Looking Forward To June

Welcome to the merry month of June, called after the goddess Juno, and also the subject of the lyric “June in busting out all over, the meadow and the hill” by Rogers and Hammerstein from the stage show “Carousel” in 1956. Sunday worship at St. Mary’s is also “busting” out with new life, with a huge welcome given to the 14 candidates who were confirmed by Bishop Dominic at St. Peter’s Church in Dinas Powis on the 21st May.
Another “Busting out” was the flowering cherry tree outside the south porch in the churchyard. It flowered most gloriously this year and many people came to see it and take photographs. Let us hope it was not its swansong and that it will continue to blossom for many years to come. The replacement hawthorns alongside the path to the porch are flowering already and the churchyard is an asset much appreciated by the community, and is a perfect setting for the weddings planned during the year.
At the recent meeting of the Parochial Church Council, Trudy Kennedy was welcomed as a new member, and prayers were said for our new Bishop, the Very Rev. June Osborne, who is at present Dean of Salisbury Cathedral. It was also reported that the work to replace the frost damage to the mortar on the south curtilage walls of the churchyard would be replaced free of charge during the summer. The faculty notice for the installation of the French drains to the south wall of the nave has been affixed to the church door in preparation for submission to the Diocesan Advisory Committee. This requires that the concrete channelling be removed and a new “soak away” be dug under the path away from any burials. The work required under the last quinquenial inspection has now been completed, and the new drains will Help to remove the dampness within the walls.
Concern was raised about the lack of wheel chair access leading from the chancel step to the altar rail. The chancel step is also proving to be difficult for members of our aging congregation, and investigation will be made to see whether a suitable ramp can be purchased to make access safer and easier.The “200” Club continues to prosper and at present the subscription list stands at 293 paid up shares, thanks to 130 shareholders. A total of £2750 was transferred to the St. Mary’s building fund during 2016, leaving a balance of £1295 at the end 2016. Prize winnings totalling £1600 had been returned to shareholders in the course of the year, and this will be increased to £1700, with an extra £100 in May and again in July. The Usual summer “super draw” will be in August. Invitations for share renewals will be sent out at the end of August.. Thanks are due to Dickon Oliver for his stewardship of the “200” Club.
The big event in May was the “Christian Aid House Collection” in our three parishes. A report will be given in next month’s “What’s On” . The amount we collect has been has been helped by the money donated during the Lenten Lunches and the Agape Supper on Maunday Thursday in Holy week. Once again thanks are due to the social committee and their helpers.
The “Welcome” Pack to our new residents on the Redrow “Grange Site” have been updated and distributed when the houses are occupied. The pack contains a welcome to the parish and has individual leaflets explaining what is going on in church. It is professionally presented and printed and the invitation is extended to visit and join in any of the activities at a time of their choosing.
This year the joint Parish Picnic will be held at the Jubilee hall in Smithies Ave, Sully following the morning services on Sunday June 25th. There will be games and activities for those who wish to take part in them.
The parish magazine across the three parishes “Connections” contained a very full report of the Ministry Area Visit to Brecon. The day went well and after a lunch in the “Pilgrims Rest” there was an opportunity to tour the cathedral and attend Evensong before returning home. A similar visit is planned to next year.
Whitsuntide/Pentecostal greetings to all our readers.

Parry Edwards