Community Library July Events


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Library Hub – July 2024

Books – Our Selection of New Arrivals

Crime: The Next Girl by Emiko Jean. A masterful, deeply sinister read but subtly handled.

Fiction: House of Shades by Lianne Dillsworth – a fabulous gothic read.

Non Fiction: The pocket rough guide to Jersey

Romance: The Happy Hour by Cressida McLaughlin. Is one hour a week enough to fall in love.

July Special Events

Sunflower Seeds Galore: Sunflower Competition

Can you grow the tallest sunflower in Wenvoe? Pick up a pack from the hub and get growing! A book token will be presented to the winner of each category of under 8 & 8 and over. Judging will take place during autumn half term – £1 per entry.

Report from the Hub Team

  • Coffee machine – the Hub now has a new coffee machine. Now the warm weather is here, why not come in and drink a coffee on our patio.
  • Volunteers – we are fortunate to welcome new volunteers to the Library, as always, we are in need of more volunteers.


Watch this Space

  • Cuppa with a Coppa – Wednesday 10th July at 2.20 pm in the Hub
  • Wellbeing Group – Friday 12th July between 2.00pm and 3.00pm in the Hub
  • A trip to the Westonbirt Arboretum is being organised for later in the year – watch this space!
  • A trip to the National Eisteddfod in Rhondda Cynon Taff is being organised for Friday 9th August. Coach tickets will be £10.00 per head, this will not include entry to the Eisteddfod


Summer Reading Challenge 2024

The Hub is launching the Summer Reading Challenge as it has done each summer

The Summer Reading Challenge encourages children to keep reading during the summer holidays, ensuring they are ready for a great start to the new term in the autumn. Children set a reading goal and collect rewards for reading anything they enjoy. Children can sign up at the Wenvoe Hub from 6th July and it’s FREE to take part.

All Primary School and Nursery children are invited to take up the Challenge!

This year’s Challenge is called Marvelous Makers and it is all about creativity!

From dance to drawing, junk modelling to music, there is something for everyone.

This year’s theme has been developed in partnership with a leading arts charity, Create. It is about a group

of enterprising young people who are planning to set up a theatre for the local community. The project requires all their skills in music making, dancing, art, and computer skills.

The 2024 Summer Reading Challenge will be launched in the Wenvoe Hub on Thursday 4th, the day the school has their visit.

Each child signs up to read at least 6 books over the summer holiday. They can be anything they enjoy: comic books, picture books, non-fiction and fiction. After every two books read, there is a reward and then by the end of the summer holidays a special certificate and a medal. There are 3 rewards to collect and then finally the medal if six books have been read.

Last year our children did really well. There were 35 who took up the challenge and of those 14 were Super Readers. These were children who read more than six books.

Let’s hope we can do even better this year. So, let’s get Reading!

Hay on Wye – Literary Festival

On Friday 31st May a merry band boarded the coach at 8.30 outside the Wenvoe Arms for our trip to the Hay Literary Festival. It was a return visit for some and a new experience for others, but everyone was really looking forward to it.

The first port of call for most of the travellers on arrival was coffee. It was great to see that the organisers had put so much thought into sustainable products and the site had many areas where the reusable cups could be washed out. The coffee was delicious too! (The loos were really good as well!)

Everyone then headed off, some to talks they had previously booked and some to explore what was on offer. There was definitely something for us all, from Greenpeace to information on visiting India, jewellery to clothing. And, of course, books! Heaven for us library groupies!

A trip into Hay village during the day was fun and it was interesting to have a look at the castle, find out why Hay had become so synonymous with booksellers and to visit some of the quirky shops.

We were all ready to head back to the bus by 5pm. We’d all done our 10,000 steps, for sure. A raffle of a couple of bottles of Prosecco on the way home made the end of the day and we were back in Wenvoe by 6.30’ish.

Absolutely a trip to go on the regular calendar.

Look out for details of the next outing to Westonbirt Arboretum in the Autumn

May 2024 Report


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2023 Activity Report


Books New arrivals – Our selection

Crime: Unnatural Death by Patricia Cornwell – A Scarpetta Novel

Fiction: Wandering Stars by Tommy Orange =- Story of 3 generations of a native American community.

