Be A Responsible Dog Owner



There has been a number of incidents of dog waste not being picked up and dog waste bags being left on the pavements, on walls, hung on bushes, trees etc. Dog waste bags can be placed in any one of the many waste bins around the village; they are not restricted to one of the special dog waste bins. If no bin is available take the bag home and dispose of it in your own bin.

Dog owners are reminded to keep their dogs on leads and off residents property when walking through the village. Concerns have been raised regarding dogs running across residents gardens and even fouling on house lawns. If you see any dog fouling please help by reporting it at; https://

Wenvoe Community Council recognise the area most affected following resident complaints and are in the process of purchasing a dog waste bin which will be emptied by WCC and not the VoG. This will be on a trial basis and if abused the Dog Waste bin may be removed.

Vale of Glamorgan waste bins are emptied once a week. If any are full you are requested to take the waste to another bin or take it home. Do not leave any additional bags alongside waste bins. Note – The large green bins located in the cemetery are for cemetery waste only and nothing else. These bins have a special emptying contract.