Have you got any old plates you can donate to the Scouts for the Smash a Plate Stall at the Barry Fete in Romilly Park on Sat 6th July? So let us know and we can collect them and save the date so you can come and enjoy the fun. The Barry Scout and Guide Fete started 100 years ago and combines arena events put on by members of the local Scout and Guide groups and professional entertainers with stalls and rides. We will be selling programmes nearer the date, which include a lucky prize draw number.
At our AGM in April, the young people told us about the things they do in meetings, which they enjoy. These included wall climbing, camping, cooking, crafts, swimming galas, team games, mosque and RNLI visit and visits to the coast guard helicopters including a trial in the rescue hoist. They also visit Cardiff food bank and are now making regular collections particularly of soap, shampoo and biscuits, which the Bank often have limited supplies. It is amazing the range of activities they do and our thanks go to the leaders for organising the young people to have so much fun, while learning new activities. The section Beavers (6-8), Cubs (8-10½) and Scouts (10½-14) are all full currently but we do have a waiting list. Explorers are for 14-18 years in Penarth. We cannot open a starter Squirrel Drey (4-6), until we have confidence that we have secured on going Beaver leadership. We have got two new volunteers to take over in the summer.
We were sad to say goodbye to Ian Moody, our President, who restarted the village Scouts 48 years ago and ran the Scout group for nearly 4 decades. Scouting has changed in that time, including adjustments to the age groups and spreading up and down. Regulations and training is more controlled. Programming and badge schemes more sophisticated and uniforms more comfortable- all in response to feed back from young people. I started Beavers (6-8) soon after Scouting extended the age range 34 years ago. At that time Scouting was only for boys and there was nothing for the younger boys in the village and lots of choices for girls including an active Guide Group; regretfully the different sections of the Guides gradually closed. Fortunately the Scout Movement started admitting girls just in time for my daughter to join Beavers and move up through Cubs (8-10 ½) and Scouts. At one time she was the only girl. Now the genders are about equal.
The leaders are all volunteers and we have had many excellent Leaders and Assistants and have training, mostly on line, which is accredited Youth Training. We always need additional help either on a regular or ad hoc basis to ensure that we can hold meetings regularly. Sue O’Neil was working alternate weeks as a Assistant Cub Leader and she has now sadly left. The Cubs gave her a tribute and she will be missed.
The Scout Group is a charity and as a result the Wenvoe Group Scout Council at the AGM adopted a new constitution, which aligns more to the Charity Commission’s requirements. We now need a Board of Trustees, who oversee the finances and the governance of the Wenvoe Scouts. Unfortunately no one volunteered to be on the Board or to take up the posts of Chair, Treasurer or Secretary. In order to ensure the Group continues to be compliant we do need people to step forward to take up these positions; parents, members of the local community, relatives, people with experience of such work. Working with young people can be extremely rewarding and you experience their joy and excitement. If you or anyone you know feels they might be able to help let me know. The Board meetings are termly.
Running the Group is costly – rent, equipment, insurance, central costs linked to training and programme development. We used to get extra funds through the Cardiff Area Scout Post. Following Covid restrictions caused cancellations and this will not be revived. We are looking for ways and people to help us raise money. This means that we can broaden the experience and spread the costs.
More information about Scouting and volunteering https://www.scouts.org.uk/ or email me for a chat.
Waiting list contact:-
1stwenvoe.join@ penarthanddistrict.org.uk
Jane Fenton-May Group President