The End of the line

rip02Unfortunately this month saw the last of the Wenvoe whist drives. Numbers have been falling steadily over the last few years and there has been a lack of volunteers to help running it. It is sad to see it go, but it has been serving an ever smaller number of the Wenvoe community, with most members coming from outside the village.

Our last winners were Joyce, Bert, Gwynne and Julie.

I would like to thank everyone who has donated time, prizes and money over the years. If anyone would consider starting it up again, please contact me and I will hand over the equipment.

Meike 2067 9108



September Events

1309036687[1]We met in the church hall on Sept. 1st, our first meeting of the autumn session. Our speaker was Elin Jones from Ty Hapus (Happy House) in Barry which opened five years ago as a result of fund raising by Justine Pickering whose mother, at 54 years had a rare form of dementia. Ty Hapus was originally set up to support young people living with dementia but on a Thursday, people over 65 years are welcome at the day centre which is linked to the Alzeimer’s Society for training and support and the staff work very hard to encourage participation in any social groups available, such as a golf group, fitness group and music and poetry are often introduced.altzeimers01

Ty Hapus looks forward toward moving to new premises at Barry Community Hospital at the end of the year where two gardens will be available for their use so there will be many interesting challenges ahead.

As a result of our fund raising during 2016 Madeleine was able to present Elin with a cheque for £450 00 which was gratefully received on behalf of Ty Hapus and all members of Wenvoe WI are thanked for their hard work and effort in raising this sum.

After refreshments it was down to business. We were reminded of forthcoming events within the Glamorgan Federation, especially the Harvest Supper, on Oct 10th, hosted by Culverhouse Cross WI. Final plans will be discussed at our October meeting. Raffle prize went to Phyllis.

Next meeting is on October 6th, Church Hall at 7pm when the speaker will be John Sheen (uncle of Michael) and his subject will be “A Christmas Cracker”. Visitors are welcome

September Activities

enviroment01The team met at the beginning of September to make a start on autumn jobs. The roses in the community centre beds have now been pruned back and this month we’ll deal with the village green rose beds. By this time most summer bedding will be finished and that will be cleared away ready to plant up with winter in mind

We’ll meet at the Community Centre on October 3rd and 17th at 9.30am.

The PCC has been kind enough to convey their sincere thanks to our group for the work we have carried out over the past few years in St. Mary’s churchyard. We are grateful for the acknowledgement.

However it would appear that the church wish to adopt a policy of the non-use of weedkiller around the trees. I would like to point out that the reason weedkiller is used around the base of ANY trees growing in grassed areas is to prevent serious damage to the bark from the use of strimmers which can lead to the eventual demise of the tree. I know this because I have seen it happen in my career in horticulture and arboriculture.

For this reason, Roundup is recommended in these circumstances but of course we will respect the wishes of the PCC in this matter.



Kitchen Renovation

kitchen01Wenvoe Village Hall has recently undergone a kitchen renovation thanks to the support of a grant from the Big Lottery Fund. A much needed revamp which will benefit all users of the hall. The hall provides a valuable service for the local community and the work of the volunteers to keep it running helps to provide a venue for all.



The hall is available for a birthday parties or special occasions with or without a licensed bar. If you wish to check availability please email





Love Running #Wenvoe



In the early summer a group of people, many who had never ran, before became a popular sight in the village as they did their group raining runs around the village and playing fields on Monday nights. The plan was they were eventually going to run the Cardiff 10k race. In the first month or so it felt like a tall order. How could people who had never run further than the garden gate complete on of the biggest distance races in Wales?

oct-run-2We discovered that if you could walk that with the right training everyone could from “couch to 10k” in 10 weeks! There is a saying that friendships are formed in adversity and it is true that many who didn’t know one another became great friends as they gradually ran further and sometimes faster each Monday. Whether people would admit to enjoying the experience of running, It was certainly the case that there was a sense of achievement after a run.

In seemingly no time race day arrived. With group leader, Gary Smith, conveniently sporting a badly sprained ankle, all other members of oct-run-1the club turned up for a group photo with the Love Running Cardiff group before joining the thousands who were running the race. At the sound of the starting pistol, the weeks of training kicked as the runners raced around the capital and through the parks for a 6+ mile experience of a lifetime. As they crossed the finish line, the sense of achievement was evident. With medals around their necks, water being gulped and high fives being offered at every opportunity the smiles and conversations continued all morning!

Well that was Sunday 11th September and by Monday 12th, regardless of muscle ache and pain they group were back running around the village pledging to continue throughout the winter!

oct-run-3To Join Love Running #Wenvoe just turn up outside the Village Hall, 8pm Mondays

For further information visit or call Gary Smith on 07782 305738







History of Pilates

pilates01Joseph Pilates was born in Germany in 1880 and, through his early life, suffered from asthma, rickets and rheumatic fever. His drive and determination to overcome these ailments led him to become a competent gymnast, diver and skier.

Evolution of the Pilates method – It was only after his death that his work became known as Pilates or the Pilates method. The Pilates method has gradually evolved and integrated current biomechanical thinking. However, the roots of the technique are steeped in the philosophy + movement patterns designed by Joseph Pilates over 70 years ago.

