Wenvoe Statistics
Some interesting facts: Wenvoe Residents
From time-to-time the Vale of Glamorgan (like all local authorities and governments) will collect information to inform planning decisions on schools, roads, housing, business and other strategic developments. The information used here is taken from the most recent UK National Survey (published mid-year 2015) and the Vale of Glamorgan Public Opinion Survey undertaken in 2014. Together they help paint a population picture of Wenvoe and the Vale. The two surveys use different methodologies – hence slightly different results on age profiles.
Sense of Belonging
A result worth starting with is that over 80% of Vale residents feel a sense of belonging to their local area; with the highest satisfaction in rural areas; while almost all agreed that they feel proud to live in the Vale. Older residents -15% – had a stronger feeling of pride.
Vale’s Population
The Vale's population is just under 128,000.
The age profile is similar to the Welsh
Average: 20% aged 0-15, 60% aged
16-64 and 20% aged 65+.
Wenvoe’s Population
Wenvoe at the last census (which covers – Bonvilston, Brooklands Terrace/Parc y Gwenfô. St Lythan, St Nicholas, Twyn – yr – Odyn) had, 2,660 residents and 1,200 households..
Welsh Speakers
3% of Vale residents report being able to speak Welsh fluently. Of this small proportion one quarter reported using Welsh on a daily basis. Around 10% of Wenvoe residents speak Welsh.
Vale Residents with Disability
The percentage of Vale’s residents reporting activity limitations due to disability is one of the lowest in Wales..In the Vale it is 20%; in Wales it is almost 23%
Moving in and out of Wenvoe
Both sets of predictions should be tempered by people moving out of and into the Vale. In the recent past more people moved to other UK countries than moved into the area from UK countries.
Fortunate to live in Wenvoe.
Many residents enjoy a high living standard of living. Unlike other areas we benefit from less: disadvantage, unemployment, poor health, low educational achievement and levels of crime.
Community Diversity
The diverse population of Wenvoe should continue to enrich the community.
‘All residents can look forward to a bright future’. (A profile of the Vale of Glamorgan 2014) BD