100 Year Anniversary Celebration

Village Hall 100 Year Anniversary Celebration

Would like you to save the date of 7th October 2022 from 7pm. We plan to hold a night of music and dance to celebrate our 100 year anniversary that arrived in lockdown.

We have booked live music, have the support of a local well known entertainer and plan to add to the event as we move forward into the Autumn. Watch out for the posters coming soon and ticket sales during September.

For those of you who are new to the Village, here is a little history;

The land that the village hall stands on, was given to the residents for a peppercorn rent, by the Estate of Wenvoe back in 1921 (that’s the date on our lease). The purpose of this, was for the residents to build a hall in which they could hold their weekly dances.

Since 1921, the hall has been used for dancing, talent shows, village events, wedding parties, Judo and school dinners (before part of the new school was built in 1970 with its canteen).

The original hall had a wooden sprung floor, with a stage and kitchen facilities to the back of the stage (I can see it now). It was referred to as ‘The Old Tin Shack’.

In 1974, the hall was rebuilt by the residents on a very tight budget with the lease extended. This is how you see the hall today.

The hall is the home of the Playgroup, with many dance and badminton classes being held each week. Children’s parties and family celebrations are also held at the hall and we rely on the rents from all these hirers to pay for its up-keep.

The hall has been supported over its 100 years (101 this year), by many a voluntary Management Committee as a Registered Charity. The Management Committee support the up-keep of the hall at regular monthly meetings. Obviously, the Management Committee change over the years and we have no one on the hall committee today who is celebrating their 101st birthday ha ha!

Should you wish to join the Management Committee to support this wonderful venue, then please join us at our AGM on Tuesday 12th July from 7pm at the hall. Without a committee to adhere to the landlord’s lease, the land, which the hall stands on, will be given back to the landowner and who knows what will be built on it? A block of flats, a couple of houses? Your guess is as good as ours.

One last thing; If anyone has a singing talent and would like to support us on the night of 7th October, then please get in touch with us via our email wenvoevillagehall@yahoo.co.uk

Hopefully see you all soon at our AGM.