Month: September 2020
Help To Maintain Our Historic Church
Your Jobs For September
Your Jobs For September
Environment team tips.
- Make sure your stored produce is mouse proof.
- Clean out the bird feeders.
- Leave the ivy if it’s not bothering you as the birds will love the berries over winter.
- Save seed, don’t get caught out next year.
- Clear the windowsills ready for pelargonium cuttings.
Pauline Harringtons tips
- Neat and tidy will make things easier for you.
- Try not to grow as many dandelions as last year
- Look after your nails, never go in the garden without gloves.
- Grow veg among your flowers to add interest.
- If you get fed up with a plant, just throw it out. You will feel better.
September is another busy month in the garden. With shorter days on the horizon, a bit of time management will be needed to complete all the jobs. Making a list is a proven way of getting things done. Start by sowing some sweet peas in a cold frame. Keep them cool so they don’t get leggy and only cover if there’s a chance of frost. These can then be planted out in the spring. Plant any perennials that you grew from seed earlier in the summer. With the soil still warm and moist the plants will soon establish and be ready for next year. Shrubs would also benefit from being planted now. Divide established perennials and use these to fill in any spaces around the garden.
This month is a good time to sow a new lawn or make good some bare patches. Like most jobs, working on the lawn is all about the preparation. Groundsmen always use new seed as germination decreases the older it is. Plus the birds will want their share. The autumn always produces a lot of garden waste which, with a bit of work, will make good compost. We will still have to purchase compost, unless you have a huge operation going on. It is so easy to pick up a couple of bags when you visit diy stores and garden centres. When you consider that the plants come in plastic along with the compost and some fertilizers it is not very eco friendly. Stores and gardeners want convenience, but what would be so hard in taking your own bag for compost and returning those plastic pots, as most stores will take returns. If we all returned plastic pots you can be sure they would find a better solution to plastic.
A must do job over the autumn / winter months is keeping the drains and soakaways clear of leaves and debris. The callout fee alone from a drain cleaning company should be enough for us to do this task regularly. Some fine wire mesh over the drain will make this task less of a chore.
One of the standout plants around the village is in Joyce’s front garden on Grange avenue. The plant is Dierama Pulcherrimum or Angel’s fishing rod. It is a majestic plant well worth a snoop. Growing this plant from seed can take years but they really are worth waiting for.
There has been a change at the Walled garden where Victoria has taken up the position of gardener in residence. Victoria will have exacting standards to uphold at one of the best kept secluded gardens in the vale. Mr & Mrs Crump and Mr & Mrs Williams of Rectory close have again excelled this year. With a scarcity of materials they have produced two great gardens again. Hats off to Angela, Janet and Mr & Mrs French of Larchwood, who have shown what a love of gardening can produce. Of course, I can’t mention Larchwood without referring to Ray Darlington’s lovely garden and a lawn you could play snooker on – but he wouldn’t let you.
Take care and happy gardening.
Footsteps on Blorenge
Footsteps on Blorenge
Blorenge – We began at Keepers Pond (officially Pen-ffordd-goch Pond) in the south-eastern corner of the Black Mountains which is nestled in the hills of the area. Keepers was the final of three reservoirs built to supply water for the forges and works of Garn Ddyrys foundry. The car park was busy with cars also parked across the road. We were surprised to find a good number of people in wet suits who had just finished a swim in the pool. Although it was a sunny morning the water did not look very inviting to us! A group of men had remote controlled motorboats on the water which were making a whining sound and spoiling the peaceful atmosphere of the place.
Setting off we walked along the edge of the pond towards the aerials in the distance at the Foxhunter carpark, our aim to walk anticlockwise around the mountain.
This area is a world heritage site, an SSSI and part of the Brecon Beacons National Park. It was once prized for the raw materials it provided for industrial processes. Limestone was quarried and coal mined with Blaenavon Ironworks to the southwest.
But the landscape is now treasured and protected for wildlife. The limestone cliffs are home to a rare species of whitebeam tree and nesting birds. The coal measures are covered in heather, the moorland providing habitat for many birds and shallow pools left by old coal workings are rich in dragonflies.
