Wenvoe Library

New Adult Fiction
David Hewson The House of Dolls
Charlotte Link The Watcher
Mary Nicholls A Different World
Reservations for these books or DVDs and any other titles may be made free of charge at the library or using our 0n-line Catalogue. Rental charge for DVDs is £2.50 per week. Items may also be renewed by telephone.
For opening hours see page 2
Home Borrowers – If you are unable to come to the library and would like our Home Borrower volunteer to visit you, please telephone the library to arrange a convenient time for her to call.
Library Strategy Consultation – The Vale of Glamorgan is seeking to introduce a community run library in Wenvoe. In order to understand the views of the community, there are consultation forms available online and at the library for members of the public to complete. The consultation process will run from now until the end of December.