Advent In St. Mary’s Church
This year during Advent we are considering others in need both locally and farther afield
Each Sunday throughout Advent we will remember those locally who are struggling financially and those farther afield who may have lost everything they own and are displaced away from their homes.
Locally we already donate goods each week to the Vale Foodbank. The goods are taken to the warehouse in Barry, which services 8 contact centres around the Vale. The Foodbank is affiliated to the Trussel Trust, whose philosophy is: “We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry”.
To access help individuals or families need a referral from someone in the caring services for 3 days emergency food. Two examples of those who have needed help include:
Holly who is a single parent with a daughter. She lived in a poor area with drug taking and trading all around, sometimes outside her door. She moved to a better area to be near her parents, however her rent doubled. She had never claimed benefits and remained independent setting up a small business selling second hand clothes. She did this from her home until she gained a space in a local shop to increase her sales. All was going well until her daughter became ill culminating in her needing a stay in hospital for 3 weeks. When she came home soon their cupboards were bare, bills were rising, and debts seemed inevitable. After seeking help at a Citizen Advice Bureau she was referred to her local Foodbank
Richard had been in the police force for 6 years followed by 12 years in the military. He was fit and did not foresee any problems. However, he then had a chest infection followed by two major strokes, 19 mini strokes, and was deemed unfit to work. He needs constant medication and found the cost of transport to get his prescription expensive, and so he found he had to choose between his prescription and buying food. He like Holly was referred to the Foodbank by Citizens Advice.
Both Holly and Richard saw the Foodbank as a lifeline, where they were made to feel welcome and cared for. Indeed, it was the way help was given that gave them encouragement and took away fears about seeking help
Current information of the Vale: During October there were 680 referrals, of which 438 were adults and 242 Children (of those 88 were new referrals). Stock was low during the summer months due to increased referrals, however many donations from Harvest celebrations have made improvements. These should help until January, however this prediction is causing concern as in previous years these Harvest collections should last through to the spring.
Looking further afield Christian Aid helps us to identify communities and individuals who also need our actions. Not all places in crisis reach our TVs or newspapers, or the media soon loses their interest.
“No Room for Comfort and Joy”
The Republic of Sudan has been at war between factions within the military since 2023. 15 thousand have lost their lives and 9 million have been displaced. There is evidence of killings, looting and sexual violence. Many of those fleeing for their lives have made their way to South Sudan, where the UN has declared the situation as the world’s worst hunger crisis. It is there we find Christian Aid taking action.
Here in South Sudan we meet Sheda who is married with 3 children. The youngest is 6 and the eldest also has a 6 year old. Previously she lived in the Republic of Sudan, where she farmed her food organically and though poor the family were able to care for themselves. Looking back to March 2023 Sheda describes: “Fighting broke out and homes were bombed, food was no longer available. The situation was dire. Conditions were very bad for us”.
Sheda’s brothers were killed and she decided to travel with her daughters and granddaughter to South Sudan, her husband stayed and she has not heard from him since. They had no belongings, just the clothes on them.
At the settlement Sheda who previously grew her own food now relies on food and cash supplied from Christian Aid and their partners.
Our role this Advent:
Vale Foodbank: We will be concentrating on collecting food, both festive foods and staple items, to replenish food stocks. Suggested foods for Christmas parcels include, Tinned ham and salmon, Christmas or sponge puddings, Christmas biscuits, Selection boxes, Custard, Savoury snacks, Christmas cake or mince pies.
If you would like to contribute there are collection boxes in the church porch which are emptied regularly.
Sudan Crisis: A Retiring collection for the settlements in South Sudan, will be taken each Sunday in Advent. envelopes will be made available for gift aid.
For further information please contact Jude Billingham on 01756112897