Category: Village Hall
‘Dansette’ Will Be Returning
Save the date, Friday 19th May 6063
Due to the success of our 100 years celebration ‘Dansette’ will be returning to the hall for a night of music and entertainment.
Tickets will be available from all Committee mem-bers, Playgroup and by phoning Lisa on 07904 869001
Due to the last event selling out fast, please phone Lisa to secure your interest and to arrange tickets.
Don’t miss what’s sure to be a great night. See you there.
Should you wish to hire the hall for your special event or party, please contact our email
Wenvoe Village Hall Christmas Raffle
The Village Hall Management Committee would like to thank everyone who kindly donated prizes to this raffle and to the people who support us by buying and selling of the tickets. All money raised through the raffle contributes to the on-going insurance, maintenance and daily running costs of the Hall which is primarily for the use of the villagers. We thank you all and wish you Good Health and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Come Along to the Festive Party
Come along and get into the festive party spirit. Bring your friends and family or perhaps arrange a get together with friends to celebrate. Whatever the reason, we’ll look forward to seeing you. Please bring your own nibbles. Over 18s only, due to licensed bar.
The Village Hall Management Committee would like to wish everyone ‘A very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year’.
100th Year Celebration
Village Hall News
We would very much like to say a great big THANK YOU to Johnny Tudor for donating his time in hosting and performing at our 100th Year Celebration last month. Feed back from the evening was very positive. Some quotes from the evening “Best night ever” “Need to do this again” “Can’t wait for the next one”. A great night was had by all. Thanks John.
Thanks must go to Ritchie aka Michael Buble for donating his time to perform and to Russell for volunteering on the busy bar. Thank you all.
We will be holding our Christmas draw on Tuesday 13th December at 7pm. Tickets are available from Committee members and from the village shop. Tickets are £1 each and all proceeds will go to the hall.
If anyone would like to donate a raffle prize then please email us on and we can arrange to collect from you.
Its thanks to everyone in the community who support our hall, through hiring or fundraising that we can offer such a wonderful facility at the heart of our village
Village Hall News
Village Hall News
We are very much looking forward to seeing everyone to celebrate 100 years of our Village Hall. Over 18s only, as we have a licensed bar.
You are welcome to bring your own snacks, however, please do not bring your own alcohol as it will be in breach of our licence. Carrier bags may be checked on entry. Thank you.
Many tickets to this event sold in August and they are selling fast. It’s sure to be a great night. See you there.
We were hoping that the Children’s Halloween Fancy Dress disco would have returned this year. We are sorry to say, as Halloween is in school half term and many of our volunteers are away, we are unable to offer this.
We are holding our Christmas Draw in December, so please keep a watchful eye out for draw tickets (available from Committee Members) in November.
We rely on support from all of our residents in the village to keep the hall up and running. If you are unable to support by attending an event or purchasing raffle tickets, as a Registered Charity we can take donations anytime of the year.
The hall relies on hirers rents, fundraising and kind donations for its up-keep. Without the support of a Voluntary Management Committee the land the hall stands on would be handed back to the landowner and demolished.
I have personally volunteered for 28 years and I know there have been many residents over the past 100 years who have fought to keep the hall alive with fundraising efforts, not to mention finding the funds to have it rebuilt in 1974 and for the continual roof repairs from 1996 to date.
A big thank you to all past and present residents for doing such a great job in supporting efforts to keep the Village Hall going for 100 years. Well done and THANK YOU ALL .
100 Year Anniversary Celebration
Village Hall 100 Year Anniversary Celebration
Would like you to save the date of 7th October 2022 from 7pm. We plan to hold a night of music and dance to celebrate our 100 year anniversary that arrived in lockdown.
We have booked live music, have the support of a local well known entertainer and plan to add to the event as we move forward into the Autumn. Watch out for the posters coming soon and ticket sales during September.
For those of you who are new to the Village, here is a little history;
The land that the village hall stands on, was given to the residents for a peppercorn rent, by the Estate of Wenvoe back in 1921 (that’s the date on our lease). The purpose of this, was for the residents to build a hall in which they could hold their weekly dances.
Since 1921, the hall has been used for dancing, talent shows, village events, wedding parties, Judo and school dinners (before part of the new school was built in 1970 with its canteen).
The original hall had a wooden sprung floor, with a stage and kitchen facilities to the back of the stage (I can see it now). It was referred to as ‘The Old Tin Shack’.
