As always, time seems to be flying! At the time of writing, we now have only 4 and a half weeks left until the Summer break!
Our Christian value this half term is: RESPECT Show Respect to Everyone 1 Peter 2:17
Our pupils have been engaging in some wonderful activities; Year 6, accompanied by Miss Starke, Mrs Gordon and Mrs Briscombe, enjoyed a super day at the Hay Book Festival.
The Reception class have thoroughly enjoyed their Music and Movement sessions on a Thursday afternoon and Year 5 have worked so well together as a team to complete physical challenges – during Forces Fitness Sessions.
Several of our pupils enjoyed celebrating Eid with their families and told us, in such excellent detail, about the lovely experiences they had enjoyed.
We celebrated our own Gwenfo Book Day last Friday (14th June); the children were able to come into school as a favourite character or in their pyjamas. It was truly lovely to observe the older and younger children sharing books and stories together.
Due to the inclement weather, our sports day had to be postponed; we are now keeping our fingers crossed that the sun will shine on our reserve date of July 1st!
You will probably have noticed that we are having building work done in school; this is to complete our complement of super Foundation Phase classrooms. The plan is that it will be completed in time for when the children return to school in September!
Our netballers are currently “on tour” in Kent. They are playing at two different venues and we send them all our good wishes. Thanks really must go to Mrs Plevey and family, Mrs Kennedy and Mrs Morris for giving so freely and generously of their time in accompanying the team.
Year 6 are currently having cycling proficiency sessions and Year 4, swimming lessons. Swimming lessons are undertaken in a fortnightly block.
So as we head into our final few weeks of term, we will be very busy, including with transition activities and hopefully, enjoying some lovely sunshine too!