New Waste Collection


The new waste collection arrangements start the week commencing 14th October for the Wenvoe area. You should have received your grey bin containing an additional orange and white bag for recycling. The Vale will be using a new vehicle to collect all the recycling in one journey and a separate vehicle for collecting the black bags and green waste. Following the last collection of the old scheme on Tuesday 8th October, householders will need to separate recyclable items into the new containers ready for our new Friday collection day on 18th October.
The collection team are being trained to place your emptied recycling bags back in the grey bin to prevent them being scattered around the street. In the near future there should be a new bag available for those who have very little recycling ie single homeowners, etc. This will be a four-quadrant bag with internal divisions for the separate sorted recycling material.
White bag (PAPER) – newspapers, magazines, envelopes. NOT wallpaper, wrapping paper, tissues, paper towels, kitchen roll, shredded paper, brown paper; these items should be placed in your black bag.
Orange bag (CARDBOARD) – cardboard boxes, egg boxes, toilet roll tubes, cereal boxes, toothpaste boxes and other similar empty boxes. NOT Tetra Paks these are placed in the blue bag
Blue bag (PLASTICS & CANS) – shampoo/conditioner bottles, milk bottles, drinks cans, drinks bottles, Tetra Paks, food tins e.g. soup tins, empty aerosols, foil, foil cartons, cleaning product bottles. NOT crisp packets, food pouches e.g. for pet food, biscuit packets, carrier bags, , black or , brown plastic, film e.g. cling film or ready meal lids, hard plastics e.g. toys, gas cannisters, lighters, these are placed in your black bag.
Grey caddy (GLASS) – glass jars, glass bottles. NOT ceramics or china, drinking glasses, glass panes, light bulbs, Pyrex, broken glass.
Green bag and food caddie material is unchanged.
Black bags – all non recyclable material. Limit still 2 bags per household.
If you are in doubt about whether an item is recyclable or not, the Vale web site has an A to Z list of items which is regularly updated. For anybody without access to the internet computer facilities are available at the Wenvoe Community Library.
Why did the Vale ban the use of single use bags for recycling material a few months ago and insist only blue bags were acceptable? Usually less than 10% of waste lorry loads were rejected by the company dealing with the commingled waste material due to contamination by inappropriate material. This rose to 34% rejection earlier in the year and 56% in July due to persons including food
waste, nappies, etc hidden within plastic bags, hence the swift action.
Dropping litter is a criminal offence and offenders can be issued with an immediate fine. It is now an offence to dispose of household waste in or around a litter bin and subject to a £300 fine.
What happens to the waste material?
The black bags are now incinerated at a new energy recovery facility near Rover Way which is capable of supplying energy for nearly 40,000 homes. The food waste goes to an anaerobic digester plant where the methane produced is sufficient to supply energy for 4,000 homes. The green waste still goes to the plant at Cowbridge for composting. The Vale will be reopening the depot near Jenner Park to allow householders to collect the composted material for their gardens and allotments. Dry recycling (cans, plastics, paper, card and glass) is sent to UK reprocessing facilities, where available, rather than having to send the material to markets abroad for recycling.
The EU and Welsh Government regulations require all local authorities to meet new recycling targets of 64% by 2919/20 and 70% by 2024/25. The Vale at present time is recycling 67%. Failure to meet targets can involve the local authority being subject to huge fines.
There will be a local road show on the new waste disposal scheme on Thursday 3rd October in the Wenvoe Arms car park between 10.00am and 12 noon. There are other location and times for the show around the Vale if you are unable to attend the Wenvoe show—see Vale web site.



Wenvoe Village Show

Wenvoe Village Show

Wenvoe Village Show – The show this year was well supported by the village. We received nearly 300 adult entries and we raised £354.55 for the Library.

The dulcet tones of the village choir commenced the proceedings and Johnny Tudor and Olwen Rees opened the event. As well as the produce and culinary categories, we had a record number of artworks submitted, all to a high standard which made judging reallydifficult. We also received beautiful crafts and needlework and a host of entries from the children in the village. The show ended with the public tucking into the beautiful cakes and produce entered into the show. Congratulations to the overall winner Gail Griffiths, and to the second Isobel Davies and to the joint third winners: Gordon Jones and V’Iain Fenton-May.

This was the second show organised by Wenvoe Community Library and we would like to extend our thanks to everyone in our community who supported the show. Thanks also to the judges, entrants, volunteers, Johnny and Olwen, the choir, who all gave freely of their time and to all who made the event possible and extra special thanks must go to the Show’s organisers Janet Williams, Heulwen Davies and Sue Hoddell who did a fantastic job

We hope you are planning for next year. The Show will be on 5th September. Look out for next year’s schedule which will be available in the Spring. We shall have even more categories including a fun dog show.



It is by taking part in community events that makes our village a great place in which to live.

Summer Reading Challenge

About 30 children registered for this summer’s challenge, the theme of which was Space Exploration linking it with the first moon landing 50 years ago. The Challenge had its launch on Thursday July 18 with Alina Trigger attending a school assembly with all relevant information. Dave Breen, of Techniquest in Cardiff contributed with a talk on space and held a walk-in workshop in the library on 21st August. Alina will present the certificates to the participants of the Challenge.



So Much Going On

So Much Going On

First a big ‘thank you’ to Frey and Isla for donating a very healthy Hazel to the group. It will be planted out at Goldsland Farm in the Cider Orchard alongside a Public Right of Way helping to form part of a hedge which will both protect the young fruit trees and provide food and shelter for wildlife. Further up the track is the new pollinator patch, referred to as The Bee Loud Glade. Plants, shrubs and trees that can supply pollen and nectar to bees and other insects are being planted there and we aim to add a bench or two and a pond over the winter period. We are delighted that Gwenfo Primary School will be involved with this project by helping with the design, raising funds for the plants and planting them. If all goes to plan we shall be submitting this Glade as our 7th Green Flag site for 2020.


We have been working on the Community Orchard at the far end of the Playing Fields, having cut the grass and topped up the pond which was quite low after a lengthy dry period. Some patches have been left as tussocks which are good for wildlife such as small mammals, bees and butterflies. This year a grass called Meadow Foxtail has done particularly well which shows it is progressing towards a meadow community rather than just having coarser grasses such as Cocksfoot and False Oat Grass. Some of the trees have had reasonable crops including an old variety called Tom Putt. This dates back to the 1700s and was originally widely planted in Devon, Cornwall and Somerset where it became known as the Cottage Apple. It can be used as for cider, eating or cooking and a number of cider producers still use it for their cider.

The wildflower patch in Grange Park has again been a bit of a disappointment. In the 5 years that we have been planting it the amount of sunlight which manages to get through the gaps in the massive Horse Chestnut and Pines has reduced and the plants that have grown have a pronounced lean towards the light. Some of the trees are due to be trimmed by the Council but it is unlikely that this will make much difference so we shall be looking at other possible locations in the park which are in full sun. However first we must await the proposals from the Council to alter the layout and locations of the play areas.

If you have any spare stakes or bits of bamboo with reasonable-sized holes, the group can always make use of them. Throwing out an old beach wind-break? The poles make good stakes for young trees and bamboos are used to replace those in bee hotels. We cut down 12 cm lengths from bamboos so can make use of old and broken pieces.



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