Arriving at the aerials we found the grave of Foxhunter, a Champion International Show Jumper. Best known as part of the 1952 summer Olympics team which won Britain’s only Gold medal at Helsinki. They also won bronze in the 1948 Olympics and amongst many other wins the King George cup in 1948, 1950 and 1953. Foxhunter’s skeleton was preserved and donated to the Royal Veterinary College where it was put on permanent display. His hide was buried on the Blorenge and when his rider Sir Harry Llewellyn died aged 88 years in 1999 his ashes were scattered around the horse’s memorial. He had 2 sons Dai and Roddy, both of whom became well known media personalities, the latter because of an 8 -year affair with Princess Margaret.
We followed a path leading northwest towards the trig point marking the top of the Blorenge mountain (559m), spotting cotton grass in the moorland. To the side of the trig point is a much older stone cairn which marks a Bronze age burial site. Visibility was excellent and we could even see the Bristol Channel in the distance. The whole of Abergavenny could be seen in the Usk valley with the Skirrid and Sugar loaf providing a backdrop whilst England stretched flat into the distance. The Welsh hills, to the west, were also clear – a wind turbine and semi-circular upper part of a white bridge glowing in the sunshine.
We descended slightly towards Abergavenny and walked along the edge of the escarpment keeping our height and contouring around the mountain. A post at one point marked the Iron Mountain Trail. This is a route of 12 miles which can be split into 2 walks. It follows the routes of former tramways, inclines and footpaths linking many of the historic features which make up the landscape of the World Heritage Site between Blaenavon and Abergavenny,
It was a glorious summer day and we lingered a while over lunch which was spent looking across the valley to Abergavenny. We tried to identify the distant hills before a local passer-by confirmed they were the Malverns. A few hang-gliders who looked as though they were almost landing before soaring back up into the sky and finally landing in a field entertained us. Although the traffic in the valley was light it was amazing how much noise from it rose to us.
Walking on we found wild thyme growing on the stony ground and spotted a few fritillary butterflies. The heather was in full flower. As we approached the northernmost point of our day, we could see the distinctive outline of Pen y Fan and its neighbours on the skyline. Arriving back at Keepers Pond white fluffy clouds were gathering and the temperature dropping. We met swimmers tip toeing their way out of the water while begging a friend to throw them a towel.
An easy fairly level walk of 5.5 miles. Map OL13
History of The Wenvoe Village Hall
A little history
The Village Hall is situated on land owned by the Wenvoe Estate and was offered to the residents of Wenvoe for a peppercorn rent after World War 1. It was offered to the residents (referred to as villagers at the time) to build a village hall, so that they could have a place to meet and hold their dances.
The first lease dates back to 1921, which would mean that next year, the Village Hall celebrates its 100th Birthday/Centenary. I am sure we will be planning to celebrate, so watch out for how you can help at a later date.
The hall has been a main part of our community for nearly 100 years.
The school children would attend the Village Hall for lunch daily, until the new school and its canteen arrived in the Autumn of 1970 (not the whole school as you see it today, just two classrooms, hall and canteen. However, that’s a story for their 50th Birthday celebrations).
I remember attending talent competitions, discos, youth club and judo as a child at the village hall and in the 70s our famous Beer Barrel Rolling Race after party with lots of beer and Mike’s brass band. These memories were mostly of the ‘Old Village Hall’. The hall as you see it today, was rebuilt in 1974 (I can hear some of you saying to yourselves ‘The Old Tin Shack’ at this point).
Of course, there are many people still living in the village today, who could share more memories, especially later memories of their Carnivals and themed nights out.
Whilst I have been a Committee Member these past 26 years, we have raised funds to keep the hall open, by holding jumble sales, car boot sales, discos and dances, as did those before me.
Over the past couple of years, the hall is hired out continuously, so the rents mostly cover the basic outgoings with the odd disco or fundraiser now and again.
The hall has also been the home of the Playgroup for the past 50 years, which is continuing to grow and providing much needed income to keep the hall up and running.
As many of you know, the hall closed its doors at the end of March due to Covid-19. Although the Management Committee have continued to keep in touch via zoom and regularly check on the safety and upkeep of the building, we were unable to open without clear guidance from the Welsh Government. At the time of writing this, we are planning to meet on the 18th August to discuss a way forward to open the hall to regular hirers in the Autumn (keeping 2m distance of course).
The Committee have been busy preparing for the hall’s re-opening, with Bernard completing some much-needed maintenance at the hall over the past few months. Thanks Bernard.
New internal doors have been installed over the past month, and we are awaiting the outside of the hall to be painted prior to an Autumn return.
