Platinum Jubilee Picnic


Here at Playgroup, we held our Platinum Jubilee picnic on Thursday 26th May during a morning and afternoon session.

Children made their own picnic, by buttering their own bread, choosing a sandwich filling, then folding into rectangles and cutting into squares. Children also decorated their own cake with red, white or blue icing, in time for the picnic. Running up to the event, all children decorated their own crown and coloured their flags. A fun time was had by all.

We had a good turn out at our open afternoon in June and have limited space into the Autumn term. Should your child be interested in joining us in the next academic year, then please get in touch.

We will be holding an open morning on Friday 9th September from 9am until 12noon, with the group returning on Monday 12th September 22.

For more information and to keep up-to-date with the very latest, please view our website

You will also find many more photos in our gallery.

We close on the 22nd July.

Have a wonderful summer everyone