Another Great Day At The Plant Sale

Wenvoe Wildlife Group

Another Great Day At The Plant Sale


Another great day at the Plant Sale which generated over £1,600 for the Wildlife Group. Our thanks to Mike and Glenys Tucker for continuing to organise these events which not only raise funds but act as a social gathering for both residents and visitors. Shirley, Judith and Sian manned the Wildlife Group table so we are grateful to them along with all those who donated plants. Our appreciation to all of you who turned up on the day, bought plants and raffle tickets, donated raffle prizes and purchased the delectable cakes on offer. And well done, Geraint, for his great idea of having a bring and buy table for garden tools and pots with all proceeds to the Wildlife Group. We have had a big programme of noticeboard refurbishment in our orchards and the photo shows the completely rebuilt noticeboard in the Welsh Orchard