First Half Term Completed!

First Half Term Completed!

We are finding it hard to believe that we have nearly completed our first half term! They say time flies when you are having fun and that is certainly true for us in school!

Our Reception class have settled beautifully into school life. They are busy learning to read key words and recognise sounds and numbers and we are so proud of them.

Year 1 are enjoying learning in their new classroom: their outdoor space is also completed, with a canopy for shade and shelter.

Year 5 led Worship; family and friends were invited and they enjoyed a super Harvest celebration.

To celebrate Harvest, all the children enjoyed sharing and eating delicious bread.

Year 6 led an information session on staying steady and avoiding falls – this was for the over 55 age bracket. Thank you Year 6.

As we approach half term, we will reflect on the past 8 weeks as a time of new beginnings, filled with exciting new challenges and fun times.