February Planning Applications
Planning Applications for January
4 Station Road. – Alterations and improvements of a garage with a pitched roof. The council had no objections subject to a condition of any planning permission preventing the building used for anything other than the designed garden room.
Dyffryn Gardens. – A proposed charging shed for site vehicles and alterations to the compost bays and concrete apron. The compost area is at the far end of the garden and no objections were raised.
Dyffryn House. – The installation of a one hour fire door and frame to the second floor of the house. Alt-hough a modern edition as a safety feature the coun-cil did ot object.
Land at the Lawns, Cwrt Yr Ala Road. – To con-struct an American barn to provide three stables and a feed store. As long as there was sufficient land available to graze 3 horses there were no objections.