The New School Year



We start the new school year by reflecting on the achievements of pupils, their families and staff over the last year. School year 2016-17 was a busy year for Gwenfô! The Nursery, Reception indoor classroom and Year 1 classroom were completed and pupils have enjoyed using their bright new learning spaces. Two new Nursery classes now complement the learning in the rest of the school. Working alongside Wenvoe playgroup we have been able to offer wraparound care to our youngest pupils and their families ensuring a great start to their schooling.

Learning activities were planned by a dedicated team of teaching and support staff enabling all pupils to learn in a style that suits them, while being challenged to do of their very best. Pupils benefitted by visiting local attractions such as Barry Island, Cosmeston Lakes, the Sherman Theatre, Cardiff Airport and Western Leisure centre. Years 4,5 and 6 all experienced a residential overnight trip and all pupils made good use of the village facilities regularly visiting St Mary’s Church, working alongside Wenvoe wildlife group and visiting the library.

At Gwenfô we aim to prepare children for life outside the school gates both academically and socially. We pride ourselves on our strong Christian family ethos and were thrilled when we had our Section 50 (Church) inspection in July, to receive the very highest grading ‘Excellent’. Currently the school is graded as excellent with prospects to improve as excellent also. We were also visited by Estyn the Welsh Government inspection team and at the time of writing the report has not yet been made public so we cannot share their judgements at yet. If you would like a copy of either report please pop into the school office or email and we can make them available to you.

Thank you to everyone who supported us last year, our volunteer team helped children with their reading, planted the outside spaces and supported us in so many ways. We would love members of our community to be involved in the life of the school so please, if you think you could help us in any way please pop in and have a chat. Watch out for community events over the year, we’d love for you to be involved.

Looking forward to the new academic year we are excited to welcome many new families to the school, have planned lots of great learning experiences and look forward to learning and growing together in a Christian way.

Nicola Starke

Acting Head Teacher




Gwenfo Primary School

We can’t believe that it is nearly half term… and how quickly the time is going! We have had a very busy first half summer term :

Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their swimming sessions and all did very well indeed. Years 1, 3 and 5 have all led worship on a Friday morning; it is always such a special time for the children when their family members are invited to join us for their assemblies.

As part of Year 1 and 2’s Mini Zoo topic, 2 shepherds visited school, with their sheep! A wonderful time was had by all – and the children unanimously decided to adopt a sheep! It won’t be living in school (you will be glad to hear!) but nevertheless, close links will be established!

We were very proud of our netball teams for playing so well in the recent Irene Butcher netball tournament. A massive thank you must go to Mrs Plevey for the time she freely gives to coach netball and organise matches.

Years 2 to 6 have recently sat the national numeracy and literacy tests; we are extremely proud of the sensible and calm way in which they all approached the tests.

We enjoyed a wonderful assembly, led by our visitor, Steve Harris, in which the children were treated to a little magic as well. It is always fascinating to watch!

Before we know it, we will be back for the last half term, which promises to be busy, action packed and fun!