Chatterbooks and Challenges
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With the success of the school visits to the Hub and Library, we are planning a Chatterbooks group for our young people during the summer holidays. Chatterbooks is a junior book club which we hope will continue to excite youngsters in the 8 – 10 year old age range about reading.
The Chatterbooks co-ordinator will suggest a theme. The young readers can bring their own books related to the theme or borrow books from the library. Around the second week of August, the group will meet up at the library to talk about the books they have read and make their recommendations.
Summer Reading Challenge
This year’s theme is Gadgeteers. The Challenge will be launched at the school towards the end of the summer term and further information about activities will be available at the library.
Storytime for the toddlers has been a joy since it started and will continue during the summer holidays on Wednesdays 9.30am – 10.30am.
Community Hub Limerick competition
The winner of this year’s Limerick competition, on the theme of the new library, is Gordon Jones who wins a bottle of Prosecco.
In Wenvoe the Library Hub
Has attracted diners from the pub
The Hub’s volunteers
Have shed copious tears
As they struggle through culture and grub