Remembrance Service and Parade



Remembrance Service and Parade

I was so proud of our young people and leaders, who turned out to the Remembrance Service and Parade. They did our village proud.

The Governance of the group is seriously in danger and we urgently need support from adults in the village to ensure that the Group continues to thrive. The Trustee Board needs a new Chair and Treasurer by our AGM in March. The work is not difficult and the meetings (about 2 hours) are limited to one per term plus the AGM

The Chair is responsible for the Group and ensuring that the meetings are in order and keep to the point. The Treasurer looks after the finances and ensures the subscriptions are paid and pays the bills, plus organising the accounts and budgets. Neither job is arduous and the current incumbents are prepared to help. There is easy training and more information on the website

In July, despite the stormy weather the Group had a great time at the Barry Scout Show in Romilly Park. The popular Smash the China Stall was a great success, so if you have any crockery you wish to dispose of please let me know.

Finally, Christmas is a time for giving. Sadly the Cardiff and Vale Scout Post is not happening again and if you would like to donate to Wenvoe Scouts you can do this via

Have a Happy Christmas and a wonderful 2025.

Jane Fenton-May

Chair 1st Wenvoe Scouts

More information about Scouting and volunteering or email me for a chat.

Waiting list contact

Jane Fenton-May   Group President jfm@fentonmay. org


Barry Scout Fete



Barry Scout Fete 


Barry Scout Fete will be held in the Barry Fete in Romilly Park on Sat 6 July 12-5. This is a grand event with Arena Acts and Competitions both by the young people involved in Scouts and Guides locally, but also professional groups stalls selling food and fun activities. We are still looking for old plates for Wenvoe Scouts Smash a Plate Stall. Programmes will soon be on sale and include a lucky number, which will be drawn on the day. If you would like programmes let me know and remember if you cannot attend then you can let me have the lucky numbers and I will include them in the draw. Funds raised will come to Wenvoe Scouts to enhance our activities and equipment for children locally involved in Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Last year the Scouts and Guides made a huge human fleur-de-lis and broke the world record with more than 445 people.

We are also still looking for members of the Wenvoe Community to be Trustees for our Board. The Board is a team of volunteers, who work together, as charity trustees, to make sure Scouts is run safely and legally. At the heart of their role is a focus on strategy, performance and assurance

Effective Trustee Board governance helps our volunteer leaders deliver fantastic programmes that give young people skills for life. Training is available on-line and the Board meets one evening per term plus an AGM per year. In particular we need a Treasurer to keep our accounts, a Secretary to keep the minutes and a Chair to oversee the Trustee Board.

More information about Scouting and volunteering or email me for a chat.

Waiting list contact

Jane Fenton-May   Group President jfm@fentonmay. org


Any Old Plates You Can Donate




Have you got any old plates you can donate to the Scouts for the Smash a Plate Stall at the Barry Fete in Romilly Park on Sat 6th July? So let us know and we can collect them and save the date so you can come and enjoy the fun. The Barry Scout and Guide Fete started 100 years ago and combines arena events put on by members of the local Scout and Guide groups and professional entertainers with stalls and rides. We will be selling programmes nearer the date, which include a lucky prize draw number.

At our AGM in April, the young people told us about the things they do in meetings, which they enjoy. These included wall climbing, camping, cooking, crafts, swimming galas, team games, mosque and RNLI visit and visits to the coast guard helicopters including a trial in the rescue hoist. They also visit Cardiff food bank and are now making regular collections particularly of soap, shampoo and biscuits, which the Bank often have limited supplies. It is amazing the range of activities they do and our thanks go to the leaders for organising the young people to have so much fun, while learning new activities. The section Beavers (6-8), Cubs (8-10½) and Scouts (10½-14) are all full currently but we do have a waiting list. Explorers are for 14-18 years in Penarth. We cannot open a starter Squirrel Drey (4-6), until we have confidence that we have secured on going Beaver leadership. We have got two new volunteers to take over in the summer.

