In Wenvoe our weekly collections for household waste and recyclable items are on Friday. This is the day we have to scurry out of bed early to put our bins and bags outside – as they have to be there before 7.00am, but you are not meant to put them out overnight as the paper and cardboard may become soggy and the birds and animals might scatter the contents about. For anyone unsure about when to put out their recycling the dates are helpfully given on page 3 of Wenvoe What’s On.

The recycling of items that can be recovered is very important and we should all make a positive effort to separate those many things which can be recycled such as Paper – Glass – Cans – Cardboard – Plastic – Clean foil – Empty Aerosols – and Cartons. These items should be put into the special green bins or blue bags which are readily available from the Alps Depot in Wenvoe at cost of £1 each. These items most definitely should not be put into black bags, Tesco bags and preferably not into any other plastic bag.

The Vale of Glamorgan Council is required by law to increase the amount of household waste that is recycled and this target is becoming higher each year. This year the target is 58% but it rises in 2019 to 64% and in ten years’ time it has to reach 70% which will be challenging. Councils who miss targets receive punitive financial penalties. So we all need to make a greater effort to recycle the items above – and to avoid the lazy option of putting recyclable items into a black bag.

Some may ask why we have to separate our rubbish, and there are a number of good reasons why we should. When we recycle, used materials are converted into new products, reducing the need to consume natural resources. If used materials are not recycled, new products are made by extracting fresh, raw material from the Earth, through mining and forestry. Recycling also helps conserve important raw materials and protects natural habitats for the future.

Using recycled materials in the manufacturing process uses considerably less energy than that required for producing new products from raw materials – even when comparing all associated costs, like transport. Plus there are extra energy savings because more energy is required to extract, refine, transport and process raw materials ready for industry compared with providing industry-ready materials. Recycling reduces the need for extracting (mining, quarrying and logging), refining and processing raw materials all of which create substantial air and water pollution. As recycling saves energy it also reduces greenhouse gas emissions, which helps to tackle climate change.

Current UK recycling is estimated to save more than 18 million tonnes of CO2 a year – the equivalent to taking 5 million cars off the road. When we recycle, recyclable materials are reprocessed into new products, and as a result the amount of rubbish sent to landfill sites reduces. There are over 1,500 landfill sites in the UK, and in 2001, these sites produced a quarter of the UK's emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.

Reducing kitchen waste is also very important. There are some obvious ways to achieve this such as buying less food, making good use of leftovers, and turning unused vegetables and salads which may have passed their “use by” date into good tasty soups.

Making a good effort in recycling shows good integrity, good community spirit and an awareness of the environment. If you do not have enough green bins or blue bags the council staff at the Alps depot will be pleased to sell you some. Let us in Wenvoe set a good example of environmental awareness.

2016-01-21 Council Minutes



held on 21st January 2016 at 7.30pm at Wenvoe Community Centre


Cllrs. C.Frost (Chair), J.Bird, T.Case, N.Harmer, E. Jervis, V.Jervis, I. Moody, L. Owen, C.Thomas

1/16              APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE.


3/16              APPROVAL OF MINUTES.
That the minutes of the Council meeting 17th December 2015 be approved.

4/16              POLICE MATTERS
CPSO Keiron Byrne, in attendance, explained he and PC Mark Goulding were now policing Wenvoe out of the Llantwit Major Police Station.

The period mid-December to mid-January saw only incident of note, the theft of clothing from the garden centre.

Cllr E. Jervis reported on an instance of vandalism to a vehicle in St. Lythans.

Resolved: CPSO Byrne be thanked for his attendance.

5/16              PLANNING MATTERS

(a)  New Planning Applications referred for consultation:

  Application No. Location & proposal Applicant
(i) 2015/01478/FUL



Style Gardens, Port Road, Wenvoe
Proposed alterations to the existing Style Garden Centreto include a single storey extension to the front of the


Garden Centre to provide a new and improved entrance

area; a single storey extension to the rear to accommodate

an enlarged coffee shop and the erection of a canopy over

the existing outdoor plant sales area at the rear of

Garden Centre

Resolved: Support.

Style Gardens Ltd.