Non Fiction: Flights of Fancy by Richard Dawkins – Defying gravity by Design and Evolution

Teenage: Alex Rider – Nightshade Revenge by Anthony Horowitz – Action, adrenaline, adventure.

May Special Events

Sunflower Seeds Galore SUNFLOWER COMPETITION 2024

Can you grow the tallest sunflower in Wenvoe? Pick up a pack from the hub from 1st April and get growing! A book token will be presented to the winner of each category of under 8 & 8 and over. Judging will take place during autumn half term – £1 per entry

Themes for May

The theme for the Library foyer in May is Spring

Mr Marvel the Magician

Mr Marvel has been booked for Wednesday 29 May 2024 between 11 am and 12 noon in the small meeting room of Wenvoe Community Centre. Suitable for ages between 3 and 8 years. Tickets available at the Hub at a cost of £5.00 each

Report from the French Group

Every Tuesday around 11 am a small group of people meet in the library to chat to each other in French. Their fluency varies and occasionally, chat is more focussed on the English language as we enjoy the excellent coffee available at the library.

If you fancy revising the French you learned at school, even if you would just like to learn a few essential phrases to equip you for a forthcoming visit to France, or if you are very fluent but would like to practice on us, then why not drop in. You would be sure of a friendly welcome – a la prochaine mardi? Peut être?

Report from the Hub Team

❖ The Easter competition of how many eggs in the jar was won by Maria Tong with an estimate of 180 – the exact number was 178. Well done Maria!

❖ The Spring Raffle is now on in the Hub – come and buy a ticket at £1.00 each. Clare Ellis has surpassed herself with the hampers this year. This will be drawn on Saturday 4 May at 12 noon.

❖ Coffee machine – the Hub now has a new coffee machine. Why not come in and try it.

❖ Volunteers – we are fortunate to welcome new volunteers to the Library; as always, we are in need of more volunteers.

Watch this Space

▪ Cuppa with a Coppa – Wednesday 8 May 2024 at 2.30 pm in the Hub

▪ Wellbeing Group – Friday 17 May 2024 at 2 pm – 3 pm in the Hub

▪ The Hay Literary Festival Trip is being organised for the end of May 2024; cost will be coach only. Come in and leave an expression of interest. Coach due to leave around 08.30 hours

▪ A trip to the Westonbirt Arboretum is being organised for later in the year – again cost will be coach only; adult entry tickets around £12.00 each

▪ A trip to the National Eisteddfod in Rhondda Cynon Taff is being organised for August.


The Library Hub In 2023


Tel: 02920 594176 – during opening hours or

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Many readers will remember that in 2016 a group of Wenvoe residents took over responsibility for our village Library to save it from closure by the Vale of Glamorgan Council. Thus was born our Community Library.

Subsequently Wenvoe Community Council obtained money to replace the old building with the new one we see today which opened in Autumn 2021 as the Library and Hub for the Community. An article giving more background appeared in the November 2021 What’s On.

This item is a report to the residents of Wenvoe about the activities of the Library/Hub during 2023.

2023 Activity Report

The Library has seen it’s stock of books revised so that all books in the Adult section are modern or have been recently borrowed. New books arrive regularly and by arrangement with the Vale Library Service, our Volunteers request authors and titles which are popular with our readers. In addition, any book not held in the Library can be borrowed electronically, from home, by a registered user, being delivered to the Library for collection.

A ‘recommendations’ section has been opened where readers can champion a book they enjoyed with the book displayed as a guide to borrowers. New books are displayed as well as other selected reads. All displays are changed regularly.

Themed months were introduced in Autumn 2023 starting with Halloween and then Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. Books about the theme are displayed, including children’s books, enabling borrowers to have a ready source of material and parents,suitable books to inform their children about the subject.

On alternate Thursdays classes of children from our Primary School come, with their Teachers, to borrow and return books. This has been arranged with support from all Teachers, covers the whole School and encourages the skill of reading and the value of books as a resource for life.

New individuals have registered for library services throughout the year with borrowing activity being brisk.

Hub activities are numerous and wide ranging. Some are held when the Library is open, others are closed sessions.


The village PCSO attends on a Wednesday afternoon when he is on duty, to report on criminal activity and answer queries from residents. The times are announced on the Wenvoe Community Facebook page and in the Library; any resident can come.

During winter months talks are given, usually by a local resident, on topics of interest, again open to

anybody. There is a small fee to cover heating costs.