We were sad to say goodbye to Ian Moody, our President, who restarted the village Scouts 48 years ago and ran the Scout group for nearly 4 decades. Scouting has changed in that time, including adjustments to the age groups and spreading up and down. Regulations and training is more controlled. Programming and badge schemes more sophisticated and uniforms more comfortable- all in response to feed back from young people. I started Beavers (6-8) soon after Scouting extended the age range 34 years ago. At that time Scouting was only for boys and there was nothing for the younger boys in the village and lots of choices for girls including an active Guide Group; regretfully the different sections of the Guides gradually closed. Fortunately the Scout Movement started admitting girls just in time for my daughter to join Beavers and move up through Cubs (8-10 ½) and Scouts. At one time she was the only girl. Now the genders are about equal.

The leaders are all volunteers and we have had many excellent Leaders and Assistants and have training, mostly on line, which is accredited Youth Training. We always need additional help either on a regular or ad hoc basis to ensure that we can hold meetings regularly. Sue O’Neil was working alternate weeks as a Assistant Cub Leader and she has now sadly left. The Cubs gave her a tribute and she will be missed.

The Scout Group is a charity and as a result the Wenvoe Group Scout Council at the AGM adopted a new constitution, which aligns more to the Charity Commission’s requirements. We now need a Board of Trustees, who oversee the finances and the governance of the Wenvoe Scouts. Unfortunately no one volunteered to be on the Board or to take up the posts of Chair, Treasurer or Secretary. In order to ensure the Group continues to be compliant we do need people to step forward to take up these positions; parents, members of the local community, relatives, people with experience of such work. Working with young people can be extremely rewarding and you experience their joy and excitement. If you or anyone you know feels they might be able to help let me know. The Board meetings are termly.

Running the Group is costly – rent, equipment, insurance, central costs linked to training and programme development. We used to get extra funds through the Cardiff Area Scout Post. Following Covid restrictions caused cancellations and this will not be revived. We are looking for ways and people to help us raise money. This means that we can broaden the experience and spread the costs.

More information about Scouting and volunteering or email me for a chat.


Waiting list contact:-


Jane Fenton-May Group President



District Master Chef Night




As I write, our Scouts are preparing for a District Master Chef night. Last year they won the District Scout cooking competition. Not a mean feat on camping stoves! In the summer they will take part in the All-Wales Camp. The Beavers and Cubs are looking forward to the Area Swimming Competition, having successfully won trophies in the last few years.

Wenvoe is a very vibrant community with lots of clubs and activities but there are not many things for our young people. The Scout Programme aims to help them to learn new skills including outdoor activities and crafts while working in teams, and experience leadership while having fun. Along the way, they earn badges, which cover a wide range of topics. In order to deliver the programme safely, we need adult volunteers to work as leaders and helpers and ad hoc coaches with the sections – Beavers (6-8), Cubs (8-10½) and Scouts (10½-14). We also need Trustees to work behind the scenes to ensure it all runs smoothly and to provide Governance. There is training for leaders. Much of this can be done online and through support from District and Area Scouting. Being involved, is extremely rewarding as you watch the children develop their potential.

We always need new helpers but again we are appealing specifically for people to take on the Beaver group as our current group of leaders are leaving in July. Without leaders we will have to suspend meetings. Ideally it would be good to have people starting to get involved over the summer term. We also need a new Treasurer, Secretary and Chair to lead the Trustees’ team. If you are interested, please contact me to find out more, ideally before our AGM on 16th April, where you could come and meet the team.

At present all our Sections are full but let me know if you have anyone who wants to join, and they will be added to the waiting list:

On 6th July in Romilly Park, we will be taking part in the Barry Scout Fete running stalls and in the Arena. We will hold a smash the crockery event and so we would like you to let us have those unwanted plates, so that we can raise money whilst people are having fun. Even if you do not have anything, save the date, and come to the event. It has been organised since 1933 and is a fun day out with something for all the family. If you cannot come you can still support us by giving us a donation

On behalf of all the Wenvoe Scout Group, have a wonderful Easter and enjoy the coming of spring.

