May Letters
May Letters
(The Editors are not responsible for opinions expressed, although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information. The editors reserve the right to protect the anonymity of anyone who wishes to contribute articles or letters for the magazine provided they are aware of the identity of any such person. )
I recently had to undergo surgery to one of my
eyes. I would like to thank my wonderful friends and
neighbours for all their help and support. I would be
absolutely lost without them, and count my blessings
each day.
Thank you,
Carol Wyllie
I would like to thank all my family and friends
for the kind wishes and cards on the occasion of my
recent 90th Birthday.
Thank you,
Mary Turner
Whoever was responsible for the loud fireworks
on Thursday evening the 20thMay, should consider
the effect they had on the elderly people and the
dogs and animals. Not a good idea.
(Name withheld)