A Wellbeing session has started. Individuals with mental health concerns, and their carers, can come to a private session where they can exchange information and talk with others in similar situations. Carers who have come say they have found the sessions very helpful.


Clwb Clonc is a Welsh language group for those who wish to use their Welsh, or learners new to the language. It has proved very popular and is open to anyone.

Smaller groups using French and Italian languages have also started. These language groups are established by like-minded individuals who welcome people to join them.

Stitches is a group who make handicraft items.

Parent and Toddler group encourages parents of young children for friendship and activity. It is musical with piano, singing and reading stories.

Silver Foxes is a private session limited to men, to provide an opportunity for friendship, comradeship and discussion.

Financial matters

The Library/Hyb is self funding and costs about £5,000 per year which has to be raised. Our main sources of income are:

The coffee/refreshment area. This has been very successful and continues to give a major source of income. Anybody is welcome to come in for a drink when the building is open.

Coach trips have taken place during to London and the Christmas Market in Bath. Open to anybody, they were popular.

Raffles were held at Easter and Christmas with donated prizes.

Library/Hub Management Team

Wenvoe Community Hub – Feb 2024


Tel: 02920 594176 – during opening hours or

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Wellbeing Group: 2nd February, 2.00-3.00pm.

Cuppa with a Copper: Wednesday 2:30pm. TBA.

Talks at the Hub: Friday 23rd February at 7.00pm., Ross Thomas is back with another engaging historical talk – ‘Oliver Cromwell-Warts and all’.

Stitches at the Hub. Mondays 1.00-3.00pm

Our stitches group has been meeting for over four years working on a diverse range of crafts to include knitting, sewing, crochet and embroidery If you would like to spend time with like-minded crafters, learn new techniques, or are having difficulty with following a pattern, completing a project, or just seeking inspiration then this is the group for you. There is no charge and no need to book a place, just turn up with your work.

Are you struggling to commit to your new year resolutions? Let the Hub help you.

If you haven’t visited the library Hub in a while, now is the time to let us help motivate you to keep to the goals that you set yourself for the new year. If

you planned to find a new hobby, read more, keep fit, eat healthily, learn new skills, or plan an exciting trip then we might be able to help you keep on track. Additionally, if your goal was to get to know your community better or make new friends, then why not join our team of friendly volunteers?


Non-fiction: 60 Remarkable Buildings of the National Trust. Spanning 900 years, this book tells the stories behind 60 buildings including a medieval tithe barn, a Jacobean mansion, and a Victorian lighthouse.

Crime: The Island by Catherine Cooper. Influencers and journalists are at a luxury resort in the Maldives when the island is cut off by a storm and people start dying. Are the guests really who they seem to be?

Welsh Language Fiction: Coed y Brenin by Colin Jones. Aberarthur is a sleepy village in South Wales. Lots of people live here, and each person has a story.

A Good Read: Marriage Portrait by Maggie O’ Farrell. This vivid evocation of the beauty and brutality of Renaissance Italy and of a young woman whose proximity to power places her in mortal danger.

Young readers: The Polar Bear Explorers’ Club by Alex Bell. On an expedition to the Icelands, Stella and the explorers see a world of danger, adventure, and snow pirates


Welcome To Autumn


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I am sure that many visitors to the hub over the past month have seen the entrance hall basking in shades of orange and gold, embracing the start of the Autumn season.
Conkers and acorns were in abundance along with a super-size pumpkin donated by Anwar from the village store. Inside the hub Halloween was supported by a suitably spooky display.
But let’s not forget what the primary function of the Hub is and that is books! Both displays include a selection of Halloween & Autumn related books available for loan once the displays are taken down.
Can we look forward to more displays in the Hub entrance? The answer to that is a resounding YES. Following on from the Autumn/ Halloween displays, November will see the entrance hall decorated to represent Fireworks & Remembrance and of course Christmas will be the theme for December.
Watch this space for news about the 2024 monthly themes.
Bernie Bird

Here are some new books recommended for you


Hunting the Falcon -Henry V111, Anne, Boleyn, and the marriage that shook Europe by John Guy and Julia Fox.


The Palace. From Tudors to the Windsors, 500 Years of History at Hampton Court by Gareth Russell.