In 1974, the hall was rebuilt by the residents on a very tight budget with the lease extended. This is how you see the hall today.
The hall is the home of the Playgroup, with many dance and badminton classes being held each week. Children’s parties and family celebrations are also held at the hall and we rely on the rents from all these hirers to pay for its up-keep.
The hall has been supported over its 100 years (101 this year), by many a voluntary Management Committee as a Registered Charity. The Management Committee support the up-keep of the hall at regular monthly meetings. Obviously, the Management Committee change over the years and we have no one on the hall committee today who is celebrating their 101st birthday ha ha!
Should you wish to join the Management Committee to support this wonderful venue, then please join us at our AGM on Tuesday 12th July from 7pm at the hall. Without a committee to adhere to the landlord’s lease, the land, which the hall stands on, will be given back to the landowner and who knows what will be built on it? A block of flats, a couple of houses? Your guess is as good as ours.
One last thing; If anyone has a singing talent and would like to support us on the night of 7th October, then please get in touch with us via our email
Hopefully see you all soon at our AGM.
Back Up And Running
Hall Now Back Up And Running
The hall is now back up and running, with many classes returning along with children’s parties and adult events. It is lovely to see everyone living life a little more ‘normal’ with the added masks and sanitisers still in place for some.
During the COVID period we noticed a high rate of vandalism in and around the hall. Our booking secretary highlighted this by writing an article in the What’s On. The owner of Concept Fire & Security read of our troubles via the What’s On and offered to help, by installing CCTV free of charge. We would like to show our appreciation to our resident Steve whose company Concept Fire & Safety Solutions Ltd saved us thousands of pounds to protect our hall. Your member of staff pictured, was very knowledgeable, helpful and efficient. Thank you so much for your generosity from everyone at the hall. Should anyone need security or fire support, we would highly recommend: Concept Fire & Security Solutions Ltd, for a most professional, efficient service Telephone: 0800 458 2757. Thank you again Steve and staff.
During the pandemic and with classes closed, we took a financial hit. Although supported with a grant from the Vale, it is the residents and the regular classes who keep the hall alive. Without the fantastic Management Committee and roles that people take in the community, the hall would be handed back to the Landlords and maybe a block of flats or a couple of houses would be built in its place! That would mean no more Playgroup, Dancing, Badminton, Wheelers, parties etc.
The Village Hall is situated on land owned by the Wenvoe Estate, to whom we pay a ‘peppercorn rent’. This came about in 1918 after World War I had ended, as a gesture of goodwill to those who lost loved ones. The estate allowed the residents to build a hall for their community events with the condition that they take care of its upkeep and manage its costs. The hall as you see it today was rebuilt in 1974 with the Landlords extending the lease. A group of 12 residents adhere to the constitution written by the Landowners and keep the Village Hall operating as a Charitable Management Committee.
All rents paid by hirers pay for the up-keep of the hall along with any fundraising and donations. It’s thanks to the community that we are still able to keep the hall today. If you are interested in helping on the Management Committee then please contact us at We have many new residents in the village who we hope will think of continuing the good work that people started over 100 years ago.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from us all at the hall.
V.E. Day Celebrations
VE Day 75 will be an international celebration of peace – a time to remember, reflect and pay tribute to the millions who played such a vital part in achieving it. This includes the Armed Forces personnel from many countries who gave their lives or were physically and mentally injured; the hard-working women and men who kept the factories, mines, shipyards and farms operating throughout the years of turmoil; the ARP wardens, police officers, doctors, nurses, firemen, local defence volunteers and many others who safeguarded the home front.
SSAFA the Armed Forces Charity – which has been supporting service personnel, veterans and their families since 1885 – is the charity partner for this series of VE Day 75 commemorative events.
Sir Andrew Gregory, chief executive of SSAFA, said “It is our duty to keep the events of the past alive in collective memory, including future generations – this is how we ensure that such a conflict never happens again. It is our hope that the nation takes a moment to reflect on the significance of this date, as a milestone that changed the course of history for the whole world.”
The planned national activities organised for the weekend and other ideas can be found by looking at the official website dedicated to this event:
Village Hall Raffle Results
The Village Hall Management Committee would like to thank everyone who kindly donated prizes to this raffle and to the people who support us by the buying and selling of the tickets. All money raised through the raffle contributes to the on-going insurance, maintenance and daily running costs of the Hall which is primarily for the use of the villagers.
We thank you all and wish you Good Health and a Happy and Prosperous New Year