(b)  Planning updates, previously reported applications:

  Application No. Location & proposal Applicant



























Land south of Old Port Rd/A4050 Roundabout, Culverhouse Cross
5 no. stand alone sale boards and 7 no. flags


McDonalds Restaurant, Valegate Retail Park,  Culverhouse Cross
Minor extension (11.5sqm)to accommodate an additional booth, for fast forward lane and improved operations.


Wenvoe Quarry, Wenvoe
Proposed continued implementation of planning permission No. 1999/00957/FUL without compliance with condition No. 2 which stated “No operation authorised by this permission, with the exception of restoration and after-careworks, shall take place after 27th. March 2016”.

Style Gardens Ltd.






McDonald’s Restaurants Ltd.






Cemex UK MaterialsLtd

Resolved: That the decisions of the Planning authority as above be noted.

Consideration was given to a report from the Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer detailing receipts and payments since that reported to the previous meeting of Council.
Resolved: Approved.

7/16              PRECEPT  and SCALE of CHARGES 2016/17
Consideration was given to the recommendations of the Finance Committee held 14th. January 2016.


(i)              That the minutes of the Finance Committee held as above be approved.(ii)             That the recommendations of the Finance Committee be accepted.
(iii)            That, as recommended by the Finance Committee, the Council’s precept 2016/17 be £26,000.

8/16              DRAFT LOCAL GOVERNMENT (WALES) BILL – Consultation
The Clerk reported on the above and an invitation to attend a Welsh Government Engagement Event 2nd February 2016.
Resolved: That the matter be referred for discussion to an informal meeting of all Members to be held 9th February 2016, 19.30hrs at the Community Centre.

9/16              CHAIRS URGENT MATTERS

10/16            HEALTH & SAFETY MATTERS
(a)  Whitehall Quarry – Vehicles routing southbound from St. Lythans Rd. via Old Port Rd. to Wenvoe village are turning in error towards the quarry.
Resolved: Clerk to contact Cemex regarding suitably placed signage north of the junction in question. 

(b)  Defibrillator – Clerk updated Council on quotations received. (Minute 133/15 (c) December 15 refers)
Resolved: Clerk to contact WG to enquire regarding possible sources of funding, Cllr Owen to make enquiries of the Ambulance Service.

(c)  Twyn-Yr-Odyn children’s play area, new swing seat still awaited – (Minute 109/15(a) October 15, 133/15 (c) December 15 refers)

 Resolved: Clerk make arrangements as necessary.

11/16            CORRESPONDANCE
(a) S106 –  update regarding correspondence from Vale Council officers regarding securing funding for a replacement library building.

(b) WG Play Sufficiency Assessment – Clerk to respond re play areas at The Twyn and the Grange.

(c) Holocaust Memorial Day – Events at Arts Central , Barry.

(d) Chapel Terrace proposed redevelopment –  update received from Newydd Housing.

(e) Mr S Jones, School House, Wenvoe, access licence (Minute 119/15 November 15 refers) – Legal exchange imminent.

(f)  WG Great War ongoing commemorations – Partnership Day invitation to attend.

(g) HM Queen’s 90th Birthday, WG invitation to light  beacons – Cllr Bird obtaining quotations for gas fired burners.

(h) VoG Rural Communities Development Fund, invitation to apply for funding – applications to be made in respect of car parking at the Community Centre and at Station Rd. playing fields.

(i) WG inviting applications for paid posts of Vice Chair and Independent Members to NHS Wales.

Resolved: All noted.

12/16            REPORTS OF CHAIRMAN, CLERK AND MEMBERS                   

                    The Clerk withdrew whilst the following matter was discussed


Clerk to the Council, Review – Chair updated Council regarding progress and that One Voice Wales had been engaged for the purpose.

Resolved: That the actions of the Chair be endorsed.

Grange Park

Play Area in Grange Park

Grange Park,   (not to be confused with The  Grange, the new development on the Port Road)

has been a play area for many years and has recently been upgraded  and a new swing added.  There is also the new Wild Flower Garden which was prepared and planted by The Wenvoe Wildlife Group and members of the Wenvoe Environment Group which has made a good start and should get better each year

New Swing in Grange Park 
Wild flower Garden in Grange Park