A Cruise On The Famous Yacht Eclipse 2


June Meeting of Wenvoe W.I.

Wenvoe WI meet on 4th July for the final session before the Summer recess.

The Speaker was Viv Turan who gave a thoroughly entertaining talk about her cruise on the famous Yacht Eclipse 2 from Portugal across the Atlantic to the USA. Also several members had brought some of their own ‘antiques’ ranging from an early Art Deco vase, two plates dating c 1930’s, a Folkestone button hook, a cameo brooch, an early gas lamp glass and a piece of an 1890’s doll’s tea set, as well as a few other artefacts. Viv, an antique collector and expert, examined them and then explained the value of each piece, with members describing their history and background.

Our next formal meeting with be in the Church Hall at 7pm on Thursday 5th Sept, when Lynn Hull will speak about the work of the charity Ty Hafan. Prior to that Wenvoe WI is holding an informal coffee morning in the Church Hall on Friday 2nd Aug at 10,30am.

All ‘tasters’ and prospective members are always welcome.

Jan Young (President)


Talk by Dr Natalie Hepburn


June Meeting of Wenvoe W.I.

Wenvoe WI met last Thursday and enjoyed a talk given by Dr Natalie Hepburn, who is a local shepherdess. Natalie keeps and rears several animals including Llamas, sheep and goats in her small holdings near Creigiau. Also, her extensive knowledge of chemistry has enabled her to produce all manner of soaps and skin balms, as well as fleeces and rugs from her animals. Recently, she visited Brazil where she studied different methods of producing similar biproducts. During her talk Natalie demonstrated her basic method of soap production, and afterwards members were able to purchase her products.

Our next meeting is on Thursday 4th July at 7.00pm in the Church Hall, when Viv Turan (a local expert in antiques) will evaluate and assess any pieces members possess which they deem as being an antique.

Tasters and potential new members are welcome.

Jan Young (President)


May Meeting of Wenvoe W.I.


May Meeting of Wenvoe W.I.

Wenvoe WI met on the first Thursday of May in their venue in the Church Hall. This meeting was the annual AGM, led by Mrs Claire Atherton , one of the WI Advisors. The meeting consisted of reports of the year’s activities by the Secretary, Treasurer and President. The new committee of eight members had already been confirmed, and Mrs Jan Young was duly unanimously elected as President for the forthcoming year. Mrs Deidre Smee and Mrs Carol Charlson were appointed to the positions of Secretary and Treasurer, respectively.

Mrs Atherton addressed the members to encourage and exhort them, and expressed her delight at their sustained growth, friendship and enthusiasm , despite setbacks during the last year. The meeting concluded with the usual fayre of homemade cakes and a welcome cuppa.

The next meeting is on Thursday 6th June in the Church Hall at 7pm, when Dr Natalie Hepburn – a local shepherdess – will describe her work and her recent visit to Brazil, as well as give a demonstration of some of the manufacture of some of her by – products .

Also, Wenvoe WI intends to hold a LINK Coffee morning on 14th June at 10.30am in the Church hall, in aid of TY Hafan.

‘Tasters’ and new members are always most welcome.

Jan Young ( President).


April Meeting of Wenvoe W.I.


April Meeting of Wenvoe W.I.

The members of Wenvoe WI met on 4th April in the Church Hall at 7pm.

On this occasion, the meeting was ‘a hands on’ session with each member creating their own table decoration, using fresh flowers and foliage, under the able direction of Mrs Carol Charlson, who demonstrated the basic procedure initially. Soon the air was fragrant and redolent, as everyone set to, and enjoyed creating their own ‘masterpiece’ amid much chatter and laughter.

Also members voted unanimously in support of the resolution to be forwarded to the National Federation of Women’s Institute to lobby the Government to increase investment in the training and retention of Dentists in order to redress the current inadequacy of the NHS, to ensure that everyone can access an NHS Dentist in their area.

This was followed by the nomination and selection of members to form the Committee for the next full year of Wenvoe WI . As a result, the new Committee will consist of eight members.

Our next Meeting will be held on Thursday 2nd May at 7pm which will be the AGM.

New members and ‘tasters’ are ensured of a warm welcome.


Janet Young (President)


Spring Has Arrived


March Meeting of Wenvoe W.I.

Spring has arrived and daffodils we planted in the Church grounds continue to bloom in the shape of WI.

The members of Wenvoe WI met on 7th March and our speaker on this occasion was Mrs Gillian Mc’Cabe, a local physiotherapist. Mrs Mc’Cabe holds a clinic in what was the old police station in St Nicholas, where she specialises in dealing with ‘women’s problems’. Mrs Mc’Cabe outlined typical difficulties experienced in a variety of areas in our anatomy and taught us how to cope with and control many of these via simple exercises.

Wenvoe WI intend to hold a Spring coffee morning in the Church Hall on 18th April at 10.30am in aid of our charity for this year – Ty Hafan.

Our next WI meeting will be held on Thursday 4th April at 7.00pm in the Church Hall, when our speaker will be Debra John. Debra (in costume) will tell the story of a Lady who finds herself thrown in the Debtor’s Prison, Swansea, in the nineteenth century.

A warm welcome is ensured for all potential members and ‘tasters’.

Jan Young (President)


British Intelligence and the Ukraine War


February Meeting of Wenvoe W.I.

