Thank You For Your Support

Dear All,

I would just like to take this opportunity to say thank you for all your support and encouragement over the last 7 years while I have been the Priest in Charge here of the Parishes of Wenvoe and St Lythans.

I have been most fortunate to serve in such a beautiful place but especially to serve in such a lovely community. It has been a privilege to serve with you and to be involved in different aspects of village life. We are lucky in Wenvoe to still maintain our shop, pub, library, halls and school, and of course all the clubs and societies and What’s On that plays such a wonderful role in keeping people connected. I would just like to make a special mention for Gwenfo School, for the children, parents and staff associated with it. I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed coming and being with you at school assemblies and inviting you into St Mary’s and a couple of years ago leading a pilgrimage to St Lythans.

The last 18months have been difficult for everyone, but the way the community has pulled together and supported each other has been inspiring and thank you to the special people who have done so much for others.

I have many highlights of my time with you all. Christmas is always a special time and having the community gathered together with Vale Village Church was always a favourite moment. As was the Waiting for Jesus gathering we used to have on Christmas Eve with people of all ages coming dressed as angels or shepherds (plus the occasional king!). We have enjoyed the Scarecrow Festivals and of course the Vicar in the Stocks and the Teddy Bear Parachute Jump off the Tower. We have had candidates for Confirmation and recorded two programmes for Radio Wales Sunday Worship Celebration.

None of this would have been possible without the magnificent congregations. I don’t know what people were expecting when I first arrived but we have been on a good journey together. What people outside of the church don’t realise is how much all churches rely on volunteers, and here Wenvoe, St Lythans (and Sully – my other church) are in the Premier League. So a special thank you to our Reader Emeritus and local historian and editor (the list could go on), to all who have served as Church Wardens, the Treasurers, the leaders of the Building Committee, the Secretaries to the PCC’s, all PCC members, the people who put together the weekly Newsletter and edit the Magazine those who lead worship and read in church, my clergy colleagues, the people who provide the music, those who organise the refreshments and the social occasions we all enjoy as a community, the leaders of Pebbles and all who have worked with the children and young people in the past, the fundraisers, the 200 Club and those who donate through the various ways to the Church, the Flower arrangers, the clock winders, the people who sort out Foodbank and charity collections. Those who clean the churches and polish the brasses and those who keep and have kept the church grounds looking so good. I hope I haven’t left anyone out, but if I have, I apologise. It is because of these wonderful volunteers that our churches have stood for 800 years and will continue to go for centuries to come.

It is now time for a new chapter for me, and a new chapter for the churches. As we enter into Autumn, we are reminded that there is indeed

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: Ecclesiastes 3.1

With my thanks to you all for the time we have spent together and my continued prayers to the wonderful people of Wenvoe and St Lythans




October Letters


(The EditorPen+inks are not responsible for opinions expressed, although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information. The editors reserve the right to protect the anonymity of anyone who wishes to contribute articles or letters for the magazine provided they are aware of the identity of any such person. )


The majority of Wenvoe dog walkers are considerate but recently my neighbour told me that she had seen someone park their car outside my house and let her dog (on a lead) come into my garden to do its business. Then she put the dog back into the car, made no attempt to bag the deposit, and then walked her child off to school.

This is not acceptable behaviour. Why should I or my neighbours have to clear up after other people’s animals?

Please be considerate whoever you are. You have been seen.

Name supplied to Editors


I would like to say a huge “Thank You” to the ladies of Wenvoe WI for their very generous gifts, lovely card and Pam’s special poem that I received at our September meeting when I stepped down as their President. It was all a wonderful surprise and I was totally overwhelmed by the kindness shown to me.

It has been a privilege and a pleasure to have been the President of our local WI for many years during which all committees and all members have given me their continuous support. Everything we have achieved has been the result of good team work.

The time is now right for me to step down. I would like to take this opportunity to give my very best wishes to Janet Young who has very kindly agreed to be our new President.

Madeleine Rees


My family and I would like to say a big thank you to everyone for their kind messages received after the sudden loss of Gareth in August. Reading the many cards and letters gave us great comfort.

Special thanks also to Jon Ormrod for his kindness and support.

Sandra Davies




September Letters


(The EditorPen+inks are not responsible for opinions expressed, although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information. The editors reserve the right to protect the anonymity of anyone who wishes to contribute articles or letters for the magazine provided they are aware of the identity of any such person. )



I would like to thank family and friends for the many cards and flowers I received following Malcolm’s sudden death on 7th July their thoughts and messages were a great comfort.

A special thanks to our neighbours in Gwenfo Drive who have been a great support to us both since Malcolm’s stroke in 2017 and especially to me these past weeks.

Thanks also to Rev. Jon Ormrod for the caring way in which he conducted the funeral service at the Vale Crematorium on July 26th.

Mary Lucas


Wenvoe War Memorial

The news that the war memorial is now a listed structure, has prompted research into the backgrounds of the names of the men who are inscribed on the monolith.

Are there any living descendants of the families of these men in Wenvoe today.

Also from WW2 Peter Hughes is commemorated, is there any information regarding this man.

