Meeting Report


Everyone was welcomed at the meeting by the president, especially new members, Pat and Zena. The effort and hard work by members in making the Link meeting such a success was much appreciated. Names were taken for our summer lunch at the Aubrey Arms, Bonvilston on 4th August at 12.30 pm. Final plans were made for the charity afternoon tea on 14th July at 2.30pm.

Barry Highlight WI have invited our members to their coffee morning on 22nd July and several members expressed interest.

As a result of ill health our speaker for the meeting was unable to be present but members had a social evening with strawberries and cream.

As there is no monthly meeting in August so the next monthly meeting will be on 7th September at the Church Hall when the speaker will be Keith Moger and the subject will be the History of Cardiff hospitals. Visitors are very welcome.