July Council News

The Chairman welcomed the new Clerk to the Council, Claire Harlow to her first meeting of the members.


Childrens Playgrounds. The Grange Park. The Vale has accepted one of the three tenders submitted. Construction of the play area not anticipated to commence until September due to preparatory drainage work having to be completed first. Work will also include a safer access from Old Port Road and new paths. The Vale are requested to also include improved safety for the steps leading from the park to Tarrws Close. The tenders for the Twyn-yr-Odyn play equipment are still awaited.

New tenders including the proposed modifications to the new library are still awaited. An application for additional funding has been submitted.

The proposed possible boundary changes for the ward have been supported by the other local Community Councils and will be forwarded to the Vale for submission to the forthcoming boundary review commission. With no change in the boundaries the present ward is expected to have a representation of almost 1:2500 electorate per ward councillor while the target is 1:1850. per councillor.

The public rubbish bins in the village are being misused. People are depositing carrier bags of food waste and other general household items in them. It was reported that there were 6 pillows stuffed in one lately and a bin by the church had a very large quantity of drink cans. These items should be placed in recycling bags or food bins where appropriate. There is a threat of having the number of bins in the village reduced if this trend continues. The Council would be pleased to hear of any information regarding this behaviour. Fly tipping continues to be a problem locally.

It was reported that school gates and some building material was stolen recently. Please contact the school or police with any information.

The Jubilee Gate entrance to the burial ground requires repairs. It is hoped that the cemetery shed door is renewed at the same time.

Bruce McDonald and his team were congratulated by the Council on being awarded six Green Flag awards this year for their orchards and the orchid field. There is no other village in the country with anywhere near this number awards.

The new homes at the site of the old bus depot site at Twyn-yr-Odyn are complete and occupation is expected to commence by the end of July.

A report from the allotment wardens was received. Some remedial work will be organised as soon as possible. Allotment holders are reminded that weeds etc. should be disposed of on their own site and not deposited on an unoccupied area.

The Councillors thanked Tony Williams for his five years of service with the Council and presented him with a token of their appreciation.