The recent meeting of Wenvoe WI was interesting and topical, in that our speaker was Mr Peter Cox ( formerly from GCHQ, Cheltenham). Mr Cox’s subject was ‘British Intelligence and the Ukraine War’. Apart from itemising military requirements for efficient intelligence gathering and supplying in modern day combat in the theatre of war, Mr Cox provided us with two videos of the vulnerability of certain items of Russian warfare and how these could be ‘taken out’. Perhaps the most interesting of all, was a transcript of a mobile phone conversation between a Russian conscript and his wife, highlighting the conditions in which these soldiers serve their country.

Our next meeting will be held on Thursday 7thMarch in the Church Hall at 7pm, when our speaker will be Mrs Gillian McCabe, a local physiotherapist. New members and ‘tasters’ are always welcome.

Jan Young ( President)


January Meeting of Wenvoe W.I.


January Meeting of Wenvoe W.I.

After three very successful meetings in December prior to Christmas, Wenvoe WI met on 4th January in the Church Hall. It was lovely to see everyone arriving looking well, despite the wet weather and the annual round of coughs and colds.

We held our usual January ‘Bring and Buy’ sale of unwanted Christmas presents and discarded household bits and pieces. This year I was astonished at the sheer variety of wares on sale – from new slippers, kitchen utensils, calendars, room diffusers to a new warm, cosy blanket. Altogether, we raised over £80, some of which will eventually be donated to our charity for 2024, Ty Hafan.

After the usual business, we had our cuppa and chocolate biscuits. This was followed by a Dingbats quiz.

Our next meeting will be held in the Church Hall at 7.00pm on 1st February, when we have a guest speaker – Mr Peter Cox (formerly of GCHQ at Cheltenham). Mr Cox will speak on ‘British Intelligence and the Ukraine War’.

New lady members and tasters are always most welcome.

Wenvoe WI wishes all readers a happy and prosperous New Year.

Jan Young (President)


October Meeting of Wenvoe W.I.


October Meeting of Wenvoe W.I.

Wenvoe WI met on 5th Oct in the local Church Hall where the members enjoyed a Fish and Chip supper, courtesy of the ‘Fryery’ Fish and Chip shop on Cowbridge Rd , Ely, Cardiff. Individual members’ meals were boxed , and delivered steaming hot, and were delicious. This was followed by a General Knowledge Quiz.

The following afternoon, amid lovely Autumn sunshine, our erstwhile members gathered in the Grounds of St Mary’s Church, where, under the able supervision of Mr Mike Tucker , the Church Sexton, 100 tete a tete bulbs were planted as part of the WI celebrations for the centenary of the Glamorgan Federation of WIs. The bulbs were planted in the shape of the letters WI, and immediately in front of the bench Wenvoe WI had donated to the church several years ago.

Our celebrations will be completed later in the year in December, by a Link Carol service at St Mary’s. Wenvoe WI meets on the first Thursday of each month in the Church Hall at 7pm. November’s meeting will be a demonstration of Christmas Craft by Andrea , from ‘The Daisy Chain’ in Sully, to be held on 2nd November.
New members and ‘tasters’ are always very welcome.

Jan Young ( President)




Wenvoe WI completed their year’s monthly meetings tonight in style, with a cream tea. The Speaker was Mrs Vivian Turan from St Nicholas, an antiques enthusiast. Mrs Turan brought along a dozen antiques of various kinds, from china cups to a mundane picture hook, as well as two boxed Dinkie toys and a Royal Doulton figurine. Our members’ tasks were to asses them, date them and price each article, while Mrs Turan regaled us with tales surrounding each item.

Although tonight’s meeting is the final meeting of the WI year, we have decided to hold two informal meetings through the Summer so members can stay in touch. The first is a members lunch in the Walston Castle on 18th July. The second meeting is an open Coffee morning in the Church Hall at 10 am on 15th August to which any ‘tasters’ / prospective members are welcome.

This year marks the centenary of the Glamorgan Federation of Women’s Institutes, and on 4th July, Wenvoe WI held a Garden Party at the home of a member, Mrs Judy Marsh, as phase one of our commemorating that event. Phase two will comprise members planting 100 daffodil bulbs in the grounds of Wenvoe Church in late September.

Wenvoe WI meets regularly at 7.00pm in the Church Hall on the first Thursday of each month, beginning a new year on 7th September, when we shall be holding ‘Floral Evening’, courtesy of ‘Daisy Chain’ from Sully.

New members and ‘tasters’ are always most welcome.

Jan Young (President)





Wenvoe WI met on June 1st, as usual in the local Church Hall .
Our speaker was Mr Terry Ewington from Coastal Watch. Mr Ewington delivered a lively, informative talk about the role of Nells’ Point Coastal Watch station in Barry, describing in detail the history of the station against the background of the role of Coastal Watch UK. The station at Nell’s Point provides a vital service in maintaining coastal safety, given that the Bristol Channel experiences the second highest tidal rise in the world.
Our next and last formal meeting before the Summer break in August, will be held in the Church hall at 7pm on 6th July, when Mrs Viv Turan , an experienced globetrotter, will entertain and regale us with one of her adventures. On that occasion we shall enjoy a Cream tea together, to round off the year.
We have a busy programme to conclude the Summer : an afternoon tea at the Beech tree on 16th June, a Garden Party to celebrate the centenary of the Glamorgan Federation of WIs on 4th July, as well as a lunch at the Walston Castle and a coffee morning in the Hub (dates to be decided).
New members are always most welcome at our events .

Jan Young ( President)



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