October Report
We have an important message from Vicar Lyndon to share with you.
Dear Friends of St Lythans Church,
After the service this Sunday, 20th October at 8:30 am, we will be suspending regular services at St Bleiddian’s, for now. The next service after this will be the Remembrance Service at 8:30 am on 10th November. All are welcome, of course, to attend Sunday services in Wenvoe at 9:30 am or Sully at 11.00 am. If you, or anyone you know, is in need of pastoral care please let me know or pass on my contact information.
After more than 1000 years it is sad to find ourselves with insufficient numbers to continue with weekly services. However, we will continue to offer special seasonal services and be available for baptisms, weddings, and funerals. We certainly give thanks for the willing volunteers who have kept, and continue to keep, the church building in working order ready to serve.
May God guide us as we seek to continue to serve in this holy place as part of the Church in Wales.
This decision has not been taken lightly with the existing small congregation taking part in the decision-making process. It is indeed sad as Lyndon has pointed out that regular worship has been suspended, but it will remain a sacred space, kept in readiness for the special services at festival times in the church’s calendar. We thank the “friends” of St. Lythan’s in raising funds to keep the church fit for purpose and in as good repair as is possible with a mediaeval church with a II* grading.
The recent Harvest festival was well attended, and the “friends” held a very successful Cheese and Wine fund raising quiz, following the service. Thank you for all you do to fundraise and bring people together from the communities of Dyffryn, St. Lythan’s and Twyn yr Odin.
On Sunday 13th October we suffered a power failure in St. Mary’s which made us decamp to the Church Hall for the morning Eucharist. It was really good and many remarked what a change it was to have the opportunity to worship together in different surroundings. Many thanks to all who helped in transferring the liturgical items from the church and setting up the hall and for clearing up afterwards. Power is now restored and hopefully this will not happen again.
Special order of service booklets have been prepared for Remembrance Sunday and for the Community Christmas Carol service. Members of the community have been approached to take part in the readings and all are welcomed to be present at these annual community events running up to the celebration of Christmas.
Here are some dates to place in your calendar to remind you of what’s happening at St. Mary’s and St. Lythan’s
Upcoming Services and Events
2nd November at 7.00pm – Wenvoe – All Souls Commemoration of the Faithful Departed
10th November Remembrance Sunday – 8.30 at St Lythans and 10.00am in Wenvoe
Tuesdays 3rd, 10th & 17th December at 7.00pm – St Lythans – Advent meditation with harp.
Christmas Eve:
Wenvoe at 5.00pm – All Ages Christmas Service
Wenvoe at 11.00pm – Christmas Eve Eucharist
Christmas Day:
St Lythans at 9:30am – Christmas Day Eucharist
Names of the faithful departed for the All Souls service can be added to the list being prepared in church in good time for the service on Nov 2nd.
Christian Aid, Christmas Appeals and Food Bank See message from Jude on page 8.
The Result of the Wenvoe Gift Appeal
There is never a right time to appeal for funds especially this year when the cost of living, heating or eating, is a choice many are having to make in their daily lives. We are so grateful that those who donated to the appeal thought that the appeal was justified and that St. Mary’s church in Wenvoe needed their support. The amount raised was £1,483 and a big thank you for your contribution, which will be used to maintain the church building, to keep the heating on at a low level to protect the fabric from damp. St. Mary’s is a Grade II* listed building, and we are bound to hand the church on for future generations yet to be born, so that worship will continue to be offered, and the church available for family events, both joyful and sad.
November is a month when we remember many things. From the faithful departed on November 2nd, to the event when Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament on November 5th, To Remembrance Sunday on November 10th when we will gather in St. Mary’s for our annual commemoration of those lads from the village who gave their lives in World War I and World War II so that we may now enjoy the peace as a result of their sacrifice, and later at the War memorial for the Silence and laying of wreaths. As usual we shall be making a collection for the Royal British Legion to continue their work with survivors of the other wars that have taken place in recent years. We look forward to seeing you in church and at the newly cleaned War Memorial with recently installed handrail, arranged by the Wenvoe Community Council. Diolch yn fawr.
“We will not forget them”
Light refreshments of coffee, tea and soft drinks will be provided in the Church Hall following the commemoration. All are welcome.
Thank you for reading the church news.
Parry Edwards