW) or the Highways Act 1980 for landowners to close or obstruct a public right of way or use of access land.

Key points to note under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 and the Highways Act 1980:

  • Under Section 137 the Highways Act 1980 and section 14 of CROW it is an offence to obstruct the free passage along a public right of way or Access Land.
  • It is an offence under Section 57 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 to display a notice that contains “any false or misleading statement likely to deter the public from using” a right of way.
  • It is also an offence under section 14 of CROW to display a sign which deters the public from exercising their right to use that access land.
  • It is an offence under Section 132 of the Highways Act 1980 to display on the surface of a public right of way or on any tree or structure within the public right of way any unauthorised sign or mark.
  • Land owners may be liable for personal injury under section 2 of the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 and Section 1 of the Occupiers’ Liability Act 1984 if they are reckless or intend to create a risk – for example by offering a dangerous alternative.


This means that:

  • If a land owner offers an alternative route, they must ensure that it is safe to use and that the existing right of way or use of access land is maintained so that users with differing abilities have a choice.
  • A notice must not imply that there is any doubt about the use of the existing right of way or use of access land.


These temporary measures must be lifted as soon as social distancing measures are relaxed.



Coronavirus – New Guidelines for Places of Worship

Coronavirus – New Guidelines for Places of Worship etc

Dear All,

I am writing this letter on Wednesday in Easter Week – the week that follows Easter Sunday and am acutely aware that anything that I write may well be out of date by the time “What’s On” goes to print. Before I say anything else can I just thank the editors for allowing me to make a very late change to my letter in last month’s magazine in order to incorporate the new guidelines that emerged when places of worship were closed by the government. Thank you also to our editors and all involved with “What’s On” and to all the contributors for keeping the magazine going which is such an important part of village life.

I think it is also important to thank the many other people who are keeping village life going. In particular I would like to thank Anwar and all involved at Premier Stores in Wenvoe for remaining open for us. There have also been many great random acts of goodness going on in our society both locally and nationally and thank you to all those who are doing so much for our neighbours and families and friends. As I stand on a Thursday evening and applaud the key workers I also hold in my prayers and my applause all those who are also contributing to help us all keep on keeping on. Thank you.

One thing this time has taught me is the importance of being with one another. As a church and as your parish priest I continue to be here for you. Even if I am unable to shake your hand or visit you in your home or meet up with you, I am still here for you. We have as a church tried to keep connected through our Facebook page or using the following QR Code

In order to remain worshipping and connected with one another there will be regular services live on our facebook page at the following days and times:

Wednesday 10.00am Daily Prayer

Sunday 10.30am Agape Service where we share bread and wine together

6.00pm Evening Prayer

However should you wish to contact me directly you can do so by email on or phone me on 02920595347.

Although the church is closed at the moment – as your Parish Priest I remain open to be here for you.

Take care, stay safe and let us all look forward to the end of this time of trial.


Jon Ormrod



Coronavirus Notices

Miscellany of Coronavirus Notices

Tuesday Group – Please note that all sessions are cancelled for the rest of the session including the trip to Fonmon

Wildlife Group – The Great British Spring Clean has been postponed
until 11th September

Women’s Institute – all planned events have been cancelled until further notice

The Valeways Walking Organisation has cancelled their walking programme for March and April

Environment Group – Gardeners’ Question Time has been cancelled


Also Click on the links below


 What’s on subscription postponed

 Shopping offer scam

 Library closed until further notice 

 Local suppliers who deliver



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