Jubilee Family Picnic


Friday 3rd June

On Friday 3rd June at 2.00pm St Mary’s Church will be holding a Jubilee Family Picnic.

A short informal open air service of thanksgiving in the churchyard around the preaching cross will be followed by a bring your own picnic. There will be games and activities for the children. A Treasure Hunt, HoopLa, Wellie Throwing and paper chain making will keep the youngsters busy.

This get together is open to all and St. John’s Church in Sully will be joining us. If wet we shall use the Church Hall, but we pray that the sun will shine and a good time is had by all. This is part of the events arranged in the village to commemorate this the longest reign in the history of the UK and the Commonwealth. There will be a celebratory cake to be cut with a taste for all. So do come along and join in the fun.



Planning Updates June 2022

Planning Updates June 2022

Planning Updates

The following applications have been approved

  • 27, Burdons Close. Construct single storey orangery rear extension.
  • 17, Old Port Road. Replacement of conservatory with oak framed extension, extending existing lean-to entrance lobby.
  • 9, Goldsland Walk. Conversion of existing integral single garage into a living space.
  • Dyffryn Gardens. Repairs to flat roofs to prevent water ingress. National Trust.
  • 9, Walston Road. Extension to the existing property on one side of the house. The owner has agreed to render the walls and paint the windows to match existing windows.


The work to trees covered by Tree Preservation Order at 7, Tarrws Close has been refused. It was considered there is insufficient justification to allow the works to the mature Horse Chestnut trees, given the high amenity value the trees continue to have.

The wording on the signage to the library on Old Port Road requires updating now the building is known as The Hub. The Council is to approach the Vale with their proposal and seek additional directional signage off Walston Road.

The arrangements for the opening of The Hub and the forthcoming Queen’s Jubilee celebrations were confirmed. The installation of the toposcope, commissioned to mark this occasion, is expected to be installed on the Quarryman’s mound at Twyn-yr-Odyn before the end of May.

A new council clerk has been appointed and will be available in her office on Tuesday to Thursday by appointment.

The present council has five vacancies and applicants wishing to be considered for adoption should apply before the 14th June.  ( See advert)

The successful applicants will serve for the next 5 years



Planning Applications for June 2022

Planning Applications for June 2022

The following applications have been approved

  • Former Pizza Hut, Culverhouse Cross Retail Park. Variation of Condition 3. At present the restaurant is only permitted to open between the hours of 08.00 to 23.00 hours on any day. The new owners wish to be able to serve breakfast hence the request to change trading times.
  • Unit F, Valegate Retail Park Change of use to D2 (Assembly and Leisure) with ancillary A1 and A3 uses. This was previously a lighting shop.
  • Hillside, The Tumble, The Downs. Construction of a four bedroom house, 3 three bedroom houses, and 1 one bedroom flat and 1 two bedroom flat.

• Land to the West of St Lythans Road. Change of use of an agricultural field to a secure dog walking field with associated access and parking area. Council has expressed concerns about the future of the field if it changes from agriculture to commercial. Also cars accessing the site.



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