Jubilee Family Picnic
Friday 3rd June
On Friday 3rd June at 2.00pm St Mary’s Church will be holding a Jubilee Family Picnic.
A short informal open air service of thanksgiving in the churchyard around the preaching cross will be followed by a bring your own picnic. There will be games and activities for the children. A Treasure Hunt, HoopLa, Wellie Throwing and paper chain making will keep the youngsters busy.
This get together is open to all and St. John’s Church in Sully will be joining us. If wet we shall use the Church Hall, but we pray that the sun will shine and a good time is had by all. This is part of the events arranged in the village to commemorate this the longest reign in the history of the UK and the Commonwealth. There will be a celebratory cake to be cut with a taste for all. So do come along and join in the fun.