The Vale Foodbank



As people continue to suffer with the cost of living many continue to turn to the Foodbank for help. This help is for those who find themselves in emergencies whether they are working or in receipt of benefits. As time progresses and numbers of these seeking help has increased the donations now are stretched to fulfil what is needed. Below are examples of what can help. Alternatively, money can be donated which is used to buy items that run out. As the school holidays begin the demands are expected to rise as children will not have access to school meals

Here in Wenvoe I feel privileged to deliver our donations each Thursday to the Warehouse in Barry, who in turn services all Foodbank outlets in the Vale. I am pleased to take a car boot full each week and also money people have donated. However, I am aware each week of the depleted stock, and hear the volunteers concerns about the difficulties they are now experiencing.

If you would like to donate there is a box in the church porch which is emptied regularly to ensure the security of the goods. Alternatively if you have any queries please contact me Jude Billingham on 07516112897.


Ideas for donations:

Tinned meat for hot meals or sandwiches

Tinned vegetables and potatoes

Fruit juice or squash

Tinned fruit

Breakfast cereals

Long life milk

Pasta sauce

Tinned tomatoes

Treats: eg. crisps or biscuits

Toiletries including women’s essentials

Coffee, tea