Autumn Term Report


The Wenvoe Playgroup

We hope that everyone has had a peaceful Christmas and would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year.


jan-3-playsch-202Everyone at Playgroup would like to say thank you to Bellway for visiting us in the Autumn Term and for their kind donation. The monies donated allowed us to purchase a banner for the front of the hall, advertising our new opening times. A new sink and cooker for the children’s role play area was also purchased, so thank you Bellway.

Can we also take this opportunity to thank Gwenfo School for inviting us to the Foundation Phase Christmas Concert (dress rehearsal). We had a lovely time and were thrilled to see some of our past and present playgroup children together once more. Our little ones sat so beautifully throughout the performance, they were amazing. We would also like to say thank you for always making our staff and children feel welcome and part of the school.


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Moving forward in 2017

Our ‘wrap around service’ is proving very popular with parents/families and we would recommend that if you are thinking of using the wrap around care in the Spring or Summer term that you contact us a.s.a.p.

Also, if you have a child who is aged 2 years and 4 months between now and May then please get in touch. We have waiting lists for some days and may

have to employ additional staff if demand is high.




You can contact us on 02920597494 9am to 1pm Monday to Friday, email us at wenvoeplay or contact us via our website


Thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas Concert. The Children did us proud




Christmas Preparations


As we write this we are busy creating our Christmas crafts and practising our songs in time for Christmas.

Our concert this year is on Friday 16th December at 11am here at the playgroup.playgroup03

Our news. Most recently we benefited from a grant from the ‘Big Lottery’ to help with costs towards advertising and new equipment for the children. We would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to the ‘Big Lottery’ for the support shown to the group.

Here at the playgroup we support children’s care from the age of 2 years and 4 months to 4 years and 11 months. We do this by offering various hours each morning and by working closely with the local nursery provision at school to provided extended care.

playgroup02For further information on how we can help, please phone 029 20597494 Mon – Fri 8:30 – 12:30pm, contact us via email wenvoeplaygroup or why not take a look at our website

We would like to thank everyone in the community who has supported Playgroup over the past year and thank those who continue to support the playgroup by volunteering their time to ensure it runs smoothly.



 to you all 



Playgroup News

For all parents wishing to enrol their children from September 2016, a ‘drop in’ session will be held from 3:30pm on Thursday 30th June.

We have amended our registration to register children from the age of 2 years and 4 months into the setting. For those who will be attending Gwenfo Nursery in September, we can offer extended care either by: walking the children from Playgroup at 12:55 for their afternoon session at Nursery – 5 days per week – Monday to Friday collecting children at 11:20am from Nursery and across into playgroup until 3:15pm on a Monday and Thursday only at this time.

We will send more details of further planned open mornings to be held in September via July and August What’s On.

In the meantime you can keep up to date with all the changes on our website: or for more information email wenvoeplaygroup

Visit to Caerphilly Castle

As  promised in last months What’s On, here are some photographs of our visit to Caerphilly Castle. Thank you Emma at Wheadons Coach Travel, for arranging our transport for the day. The children were so excited to be boarding the coach, regardless of our destination. The Castles’ dragon was there to meet us on entry and created a fun photo shoot. An enjoyable time was had by all. The next morning at playgroup, the children produced some lovely creative models of castles using recyclable materials and enjoyed viewing photographs of the day, shared by one of our children. During March, we also visited the library to return our books and say farewell to Mrs Lucas. The children thanked Mrs Lucas for allowing us to visit the library over the years by presenting her with a beautiful bouquet of flowers (purchased from the Secret Garden in Cardiff Market).

1459572001The Parents, Committee, Staff and Children would like to send their fondest wishes to Mrs Lucas and thank her for the support she has shown to the Playgroup over the years.

We are busy at this time practising songs to sing at our Easter Fayre and look forward to sharing our photographs and news in next months What’s On. The Playgroup is now fully booked until the Autumn Term. Please contact us should you wish to enquire about our future services as Gwenfo School prepare for their Nursery Unit. We are working closely with the School, to support families who require longer hours of care. We hope to offer care for children aged 2 years and 4 months from September and will share more information in our next article. We will be holding an open session from 3:30pm on Thursday 30th June, to register those on our waiting lists and for families to view the facilities and the care we can offer moving forward. Please register your interest by calling 029 2059 7494 during playgroup hours or email .

You can keep up to date with our changes by visiting our website