Thanks ‘The Works’ Of Wenvoe
We would like to thank ‘The Works’ of Wenvoe for their kind donation to our Christmas Raffle. The Works have supported many raffles at the Play-group and we would like to show our appreciation for their continued support by sharing our thanks in the What’s On.
Many local businesses support Wenvoe Playgroup CIO and we would like to thank everyone for their donations and support. It is thanks to local business-es, the Community and our Families, that Wenvoe Playgroup CIO remains today. We would like to thank everyone who has believed in us and we are now operating stronger than ever with the support of our community, so thank you.
The 30 Hour Free Childcare has also made a differ-ence to the operation of Playgroup. We now have over forty families enrolled with us and many on our waiting lists for September 2020.
To find out more about the 30 Hour Free Childcare Offer for September, please contact your local Family Information Centre to see if you are eligible for the offer. Both parents or single parent family must be working A MINIMUM of 16 hours per week on minimum wage. The offer is for families with Children, the term after their 3rd Birthday until they attend reception class. 12.5 hours of the 30 hours are used in LEA Nurseries. Here at Playgroup we run term time only alongside Gwenfo Nursery.
Here at Wenvoe Playgroup we support 17.5 hours of Free Care, which we can be flexible in our ar-rangements. Most children with us at this time at-tend 5 mornings per week 9 – 1pm and transit across to Gwenfo Nursery for 1pm until 3:30pm. A packed lunch is provided from home and parents pay a top up fee per week of £11.25 as they attend 20 hours per week.
Of course, you may attend a four day week from 9am until 1pm for FREE using 16 hours. Some pre-fer to use 15 hours , 8am UNTIL 1pm and pay a top up fee for breakfast club of 50p per day (£1.50 per week).
We also have children using 17.5 hours with us, as their local school does not have an LEA Nursery provision and they are just outside the Gwenfo Catchment Area. Some also choose not to move onto their catchment nursery as they have settled with us, hence limited spaces during the Spring and Summer months. Our advice to you is; if you are thinking of joining us in the academic year 2020 to 2021 for wrap around care, then contact us and share your wishes. Although Nursery admissions for September 2020 will not be notified until the end of May, we can keep you in mind for a place from September should you be successful.
We also provide a Breakfast Club for children who attend Gwenfo Reception for £5 per day. Breakfast club opens at 8am here at the Village Hall and chil-dren are taken safely to reception at Gwenfo for 8:50am start.
Nursery Children who attend morning Nursery at Gwenfo, also attend breakfast and we take them across at 8:50am or they stay until 1pm and are tak-en across for the afternoon session. The latter is the most popular. You can see from the above how flex-ible we are to meet your needs. Just please don’t ask us to do overnight or weekends ha ha.
If you are interested in how we can help you, then please contact us either by email-ing or phone 02920507494.
For further information, please visit our web-site;