Llandow Air Disaster 12 March 1950



In the years after WWII there was a surge in demand for air travel. This was largely met with aircraft that had been sold off as surplus to requirements.

People began to realise that travel by aeroplane was something available to everyone, not just the rich.

A Cardiff entrepreneur chartered an aeroplane to fly from Landow airfield to Dublin for £10. Llandow was not a commercial airfield, though still operating for military use.

The Welsh team was on the brink of its first Triple Crown for nearly 20 years. Victories over England and Scotland set up a deciding match with Ireland. Thousands of supporters made the trip

The Saturday flight to Dublin on Saturday 11th was uneventful.  Wales won 6-3. Great! The boys celebrated until late.

Friends and families waiting to welcome fans home spotted the aircraft in the west. As the aircraft approached it seemed to be flying too low. Then with its undercarriage down the engines suddenly boosted causing the aircraft to stall and drop to the ground. 80 died with 3 survivors.

After a court of enquiry the Ministry of Civil Aviation announced that the probable cause of the accident was the luggage loading of the aircraft, which had moved the centre of gravity.

Whether or not luggage contributed to the crash, the weighing of luggage to this day stems from the crash. Rhoose Airport was created later, with a memorial stone in Sigginstone.

The death of the last survivor of 3 was reported in WalesOnline, May 2011.


(A memorial plaque is erected in Siginstone on the road side near Park Farm, the site of the crash.)



August Planning Updates


The following applications have been approved

 5, Larchwood, minor alterations to the external windows and doors, including insertion of rooflights to the existing Garden Room at the rear of the dwelling

 9, Tarrws Close, First floor extension over existing kitchen

 Ty Pica Farm, Station Road East, Storage barn for hay and haylage.

 Port Road Wood, near the Barry Link Road junction. Work to trees

 Land South of Wenvoe and East of Port Road, Variation of Condition 1 of permission 2011/00341/FUL to allow a further period of two years for the implementation of the access and internal site works. This is the site of proposed allotments.

 Brooklands Retail Park, Brooklands Terrace, Reduce 3 Poplars and remove a single Poplar from TPO no. 10 2005

 Mary Immaculate High School, Caerau Lane, Erection of temporary classrooms on existing car park. Extension to existing car park to accommodate 42 extra parking spacesl


There are indications of another leak in the water line to the allotments. The pipe runs from near the Horse & Jockey under the playing field to the allotment ground. Due to the number of repairs to the present pipe the cost of replacing the whole length will be investigated.

There was no police representative at the recent council meeting. A list of the last month’s eight recorded crimes was given.

There are a couple of allotment pitches available, please contact the clerk for details if you are interested in growing your own produce.

The September storms appeared to have caused minimal local damage, the few broken branches in Grange Park have been reported to the Vale Council.

Reports on progress of the improvements to 5 Mile Lane and a public meeting in Pendoylan on possible road improvements to junction 34 were given by the Vale Councillor.

The results of local road surveys were still awaited. Road surveys are not conducted during school or bank holidays to avoid inaccurate results.




August Planning Applications

 Wenvoe Community Centre, Proposed extension to existing community centre to provide new library and toilet facilities, and demolition of existing library and outbuilding. There are two applications one for the construction and the other for the demolition in the conservation area.

 9, Tarrws Close, Roof terrace and access stair from within property. There was no objection subject to the provision of screening to protect the privacy of adjacent neighbour.

 The Rectory, Port Road, Development of 12 dwellings and associated infrastructure at Land at The Rectory. This is a new application by Redrow which is basically the same as the previous application which has been granted planning permission. Changes include the design of some of the houses and garages and includes changes to the northern boundary. The council submitted the same comment on privacy issues as previously as nothing had changed in relation to this matter.

 The Walled Garden, Port Road Single storey bedroom and en-suite extension. No objection

 Oak Tree Farm/Oak Tree House, Morfa Lane, Use of the dwelling without complying with an agricultural occupancy condition attached to the original planning permission. This is a legal matter.

 Wrinstone Farm, Station Road East Manege for personal use on existing farmland. No objection

 Greenmeadow, Port Road, Extension and refurbishment of Greenmeadow, including raising ridge level and providing new access to property. No objection subject to any highway concerns.



September Round Up



Following our annual break for the month of August,Leisure Group restarted on 6 th September when we played Bingo.

On the 13th Sept we were entertained by Dr Neville Evans, whose topic was "The street where I lived".He started his talk by saying it was from his boyhood up to the age of 13, and defined it by " Experience".

He was brought up in FforestFach, Swansea, on the road to Carmarthen.One of his interests was going to the Welfare hall, every Sunday, to watch his favourite cowboy and Indian films He then played the song "Home on the range" and we all joined in .