Shadow Stock by Andy McNab.

Lying Beside You by Michael Robson.


The High Notes by Daniel Steele. Her new novel of stardom and ambition.

Dates for your Diary

Wellbeing Group Friday 17th November 2 -3 p.m. We continue with our monthly group meetings and welcome new members to join us.

Talks at the Hub Friday 24th November 7 p.m. To commemorate Remembrance month, Andy Kellett will return for another popular talk, entitled Shot at Dawn: military executions WW1

Christmas themed Whist Drive Thursday December 14th, at 2pm in the Hub. Call in

for further details

Christmas Raffle. Look out for our wonderful prizes. The draw will take place on Saturday 16th December at 12 noon.

Test your literary knowledge

  1. Name all four March sisters in Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women.
  2. Who is the current Poet Laureate?
  3. What is the name of Harper Lee’s second novel published 2015?
  4. Which two authors won the Booker prize in 2019?
  5. Which Emily Brontë novel is the inspiration for a Kate Bush song?
  6. What is the fourth book in the Harry Potter series?


Quiz answers here




Tel: 02920 594176 – during opening hours or

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Congratulations Amy Bainbridge

We turned out in force to congratulate Amy for gaining a first-class BA Honours degree in Illustration. Amy was presented with a book token by Claire Ellis who along with Amy has been volunteering with us since Wenvoe Community Library opened in 2016.

Talks at the Hub

Our monthly talks will recommence on Friday the 22nd of September at 7p.m. with Robert (Bob) Bird’s talk entitled A Short History and Measurement of Time. Bob is a fellow of the British Horological Institute and will give an entertaining historical perspective on time and reflect on his 38 years’ experience in restoring mechanical time pieces including a surprising link to Wenvoe.

Tickets are available now at £3 from the Hub.


Here are some new books recommended for you

Nonfiction. Close to where the Heart is by Malcolm Alexander. Set in the wild and remote landscape of Eday, Part of the Orkney archipelago, this book is an honest tale of rural life from the only doctor on the island.

Crime.Triple Cross by James Patterson. A killer smites undercover of darkness, triggers no alarms, and leaves no evidence behind. Alex Cross faces his toughest case yet.

Romance. – One Time Love by Taylor Jenkins Reid. From the New York Times Best Selling author, an epic love story

Cuppa with a Coppa

Our next meeting with our Community Police Officer is at 2.30p.m. on Wednesday 27th September.


We continue with our monthly group meetings and welcome new members to join us on Friday 8th September at 2p.m.

Stitches Monday 1-3

Bring your hand stitching or knitting/crochet’ quilting, embroidery project and chat with like-minded crafters over a cuppa..

Group feedback – We have several weekly meetings at the Hub. Here a few words to sum up what the Stitches group feel about meeting up with fellow crafters:

Companionship, sharing skills, meeting friends, we’ll have you in stitches’.




Tel: 02920 594176 – during opening hours or

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Summer Reading Challenge 2023

How to take part through the Hub:

  1. Tell us that your child would like to take part in the Summer Reading Challenge.
  2. We will get you signed up and give you a special reading record, which also has instructions on how to access fun reading activities online.
  3. The challenge is for your child to read six books over the holidays.
  4. Your child can borrow and read books, e-Books, and audiobooks of their choice. They can read anything they like: fiction, fact books, poetry, joke books, picture books and graphic novels all count towards completing the Challenge!
  5. We will provide special incentives along the way.
  6. Your child will receive a certificate for reaching their Challenge goal.
  7. There will be a special prize for each child who has read more than six books over the holidays.


Additional Summer Opening Hours

The Library will be open on Thursdays over the summer break for adults and children who wish to continue with their Sumer Reading Challenge or wish to sign up for it if they have not already done so.

The Hub will also be open. Don’t forget that as well as hot drinks we also have ice-creams, lollies etc. on sale.

We also have lots of new children’s books, plus toys, jigsaws, puzzles and games to amuse adults as well as little ones.

The opening days are 27th July, 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st August from 11.00am – 1.00pm


BFI Replay – 60 years of screen stories digitised and preserved just for you.

Exclusively available to UK Public lending libraries, BFIReplay is a FREE resource for users to browse and enjoy for leisure or study. There are thousands of digitised videos and television programmes from the collections of the BFI National Archive and UK regions and nations film archives, alongside contributions from other significant archives such as BBC and ITV.

