A Beautiful February Morning


A Beautiful February Morning

A beautiful February morning brought a good contingent out to plant primroses, cut back the roses and shrubs plus replant a holly tree to a suitable spot.

As an environment group we are involved in sorting out all sorts of issues. Noise pollution was a first for the group. An incident was brought to the attention of the team from people living on Old Port Road and Station Road East, where in the vicinity of the Community Centre there were complaints of revving engines and inconsiderate behaviour on Friday mornings. A team member attended the area the following Friday and issued a verbal warning and spoke to their families. A threat of care home residency by their next of kin seems to have done the trick.

Apparently the Barrista had locked them out of the Hub by mistake.

All being well we shall meet at the top of Walston Road on March 11th, 9.30