Church Festivals
Looking back to the Scarecrow Festival and Harvest Festival Weekend at the end of September, the weather was dry but with always the threat of rain, the afternoon was a great success and enjoyed by all. The entries were numerous and the judging by the people was not made any easier due to the high standard of entries. For the children there was dressing up as a living scarecrow, competitions and delightful mouth-watering refreshments provided by volunteers from our Social Committee and friends.
The write up in our NEW joint Parish Magazine with Sully is well worth quoting here “Great attention to detail had been given to all the entrants in the competition and difficult choices had to be made to find the winners. Tin Beake welcomed us to the party from his orbit around the Yew tree. The Vicar of Dibley was offering bribes in the form of Quality Street whilst the Buxom wench fluttered her eyelashes and the Traidcraft entry outrageously touted for business. Peppa Pig was there along with Mr. Potato Head and a Minion, not to mention a whole cast from James and the Giant peach, very topical. Blodwen, the Welsh Scarecrow watched quietly from her corner while Fireman Sam encouraged us to be fire alert, and Down Town Abbie looked down her nose at the other entrants. The Cubs appeared to be growing little people in a night garden and the Scarecrow who slept through it all last year was wide awake on scaring duties this year”.
The winners were….
Best Individual (Child) Poppy for the Minion
Best Indiviaual (Adult) Mike and John Tucker for Tin Beake
Best Organisation was a tie between Down Town Abbie by Tuesday Group and James and the Giant Peach by Gwenfo School
People’s Favourite – Tin Beake
Da Iawn. well done and see you all next year.
The Harvest All Age Eucharist the following morning was well attended with Wenvoe School choir singing the Harvest Samba, and our Pebbles Group gave us a Harvest Presentation, which with the use of our new radio mike, enabled everybody to hear what they had rehearsed. A contribution from the morning collection and the evening Community Harvest Praise collection has been sent to Christian Aid.
The NEW joint Parish Magazine has been well received and being now a monthly magazine the items can be topical in content. The magazine is available in church on the first Sunday of the month at 50p a copy.
“Messy Church” with the theme of “Jesus the Light of the World”, was once again well attended on Saturday Oct 1st. with parents and children enjoying the activities and the meal at the end. A big thank you to all the volunteers and to the Vale Church for the help that is needed to stage this weekend event.
The Barn Dance on Saturday Oct. 15th in the Village Hall was enjoyed by all with a comment that it “was a great family night out". The main luxury hamper was won by Sandra Davies and the financial
result will be available in the Weekly Newsletter.
Traidcraft and Fairtrade. Tradecaft goods are now on sale in Sully and Wenvoe at the after church coffee and the Chattery meetings, The Christmas Range has now been launched with an increased range of goods suitable for the coming festive season. Look out for the “Real Advent Calendar, with chocolates and the real Story of Christmas Booklet plus many other gift ideas and a good range of Christmas Cards. Fair trade means that the person who produces the food and other items get a fair price for their work, and all these can be seen at Jude Billingham’s home when she and Nigel stage an OPEN DAY on November 18th at Church Rise in Wenvoe. The invitation is open to all and a warm welcome awaits, with refreshments available.
Looking ahead the “Christmas Chattery” will be held in the Church hall on Thursday 10th November between 10.30 – 12.00 with a selection of Traidcraft and other goodies for sale.
Remembrance Sunday is on the 13th of November with a Community Remembrance Service at St. Mary’s at 10.10am followed by the service at the War Memorial at 11.00am. A contribution from the collection at church will be given towards the work of the Royal British Legion.
The year is moving on at a pace, the short season of the Kingdom is now with us, to be followed by the solemn Season of Advent. The colours used at the altar and vestments will change to Red and then Violet, as we prepare for the Christmas Celebrations. This year we shall be sending a Christmas card to every home in Wenvoe and St Lythan’s, designed by the children of “Pebbles” giving a suitable greeting and the times of all the Christmas Services.
With every Blessing and see you in church
Parry Edwards