Bring and Buy Sale!
January and February Meetings of Wenoe W.I.
Wenvoe WI began the New Year in what has become something of a tradition for our members at our January gathering– a Bring and Buy Sale!
This was an event, whereby members brought their unwanted Christmas presents, or any reputable items from home, to be sold at ‘knock down’ prices. Items ranged from toiletries, photo albums and photo frames, to books, artefacts and kitchen ware. A member even brought a magnificent table lamp. The motto for the evening was ‘your junk is my treasure’, and we raised over £80 at the close of the evening.
Our February meeting, however assumed a totally different perspective in that we held a ‘Poetry Please’ evening. Members brought poems they loved ranging from ‘Albert and the Lion, ‘Naming of the DOG’, a Murder Mystery poem entitled ‘The Dorking Thigh’, poems dedicated to the onset of Old Age to the well – loved variety which Pam Ayres had penned. Several members read out their own compositions too.
This year is a special one for the WI movement in Glamorgan as it is the centenary of the Glamorgan Federation WI, and events are being planned across the county. Wenvoe WI too is planning, so please watch this space for more information.
Our next meeting is on Thursday 2nd March at 7pm, when the subject will be ‘The Trials of a visiting Hairdresser’, to be given by a local mobile hairdresser, Mrs Mel Wookey.
All new members are most welcome, so why not come and meet new friends and have a cuppa too