The videos span six decades, from the 1960s to the 2010s, offering a glimpse into Britain’s past, its people, and places; recording and revealing an era of rapid social, industrial, political, and technological change. You can be sure of lots of nostalgic Welsh content too. To access the platform just click on the BFIReplay icon on the Library Hub PC desktop.


Date for your diary

Cuppa with a Coppa: 2:30pm Wednesday 30th August.





Birthday celebrations
The library volunteers got together to celebrate Sylvia’s 80th birthday with her.

Sylvia Harvey, one of the founding Directors of Wenvoe Community Library way before it became a Hub, was instrumental in ensuring that the village retained a library service.
New Patio
The patio to the side of Hub is now available to users to sit and enjoy a drink in the fine weather. We look forward to seeing you there. Don’t forget that we also do take-way drinks, ice creams and lollies.
Summer Reading Challenge – Ready, Set, Read.
Just to remind you that this year’s Reading Challenge is aimed to keep children’s minds and bodies active over the summer break.
Children will be challenged to get reading over the summer holidays. From July to September, young readers will be able to join a superstar team of athletes and their marvellous mascots as they navigate a fictional obstacle course. The Youth Sport Trust has developed fun activity cards, which, alongside the 2023 Summer Reading Challenge Book Collection will aim to keep young imaginations active over the summer holidays. By participating in the challenge children will have the opportunity to explore new reading material, develop skills and discover new interests. Alina Trigger

Amelia Farm Trust Visit
What a lovely morning we had with the Mother & Toddler group on Wednesday at the Amelia Farm Trust. It was a beautiful day with, thankfully, a bit of a breeze, so it wasn’t quite so hot.
We started off with a play in the playground and Ellis looked really cool driving the tractor. Then we set off to explore. The little ones were enthralled by the animals, although they were a bit surprised by how loud the donkeys were! It’s a great learning environment for the children to expand their vocabulary while having a great time. They loved seeing the alpacas and the sheep, who had recently been shorn.

A walk under the tree canopy was a bit of very welcome shade, especially when we came across the Gnome Village. Then a sit, a drink, and a snack by the lake, where we saw loads of beautiful blue dragonflies.
There were some very tired tots (and grownups) by the end of the morning, but it was great fun!
Anne Leslie



Coming Soon at the Hub


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Coming Soon at the Hub

Wellbeing Group:

2 pm Friday 3rd March

The Hub is more than a depositary for books, it’s about making connections in the community and maintaining people’s wellbeing. This is a self-directed, peer support group for carers and those they support who are living with dementia, and other memory loss conditions or mild cognitive impairment. Further details at the Hub.

Noson Lawen,

Friday 10th March in the Village Hall

Join us for a bilingual evening of mirth and merriment performed by local talent for your amusement and entertainment. Tickets £8 to include refreshments. Bring your own bottle and glasses (or a straw).

Cuppa with a Coppa:

2:30pm Wednesday 5th April

This is an increasingly popular event with the community where Stephen Davies, our Police Community Support Officer, talks about the latest scams and incidents that have occurred in the village over the last six weeks. Stephen will be on hand to listen to your concerns and to offer crime prevention advice. This is your chance to discuss any policing issues that may be affecting you as an individual or as a community.

Talks at the Hub

You will need to book early to get a seat at these popular events. Tickets are £3 and are available at the Hub.

March 7pm., Friday 24th-March

Russ Kielty, 217 (Dambusters) Squadron, Making the Difference

Russ will talk about one of the most famous squadrons in the RAF, formed during the Second World War to carry out a single special and dangerous task.

7pm., Friday 21st April

Gardeners’ Question Time with Mike Tucker, Joyce Hoy, and Gordon Jones. Bring your questions and specimens to our specialists who will be pleased to answer your horticultural questions.

Information at the Hub- NewsBank

If you are a library member, then why not access your newspapers online? All you need is your library ID number and your PIN and you have a wealth of material at hand. We have these details if you have lost them. If you go to the VOG Library site, you will find NewsBank under the heading of Electronic Resources. NewsBank is a free searchable platform that consolidates current and archived information from thousands of newspaper titles. Beyond the library, professionals of all kinds can use NewsBank resources to access useful information of value to their organisations.

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