1. Nomination papers must be delivered to the Returning Officer no later than 4pm on Tuesday 12 December 2023.

2. Nomination papers may be delivered to the Returning Officer at the Civic Offices between 10am and 4pm on any working day from the date of publication of this notice (excluding bank holidays) or electronically as per the arrangements set out in the electronic delivery statement below.

3. Nomination papers may be obtained from the Retuning Officer either at the offices of the council for the Vale of Glamorgan, Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry, CF63 4RU or electronically via from 4 December 2023 until 12 December 2023.

4. If any election is contested the poll will take place on Thursday 11 January 2024.

5. Applications to register to vote must reach the Electoral Registration Officer by on 12 midnight Thursday 21 December 2023. Applications can be made online

6. Applications, amendments or cancellations of postal votes must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at the Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry, CF63 4RU by 5pm on Friday 22 December 2023.

7. Applications to vote by proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at the Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry, CF63 4RU by 5pm on Wednesday 3 January 2023.

8. Applications to vote by emergency proxy at this election must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at the Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry, CF63 4RU by 5pm on Thursday 11 January 2024.

Electronic delivery statement

9. Nomination papers submitted electronically must be delivered in accordance with arrangements set out in this statement.

10. The email address to submit nominations is Please use this email address for any queries and/or informal checks. The subject heading should include the name of the candidate and the affiliated party (if applicable).

11. We would strongly advise you to check that your nomination papers have been received by telephoning 01446 709304.

12. It is the responsibility of candidates to ensure that the Returning Officer receives the nomination papers in the correct way by the required deadline.

13. An electronic read receipt from the Returning Officer is not confirmation that the nomination is valid. The Returning Officer will send a notice to inform candidates of their decision as to whether or not their nomination is valid.

14. Should you require any assistance with the electronic delivery of nominations please contact the Electoral Services Manager on 01446 709304.






Recycling Bags Availability

Clerk to the Council – Recycling Bags


Please note that the Wenvoe Community Centre have stocks of all Vale of Glamorgan recycling bags, caddies (excluding hygiene caddies) food bags and dog poo bags which can be collected free of charge with the exception of green garden waste bags and dog bags which cost £2.20 each during the  standard office hours of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 9.00am – 1.00pm.




November Letters



Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude to our many friends and neighbours in Wenvoe for their tremendous support following the passing of my husband, Gordon Jones, on September 18, at the age of 86. Your cards, flowers, and messages of support have been a source of great comfort, as well as a testament to how well-respected Gordon was within the village.

I would like to extend a special thank you to The Reverend Lyndon Hutchison-Hounsell for conducting the lovely funeral service at St. Mary’s Parish Church on October 10, and to all those who were able to attend and join in the wonderful singing. Your presence meant a lot to us.

I’m please to say that the collection held at the service raised £1000 for the Royal National Lifeboat Association (RNLI), which was a cause close to Gordon’s heart.

With sincere thanks,

Elizabeth Jones



We are looking for a couple of players to boost our team, we have five players already from Wenvoe.

We play from Ely Cons on a Friday night and away games any night. We car share where possible. This team has been going since the 60’s.

If interested please ring Bernard on 07960135606

Tips from Residents of the Old Rectory et al.


Tips from Residents of the Old Rectory et al.

Old Rectory

1. Plant garlic now, it’s supposed to increase the flavour by sowing in the Autumn.

2. Keep the lawns clear of leaves, tedious but necessary.

3. Be sure to open greenhouse door on nice days to increase air flow.

4. Ripen any green tomatoes by putting on a sunny windowsill.

5. Take extra care outside this time of year, as surfaces will be slippery.

Lawn care tips from Ray Darlington

  1. Aerate the lawn either by machine or just by forking over.
  2. Sweep up worm casts as they make perfect areas for weeds to settle.
  3. Raise the cutting height on mower if the grass still needs mowing.
  4. Tidy up the edging, it will make the garden look neater.
  5. If you’re considering adding a flower bed to the lawn, now is the time to start. Just turn the turf over so no grass is showing, and it will die off leaving a good base for Spring planting.

November can be an unforgiving month, which can seem worse with the garden devoid of bright colours except for some berries which will soon be eaten by the birds. Keeping things tidy in the garden can make things easier on the eye. There is always something to be done outside, whether it’s moving shrubs, cutting back or thinning out clumps of grasses. It can be be quite hard to get motivated but once outside the mood changes. A little effort now will make a big difference when Spring comes round.

It’s not often garden centres have bargains but at this time of year seed packets are on offer, just be sure you remember where you put them for safe keeping. The large garden centre in St Mellons has a dedicated area for cheap plants and there are some good offers, if you have room to look after them. Bare root shrubs are available from now until March online and there are big savings to be had compared to pot grown specimens.

Apologies if I’ve mentioned this before, we seem to be under the cosh from the box tree caterpillar. This pest has only been in the UK since 2007; it was first found in the southeast of England it has since spread across the UK. They are difficult to get rid of and can survive the winter months. This caterpillar will ruin box hedging and bushes if you don’t catch it early and treat throughout the year. Dyffryn Gardens has taken loads out and will not be replacing as it is so destructive. This pest is not going away so unless you are prepared to fight against it, don’t purchase.

Lighting a bonfire? Please check for hibernating hedgehogs, I’ve been told by some of the older residents that they’re nice roasted, but only in foil with seasoning.

Take care and happy gardening


Public Rights Of Way



If you, like me, occasionally criticise government for focus on the short term then we should all respond to the VoG Council’s request for comments (by November 30th) on the plan that will direct their work on Rights of Way over the next ten years. Responsibilities for maintenance of the legal record of public Rights of Way might suggest the council’s role is passive but the VoG clearly recognises the benefits offered by rights extending over nearly 600 Km of paths, bridleways and restricted byways with their proactive plans including “The Great Glamorgan Way” and upgrade of some paths to bridleways.

Copies of the Draft ROWIP, in Welsh and in English, are available from reception at the Civic Office, Holton Road, Barry and local libraries. Searching for ROWIP on the VoG website enables you to download a copy or read-online. This opportunity to contribute your views is too valuable to be missed.

Kenneth Hansen


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