“Still Life” by Sarah Winman
“Still Life” by Sarah Winman
This novel engendered a lively discussion and was generally considered an enjoyable and involving read.
The many characters are diverse and their lives are documented over four decades. Much of the story alternates between England and Italy, where the descriptions of Florence are highly evocative: several Page Turners remembered happy visits, although one reader had an unwelcome reminder of a bottom-pinching experience while there!
Much of the book explores the nature of enduring loyalty and friendship and how these survive absence.
Claude, the talking parrot, was deemed ridiculous, but entertaining. For some, the lack of quotation marks was irritating, but others thought conversations flowed more effectively as a result. Some varied comments: well-written with flashes of brilliance; disjointed; too many descriptions of meals and coffee breaks.
Two Page Turners enjoyed listening to the novel on eAudiobooks via the BorrowBox service at the Hub. A great read with score of 7 out of 10.
Many thanks to Sandra for hosting and providing delectable cakes.