Jane Fenton-May, Group Chair





On 1 July in Romilly Park, Barry, the young people in Scouts from Wenvoe, Barry and the Vale of Glamorgan had a fun time doing activities with family, friends and other onlookers watching. They proudly paraded the group flags as well as raising money by making and selling campfire doughnuts and running games. We hope to make this a regular event, so look out for announcements for next summer’s fete.
On 12 August, we plan to have a car wash in the Gwenfo Primary School Car Park so lookout for signs around the village. This will be an event to support the Wenvoe local group financially. You can also help by donating via Just Giving. If you can, please add Gift Aid. https://
We are looking for new leaders for our ‘vibrant’ / active Beaver Group from September onwards. The current leaders have built up a strong group of Beavers that enjoy a broad range of activities centred on the badge programme. Sadly, the current leaders’ work/life balance means they have had to reduce their commitment. Unless we can get regular commitments, the colony will be suspended. The current Beavers really enjoy the Colony meetings, so this would be a shame.
Beavers usually meet on Monday from 6.00-7.00pm during term time and the colony is made up of boys and girls ages 5 ¾ to 8 years. There is a broad programme leading to Badges and the young person can expand their knowledge by “having fun and making friends” – the Beaver Motto – and then progressing up through the different sections of the Scout Group. Leaders are all volunteers and are provided with robust training, mainly online, to support their work. The training is recognised as Youth Training. There will be local support to ensure that transition is smooth.

If you are interested in becoming a leader or helping on a regular rota please contact me or speak to Heulwen, our Cub Leader. Seeing all those happy faces during a meeting makes a worthwhile reward.


Jane Fenton-May, Chair Wenvoe Scout Group


No Scout Post Again This Year


We are sad to notify you that there will be no Scout Post again this year. Work is still progressing to try and restart it for next year. However, it is a major project and requires all parts of Cardiff and Vale Scouts to be in a position to collect, sort and deliver the cards.

Wenvoe Scouts has been going from strength to strength since the restrictions of the pandemic have been lifted. We now have 3 very active sections – Beavers (6-8 yrs), Cubs (8-10 ½ yrs) and Scouts (10 ½-14 yrs).

You may have seen our young people and leaders taking part in the Wenvoe Remembrance Sunday Parade. They were well turned out and organised. I was very proud of them all.

Scouts is a world wide movement for boys and girls. It enables them to make new friends and have amazing adventures while learning new skills and having fun. The younger ones do lots of craft and play games helping prepare them for more adventurous activities including hiking, camping, climbing, abseiling and swimming. They develop dreams which may take them into a future of work and play or just into the District Explorers (14-18 yrs) and Network (18-25 yrs) or on to the role of a Scout Leader.

Some areas are now starting Squirrels for the 4-6 year olds and we have dreams of that too, but need

extra help before we can expand. All leaders are trained and we take safety seriously. If you or anyone you know would like to help by becoming a leader, please contact me.

Big dreams cost money and require volunteer leaders to organise weekly meeting, outings and camps and ensure that the young people are safe while they have fun. We do need additional equipment. Some of this is expensive. If, in lieu of buying stamps you would like to donate to Wenvoe Scouts you can do this via https://www.

To add a child to our waiting list please email with the name and DOB of child


We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.

Thank you,

Jane Fenton-May, Chair Wenvoe Scout Group


Wenvoe Scouts Christmas Post



Sadly, the Scout Post has had to be cancelled again this year. We are sorry about the inconvenience to you all, as we know many of you use our Post both to support our Scout Group and to stay connected with friends during the festive season while spreading some cheer. Unfortunately, some parts of Cardiff and the Vale felt they could not commit to sorting and delivering the mail due to some ongoing Covid restrictions. Unless the area is covered fully the scheme is not viable. Plans are currently being developed to resume the Post in 2022.

Despite Covid, Wenvoe Scout Group has been holding meetings during the year. The Beavers and Cubs had regular meetings via Zoom and their leaders set them challenges, so they continued to earn badges. Thanks to the school allowing us to use their playground all the sections were able to meet outdoors in the summer term and September. They are now back to meeting in the Community Centre and even planning camping weekends. The Youth Associations governed how we resumed meetings with some ongoing restrictions, social distancing and mask wearing. Everything is risk assessed increasing the work of our wonderful volunteer leaders and helpers.

The Scout Post is our main source of income and we need your ongoing support, so as we wish you a wonderful Christmas, we hope you can support us by giving via this web page and naming Wenvoe Scouts. I know some people do not like to use such websites so if you want to donate, please give us a cheque made payable to Wenvoe Scout Group and pop it in an envelope marked What’s On and leave it in the What’s On box in the Village shop or the library. You can gift aid the donation by adding a note saying the donation is gift aided to Wenvoe Scouts, stating you are a UK taxpayer, signing it and adding your name and address including post code.

