It Soon Went Bottoms Up


It Soon Went Bottoms Up

What started as a full complement of eager veterans ready to clear the vast amount of detritus from the bottom of Pound Lane, soon went bottoms up. Things were going so well, until the police turned up with a warrant for the arrest of team member Gareth (Shady) Williams. Despite some not so convincing protests from the rest of the team, they put Shady in a police van. Big John took it upon himself to lay in the road to prevent the constables taking Shady away, the problem with that was, he didn’t have his glasses on and was lying down at the back of the van and they just drove off. Shady was later bailed for £5. His friend has started a gofundme page to get a legal team on the case. It stands at 90p. Charges relate to his time in France before he was extradited.

Our meeting for December has yet to be confirmed as there could be more arrests from our group if Shady starts squealing under interrogation. If you think you might fit in with this bunch of outlaws, please let the Godfather know.


Merry Christmas you filthy animals.