Gail has been very busy, scouring the latest up-dates and applying for grants to help us survive the loss of income due to the hall closure. Thanks Gail.
Regular hirers: If it is your wish to resume your hire and you have not been contacted, please email us at Carol will be at the end of the email to help. Alternatively, if you are hoping to delay your return, then please let Carol know and she can keep us informed.
We do have to follow Government guidelines and ensure that we can open the hall safely whilst coronavirus remains in circulation. We would like to thank you for your patience in these uncertain times and hope to welcome you back to the hall in the near future.
Please remember, that your group must be able to maintain a safe 2m social distance whilst operating at the hall.
A hand sanitiser is placed just inside the main entrance to use on entry, then you must use the bathroom and the hand soap provided to wash your hands on entry and prior to leaving the hall.
Further details will be issued with the hall risk assessment to operate and adhere to a.s.a.p.
Anyone with the following symptoms should not use or attend the Village Hall
- A new continuous cough
- A high temperature
- Loss of smell or taste
Please arrange for a test and self-isolate for 10 days if you have any of the above symptoms. Anyone in your household must also isolate for 14 days.
Do not leave the house to go to the Doctors or Pharmacy. Apply for an antigen test on the website:
Thank you on behalf of the Village Hall Management Committee – Sandra
Building Fund 200 Club
Renewal of shares for 2020 – 2021.
The 200 Club is now in its 17th year, with almost 300 shares issued. We have again given out 84 prizes to a total value of £1800, and given the same amount to the building fund. Once again, your contributions have helped pay for essential maintenance, including the restoration of the churchyard lantern arch and pillars, and refurbishment of all the external doors. Chancel and nave walls have been re-rendered, which involves applying 5 layers of lime plaster, one at a time. The chancel has been redecorated. The biggest project in the last year has been the painstaking restoration of the beautiful Victorian tiled floor to its original glory.
In the coming year, there is, as always, more to be done. The virus pandemic has prevented the church from being used, but the building continues to suffer the ravages of time and weather regardless.
The prize draw is normally held in the church hall on the fourth Sunday of each month, after the service, at around 10:45. There are prizes to be won each month, with £300 in summer and £300 at Christmas. You are most welcome to drop in for refreshments, as soon as the Coronavirus regulations allow. Since the virus struck and changed our lives so dramatically, we (socially distanced!) still draw the numbers every month, and publish them in Wenvoe What’s On.
The numbers drawn in July were as follows:
£50 – 223
£10 – 14, 53, 132, 141, 181
£25 – 34, 59, 96, 153
We are about to send out renewal letters to our faithful shareholders. If anyone else would like to contribute, please contact Dickon on 02920 769108.
While Things Are Quiet At The Church
St. Mary’s remains closed at present, except for private prayers on Tuesday afternoons between 4.00 and 6.00pm, and this has been used by parishioners who find things difficult as the COVID19 continues to affect their normal lives. We now hear talk of something called “new normal”, and how this will be the pattern for some time ahead until the virus is really under control.
So while things may be quiet at the church, and it is August, a time when traditionally church activities, are also taking a holiday, there is much going on in the wider church of which we are all members. Llandaff cathedral has opened for two Eucharist Services on Sunday mornings. Places have to be booked, and there is a “Track and Trace” system in place, so take a pen with you. Places are limited in number and if the church is filled to its allotted numbers you may be turned away. This is the reason why we have not followed their example and decided to remain closed for the present. The cleaning regime before and after the church is open is quite onerous, and we felt it was simply asking too much of our elderly volunteers to carry out such additional work.
The commemorations for the VJ75 anniversary on 15th August was not marked in Wenvoe, and the Cathedral hosted the Wales National Service under the strict guidelines of the Welsh Govt. it was a memorable and thoughtful service aired on Facebook. The UK National ceremonies were held at the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire, again with the strict 2 metre guidelines in place, and was a fitting celebration of all the lives lost and lives altered for ever.