Season Greetings

Jane Fenton-May, Chair Wenvoe Scout Group



Scouting Is Good For You

Scouting is good for you. Your wellbeing and your knowledge benefits from being part of the Scout movement as an adult volunteer or as a young person by learning new skills, supporting the community and meeting new people. I am very proud of the leaders in the Wenvoe Group, who have struggled to ensure that the boys and girls in the group have benefited from being Beavers (6-8 years), Cubs (8-10 ½ years) or Scouts (10 ½ -14 years) despite lockdowns over the last 14 months. As a result, they have learnt how to plan for and hold meetings via Zoom with the support of the Scout movement. Now they are looking at how they can safely return to face-to-face meetings. How we do this is controlled by the Scouting Movement and the Youth Council, so transition is controlled, and all feel safe.

Volunteers are always required as the Group develops locally. Training is available on line and face to face as Covid restrictions reduce. The Scouts offer a broad programme of youth training, which is supported by badges. If you would like to know more or to get involved, please contact me. You can see more information on the website . Volunteers can be 14 years or over and there is a wide range of activities from becoming a leader or meeting helper to serving behind the scenes. For young people it can count towards DofE awards and for those completing training as part of Youth Accredited Training

If you have young people, who want to get involved then email Older young people can join the Penarth Explorers (14-18 years) or Network (18-25 years).

To all those who have supported the Wenvoe Group, been leaders or helpers and to all the young people I would like to say a Big Thank You.

Jane Fenton-May.

Chair Wenvoe Scout Group



Support 1st Wenvoe Scout Group


Sadly as some of you are already aware due to Covid-19 restrictions, Cardiff and Vale Scout Post has been cancelled this year. We realise that some of you use this to spread greetings to friends as well as supporting the local Scouts. Instead we at 1st Wenvoe Scout Group rely on this fantastic fundraiser to raise more than £2000 each year to support developing #SkillsForLife for Young People in our Wenvoe community. If you usually buy stamps from us and are able to continue to support us this year, you can make a donation directly on We would appreciate you naming 1st Wenvoe when asked if you would like to support a particular Group. Thank you


In addition, 1st Wenvoe Scout Group is running a local fundraising campaign by selling Christmas patterned face-coverings and Christmas treats. The masks are hand made by volunteers out of cotton and come in adult and 2 small and large children’s sizes. They come in a variety of Christmas patterns. Please support us and help spread cheer by pre-ordering the face masks and baubles. Please note patterns may vary depending on available material.

Face coverings are £5 each and Christmas tree baubles filled with Smarties or Skittles are a bargain at £1 each.

Contact me at /07787510179 and you will be sent information about how to pay for your order by PayPal. Once made, your item will be delivered locally. Postage can be arranged but must be paid in advance. Last orders Friday 18 December

Jane Fenton-May





Scout Post Cancelled

Scout Post Cancelled

Sadly I have to announce that the Cardiff and Vale Scout Post 2020 has been cancelled, due to concerns, amongst the 46 participating groups, about potential handling of money, stamps and cards and difficulties with sorting mail, while maintaining social distancing.

Thank you to our many local volunteers, stamp sellers, sorters, deliverers and organisers of this major operation.

We realise that many of you enjoy sending and receiving cards with the added bonus of supporting the local Scouts. In addition the sorting office in Wenvoe Community Centre was a social gathering of old friends. Hold on to any old stamps as they will be honoured in 2021, when we will be back.

The stamps sold via the Wenvoe Scout Group raised much need funds to help support our young people to enjoy Scouting by ensuring we could have up to date equipment. It was our main annual fund raising event and so we hope to organise some sponsored events to help brighten up the winter months in Wenvoe. So look out in What’s On for further news.

Scouts hope to restart activities in October with a mixture of outdoor and video meetings. If your child is on the waiting list they should be updated soon. If you wish to have your child put on the list email If you are interested in helping as an adult, contact me at or 07787510179

More information about Scouting, which is now for boys and girls, can be found at In Wenvoe we have a Beavers- 6-8 years, Cubs- 8- 10 ½ years and Scouts- 10 ½ to 14 years. Explorers aged 14 to 18 years join with the Penarth District groups.

Jane Fenton-May (Chair)



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