May 2022 News Update
At long last we can report that work on the repointing of the tower and porch is now underway. The porch has already been completed and it is certainly an improvement on the previous cement mortar. This has all been removed and conservation lime mortar used for the repointing. Work on the tower will continue during the summer months for completion in the autumn, before the frosts set in.
The new lighting scheme has been installed and was trialled on the congregation on Sunday 15th May. Reactions were varied, but generally the new lighting is far superior to the old set up and is easily managed by means of a small keyboard, with pre-set combinations for us in our normal services and the occasional ones of baptism, weddings and funerals. All the light fittings are LED which will give us long life in use and are very economical. We were able to install this scheme due to the generous bequest made to St. Mary’s by the late Mr Ron Thomas, a former resident of Walston Road and a faithful worshipper at St. Mary’s.
The sound system has been checked over and closed circuit television has been installed, with a monitor screen in the transept. The unobtrusive camera is focused on the area of the nave in front of the Rood Screen and Lectern so that when sat in the transept the priest and readers can be seen. Over the years since the transept was built in 1991, people have often felt cut off from the main service as they could not see what was taking place. Now it is hoped that the TV monitor will help them be part of the service. A facility has also been built into the system allowing us to transmit recordings of our service on Facebook. However, no decision has been taken at the present moment.
During the time all this work has been taking place, we have not forgotten the need to provide toilet facilities/catering facilities in the church, and our church architect has been in discussions with the Diocesan Advisory Committee as to what form of extension they will support. We will await their decisions and will work on the advice they have to give as we attempt to bring the church building into a worshipping space fit for use in the 21st century. The question on what we do with the church hall remains on our wish list with regard to selling the site. The present kitchen/toilet facilities need updating and dampness of the building needs work to rectify it, but we continue to use it for church activities.
This year the appeal was launched in church on May 1st when Jude Billingham, the organiser for fund raising, gave a presentation during the morning service. This was followed on Saturday May 14th with a Coffee and Cake and Book event in the church hall. This brought a lot of people together and showed Jude and her team of helpers great support for the time they had spent preparing for this event. Appeal envelopes have been delivered to the streets in Wenvoe and Sully to raise money for this most
excellent cause to help those in Africa who are not as fortunate as we are. The results of the appeal will not be known until some time in June when all the results of the various activities taking place will be collated.
This is a programme organised by the diocese to open 10 churches considered to be well worth visiting for their historic and artistic features. We will open St. Mary’s on Saturday 18th and Saturday 25th June between 2.00- 4.00 pm. So a date for your diaries. You will get a great welcome and a demo of our lighting system.
Details of Picnic
The appointment of our new priest has been made, but the official announcement has been delayed by reason of obtaining a visa from the Home Office. We know he is married and will be bringing his wife to live in the Rectory in Wenvoe. He is joining us from Canada and his name will be released at the appropriate time. In the meantime, we hold him and his family in our prayers. We will make them very welcome and who knows, we may even fly the Canadian flag from the flagpole on the tower.
See you at the picnic and you are welcome to our Sunday service.
Parry Edwards