This information is being compiled by and will eventually be available at the war memorial by means of a QR code accessible by smart phones.

If you are able to help contact please on

Parry Edwards


Request For Used Stamps

I would like to thank everyone for the magnificent response to my request for used stamps to send to the Donkey Sanctuary. I have been able to thank most people personally but yesterday (July 10th) I received another carrier bag of stamps which was handed to my grandson and I was unfortunately unable to speak to her. A big thank you to her, and everyone. Please continue to save these stamps to help this charity.

Margaret George Settlers, Grange Avenue




June  Letters

(The EditorPen+inks are not responsible for opinions expressed, although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information. The editors reserve the right to protect the anonymity of anyone who wishes to contribute articles or letters for the magazine provided they are aware of the identity of any such person. )





Whoever withheld their name in last month’s edition complaining about fireworks should consider the couple who had to postpone their wedding 3 times and eventually had a small socially distanced ceremony at home. Fireworks were set off within the parameters of the law.

Sandra Mackie

Mother of the Bride


Colin, Kathryn and David Thomas would like to thank friends and neighbours for the large number of letters and condolence cards they have received following the sudden death of Chris on the 19th May. Many thanks

Colin Thomas


I heard about this Exhibition at the National Museum in Cardiff quite by chance, but am so glad I paid a visit there last week as I found it extremely enjoyable and informative. I booked a slot to visit the Museum online , and the Exhibition , located on the Ground Floor, was free and REALLY interesting to any Richard Burton fan. The 2 videos were well worth watching, and all the memorabilia quite fascinating, bringing many a smile and mini walk down Memory Lane.

The coffee shop nearby is open, so you can have a breather half way through if needed. Do go, and, if you enjoy it too, recommend it to your friends as it does not seem to have been advertised widely enough, and is there until the Autumn.

Kind Regards,

Val Roberts.

Thank you to everyone for your offers of help and support since the recent unfortunate incident. I have always felt fortunate to live in this community but never more so than now.

Mike Tucker


May  Letters


May  Letters

(The EditorPen+inks are not responsible for opinions expressed, although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information. The editors reserve the right to protect the anonymity of anyone who wishes to contribute articles or letters for the magazine provided they are aware of the identity of any such person. )








I recently had to undergo surgery to one of my
eyes. I would like to thank my wonderful friends and
neighbours for all their help and support. I would be
absolutely lost without them, and count my blessings
each day.
Thank you,
Carol Wyllie






I would like to thank all my family and friends
for the kind wishes and cards on the occasion of my
recent 90th Birthday.
Thank you,
Mary Turner






Whoever was responsible for the loud fireworks
on Thursday evening the 20thMay, should consider
the effect they had on the elderly people and the
dogs and animals. Not a good idea.
(Name withheld)




Diamond Wedding Anniversary


April Letters

(The Editor


s are not responsible for opinions expressed, although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information. The editors reserve the right to protect the anonymity of anyone who wishes to contribute articles or letters for the magazine provided they are aware of the identity of any such person. )




We would like to thank all friends and neighbours for the good wishes, cards, flowers and gifts on the occasion of our Diamond Wedding Anniversary.

Because of lockdown, what we thought would be ‘just another day’ turned out to be something special.

Our mystery – A lovely card came through the door, envelope written in gold but they forgot to sign it.

Thank you

Joyce & Eric White




March Letters



March Letters

(The Editors are not responsible for opinions expressed, although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information. The editors reserve the right to protect the anonymity of anyone who wishes to contribute articles or letters for the magazine provided they are aware of the identity of any such person. )


Elsie Thomas

The Wenvoe Village Hall Management Committee would like to thank the late Elsie Thomas estate for the wonderful gift left in her ‘will’ to support the Village Hall.

Elsie attended many an event at the Village Hall, probably more than we can remember.

Elsie always purchased raffle tickets for the Christmas Draw, donated in time of need and would find Jumble for us, for our many jumble sales over the years.

We are thankful that Elsie thought of the Village Hall, right up to the end of her days.

God Bless you Elsie x




Sylvia Edwards R.I.P.

Parry and his family wish to thank all who have send cards, messages and their thoughts and prayers, when Sylvia passed away at the end of January, after an illness of many years.

Sylvia will long be remembered for her lovely floral displays in St. Mary’s church, for festivals and weddings.

God Bless you all.



Peter Bagshaw



We would like to thank families, friends and neighbours for the cards and flowers that we received on the passing of Peter Bagshaw, who passed on 18th December 2020

The cards and their words gave us strength and support during such a difficult time and the flowers brightened our days.

Thank you to all those who donated to Cancer Research UK in memory of Peter. £645.00 plus £145.00 in gift aid has been raised to date.

We would like to thank Green Willow Funerals of Dinas Powys for their services and professionalism, ensuring that the care of Peter was second to none.

We said our final goodbyes on Friday 15th January and would like to thank Reverend Jon Ormrod for being there for us in our time of need and for holding a wonderful service at the Vale Crematorium.

Thank you all

Love from Veena, Sandra and Family xxxx



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