What is Pilates? – A refreshing mind-body workout by emphasizing proper breathing, correct spinal and pelvic alignment, and concentration on smooth, flowing movement, you become acutely in tune with your body. You actually learn how to control its movement.

In Pilates the quality of movement is valued over quantity of repetitions. Proper breathing is essential, and helps you execute movements with maximum power and efficiency. Last but not least, learning to breathe properly can reduce stress.

If you’re a runner, footballer, swimmer or just like playing sports, Pilates helps improve muscles flexibility and joint mobility so you’re pilates02less likely to be injured. As for lower-back pain that affects so many, Pilates exercises can work wonders because lower-back pain is often caused by weak stomach muscles and bad posture.

Speaking of which, Pilates is also the ideal solution for poor postural habits such as too much computer usage, slouching, rounded shoulders and general sofa slumping. In fact, by focusing on stretching, lengthening and opening tight muscle groups, you’ll feel an improvement in your posture almost by the end of your first class. Now that’s what you call results.

Pilates – Wenvoe Community Centre Every Thursday 6:15pm – 7:15pm

(Please bring your own mat)

Contact Lynda on 07964378251




September’s Events

church01The return of our “Pebbles” group after their Summer break, brought the usual joyous hustle and bustle when they joined the congregation during the communion. It is lovely to see new children attending for the first time and also the mums and dads joining in the worship. It is due to the expertise and encouragement of their leaders during the short time they are in the Church Hall. In what they are taught through the medium of play and crafting, that they are able to tell us what they have been doing and learning about the theme of the Gospel readings for the day. Well done and may it long continue.

It is has been a busy time, during the month for the smaller congregation at St Lythan’s. Apart from a meeting of their PCC on the 14th of the month, the Cadw Open Day on Saturday 17th which brought a response from people who had not visited the church before. The idea of opening our churches is a good one, but needs to be staffed with church members to explain details of the building that they may not be aware of. September seems to be the month in which many buildings not normally open to the public are invited in to see for themselves the treasures contained inside. In any village or hamlet with a church many centuries old, these buildings are a constant reminder they have weathered many a storm during their lifetime and would not exist today but for the care and attention by the worshippers who Sunday by Sunday come together to praise and worship Almighty God and Jesus his son. On Sunday 18th there is a Pet Service at St Lythan’s hoping to build on the success of last years’ service, when many people brought their pets to be blessed.

At long last our builder Mike has made a start on the work in and around St Mary’s church, which was highlighted in the last Quinquennial Inspection of the church’s fabric. Mike comes workman01highly recommended and is a skilled craftsman in the restoration of old buildings and structures. The work is outside repairing some of the boundary walls of the churchyard, the flooring in the porch has to be regrouted and the barrel ceiling to be replastered and painted. The steps of the Churchyard Cross are to be repointed to prevent rainwater entering and so avoid frost damage during the winter months. Stonework on the outside of the Vestry has perished and new stone set in place, and recently it was discovered that a piece of the corbel on the roof of the Transcept had fallen away and this also will need to be replaced. Looking after the fabric of church buildings is a major item in our budget, and this is helped by the 200 Club which has been able to fund a lot of the work

We are looking forward to a repeat of the success of the Scarecrow Festival in St Mary’s on the 24th September, which is combined with the Cadw Open Door programme between 2pm and 5pm. This is followed by our Harvest Festival on the following Sunday with the normal morning services and Harvest Praise at 6.00pm. A report of these events will be in next months “What’s On”.

Looking ahead Messy Church in the Community Centre on Saturday 1st October at 3.30 – 5.30 pm when the theme will be “Light of the World”. Barn Dance in the Village hall on October 15th, Tickets from Sandra Davies.


With every Blessing and see you in church

Parry Edwards




Winter Bedding Plants etc


In mid September I did my usual browse through the winter catalogues to decide on winter bedding plants. Not that there was much of a decision to make because I always send for the same plants anyway-pansies, viola, primula, polyanthus However I remembered that last spring I realised that I have been negligent in re-stocking with spring bulbs. When you plant your bulbs you think they go on for ever. Not so and crocus, snowdrop and even daffodils have all but vanished. I grow the latter in patio pots but there’s nothing as pleasing as the sight of a full bed of golden yellow flowers cheering up the dark winter days. So now that the summer bedding is almost cleared away, my priority will be to get in a selection of spring bulbs.

Now a question for readers of this column. Are your favourite flowers fashionable or uncool?dahlia01

Recently I read an article on the increasing popularity of flowers which for some time have been considered to be unfashionable and the following is a breakdown of twelve flowers that are “in” or “out”.

These are the IN flowers – Gladioli, Dahlias, Roses, Gypsophila, Chrysanthemums, Peonies and Wild spring flowers.

OUT are Lilies, Orchids, Begonias, Carnations and Sunflowers.

sunflower01So what do you make of that?

Most flowers have their charms but some are preferred above others. After all, like most things in life it’s down to personal choice. There are only four varieties on the combined list of twelve that would be top of my list, two of which are OUT, so I’ve concluded I must be UNCOOL!!




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