When he was a boy, he had always dreamt of driving a lorry, so when he was grown up, for one of his birthdays, his wife contacted John Raymond's, at Bridgend and arranged for him to have a ride down the A48 in one of their largest lorries and allowed him to have a go on their own private land .Dr Evans then played "I had a dream".He had realised his dream.

His first school was only across the road from where he lived .He always wanted to be an angel ,so when they we introduced to school rules,they were told that they should do a number 2 before attending school,but were allowed a number 1 halfway through morning lessons. As a small child he couldn't understand this as he was already on number 7.

He told us he liked the headmistress, but he thought Mrs Jones was the ugliest teacher he had ever seen.What little ones think!!

Our Deputy Chairlady Shirley thanked Dr Evans.for giving us an afternoon full of laughter.



October Notes


On Monday 2nd October we have arranged for Tempest Photography to visit the Playgroup from 3.30pm until 5pm. If anyone is interested in photographs them please come along. You don’t have to be a member at the Playgroup, this is open to all.

The photographer may take your choice of photo to include individual, children and family photos. Photos can be purchased on USB to perhaps create your Christmas Cards or in a choice of variety packs which may be useful for Christmas presents.

It’s up to you. If you would like further information please give Playgroup a call on 029 20597494 between 9:30am and 12:30pm or attend from 3:30pm on Monday 2nd October.

Wenvoe Playgroup operate from the Village Hall Monday to Friday from 9am until 12:45pm during term time. We care for children from the age of 2 years and 4 months to 4 years and 11months.

Costs are 9am until 11:45am £13 per day and 9am – 12:45pm £16 per day.

We can support families with children attending Gwenfo Nursery afternoon sessions, by offering wrap around care Monday to Friday. This allows families to leave children in our care from 9am and collect their children from Gwenfo Nursery at 3.30pm. The cost for this is £16 per day.

We also collect children Monday to Friday from Gwenfo Nursery at 11.20am and walk the children across to the Playgroup until 12:45pm. The cost of care is £8 per day.

On Wednesdays only, we may care for children from 11:20am until 3:15pm for £16

If you would like more information then please read our Statement of Purpose and Admissions Policy on our website wenvoeplaygroup.co.uk or call us on 029 20597494

We have limited space at this time and for children wishing to start in the New Year we have a waiting list.




Dewberrys Discovered


A stroll along the new cycleway and footpath on Port Road between Wenvoe and the Alps roundabout revealed some interesting plants lurking at the base of the hedgerow. Most surprising because it has not been recorded yet in the parish is Dewberry. Similar to the Blackberry but with some clear distinguishing features. The berries have a bluish waxy bloom to them and there are far fewer segments per fruit, a bit like a raspberry in this respect. The leaves are closer together than is the case with brambles and they tend to creep along the ground rather than throw up long prickly stems. They are known on Gower as 'monkey grabbers' as their low creeping habit means they are easier to miss until they have snared you around the ankles. On Gower and other dune systems you will often see people gathering the berries which some adore but others find bland and insipid. In Wiltshire it is known as the Token Blackberry. The leaves can also be used to make a tea




Christmas Cards


We are making the final selection of images for the Christmas Cards to sell this year! We’re grateful to Roy Carr for his offer to supply the pictures from his extensive collection. The cards should be on sale in mid-October in packs of ten and priced at about £3.50; there will be at least two different pictures available. Once the cards are printed the pictures will be on our Facebook page and on sale in the library during our normal opening hours.

Brenig Davies of Clos Llanfair has joined us as a new Director of the not-for-profit company set up to run the library and we welcome him to the team.

Our volunteer group is expanding slowly but any new volunteers are always welcome; we are also keen to offer the opportunity to 16 – 18 year olds doing Welsh Baccalaureate to come and volunteer. In addition any accountants in the village who could help with the annual accounts would be welcome to give the benefit of their skills.

We have started the Digital Drop-Ins for helping with lap-tops, tablets, and smartphones. You need to book these at least a week in advance for one of the two slots each Wednesday morning. The genealogy sessions on a Tuesday continue.

As the autumnal clear-up of your gardens approach can we remind you that we sell the whole range of recycling bags including green bags at the same price as going to The Alps.

New Book arrivals September 2017

Half Yard Vintage – Debbie Shore

Mothering Sunday – Rosie Goodwin

The Bertie Project – Alexander McCall Smith

A View across the Mersey – Anne Baker

A Climate of Fear – Fred Vorges

The Fire Child – S K Tremayne

The Button Box –Dilly Cout

The Obsession – Nora Roberts

Don’t Tell – Karen Rose

In Pursuit of Memory – Joseph Jebelli

The Fear of Thirteen – Nick Yarris

Inferno – Julian Stockwin

Plenty of September reading ahead!



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