The National Memorial Arboretum
The evening music and light show broadcast live from the Horse Guards Parade in London was a brilliant spectacle, and a fitting tribute to the “Forgotten Army” that the Burma campaign has been called. The treatment the Japanese army gave to the allied soldiers was horrific and was not glossed over, and we will and we must never forget the lives lost in the campaign, which only ended with the dropping of the two Atom bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. This year when we gather at our village war memorial, the anniversaries of WWl, WWll , VE75 and VJ75 will be remembered on November 8th.(Remembrance Sunday)
At the moment there is doubt in church circles that the collection plates will ever be used during church services when we are in the “New Normal” phase. And to that end parishioners have been encouraged to switch to the Direct Giving Scheme sponsored by the Representative Body of the Church in Wales for each parish. The payment is taken from your bank account and is credited to your local church account with any gift aid contribution added if you are a taxpayer. The congregation in Wenvoe have taken this to heart and many have signed up and that is helping to keep us financially sound at the present time. Parishioners and friends of St Mary’s who have not signed up, are asked to consider doing so.
The benefits are, no white envelopes to use (they are costly to purchase), no need to count and bank the cash given and your contribution to church finances are always there in the church accounts, until the time comes when you may wish to revise the payment or stop it. PLEASE GIVE SOME THOUGHT TO THIS…We remain very grateful to the many donations we have received during the pandemic, and the church officers thank you all for keeping the church available for the better times ahead.
We are aiming to celebrate the harvest with a special service towards the end of September, so watch this space and the church noticeboard for more details when these, and the risk assessment have been worked out.
God Bless us all and of course KEEP WASHING THOSE HANDS
Parry Edwards
September Puzzle
For each definition find a word which starts and finishes with the same letter. Each letter of the alphabet is used except for J and Q. (Couldn’t find a word to fit)
- Premium bond computer (5)
- Inhabitant of middle east country (7)
- Root vegetable (7)
- An Irish county (7)
- First book page (7)
- Greek alcoholic spirit (4)
- Informal name for the BBC (4)
- Red rock mass in Australia (5)
- Swedish sea port (10)
- Rebellious gladiator who led revolt against Rome (9)
- Sunken Russian nuclear submarine (5)
- Makes a warm jumper (9)
- American state (6)
- Large wine bottle (6)
- The day before today (9)
- West Wales village with a castle (7)
- Copying process/machine (5)
- Reply when message received (5)
- Brass musical instrument (7)
- 6th letter of Hebrew alphabet [also a South Korean pop group] (3)
- Believes people are motivated purely by self-interest (5)
- A kind of traditional jazz (9)
- A British Admiral (6)
- Short sleep or nap (4) [a clue for this one, it starts and finishes with z]
The solution can be found here –
Noticeboard Recycled
Noticeboard Recycled

A noticeboard is now up in the Goldsland Orchard. It may look vaguely familiar to some as it was the old Village Hall noticeboard. Our thanks to the Village Hall Committee for passing it on when they replaced it. It will be repainted our standard Sage colour and will then have notices on it which will describe the background to and history of cider apple and perry pear orchards. Many of these are wonderful old varieties such as Gwehelog and Blakeney Red (perry pear), Gabalva and Twyn y Sheriff (Cider or dual purpose) along with a mix of other fruit including Medlar, Quince, Plum and Damson. The group have been planting daffodils donated by Dyffryn Gardens, treating timber structures with preservative, strimming, brush-cutting, weeding and pruning.
A leaflet describing the orchards and their locations will be appearing on the Wenvoe Village website ( ) and copies of the leaflet will be available around the village shortly. We have received donations of old gardening tools, a small pond and some damson suckers. We can always use spare tree stakes and if you have a surplus bench do get in touch as we are always being asked to provide more seating by visitors to our sites. For up to date information about the group and any events we organise, check our Facebook page – Wenvoe Wildlife Group
Meeting In My Garden!!
Meeting In My Garden!!
Page Turners report..we managed a meeting in my garden!!
Changes to lockdown restrictions meant the Page Turners could have an alfresco meeting in a back garden in August. The 3 books read during the lockdown were rapidly reviewed so the main purpose of the meeting, “A catch up”, could be undertaken!
Music and Silence, by Rose Tremain, is set in and around the court of Christian IV of Denmark in 1629 -30.
C was the consensus.
The Hidden Life of Trees, by Peter Wohleben, a non fiction book, discusses how trees feel and how they communicate.
D this was not so well received. No tree-huggers in the Page Turners!
The Binding, by Bridget Collins, is a fantasy novel about a book binder whose responsibilty is to help those who want to forget and erase memories.
C This was considered a good read C
With reviews out of the way, cakes and drinks were served and the Page Turners could discuss how the lockdown has been….everyone was in good spirits and enjoyed the novelty of being out and about!