November Letters



Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude to our many friends and neighbours in Wenvoe for their tremendous support following the passing of my husband, Gordon Jones, on September 18, at the age of 86. Your cards, flowers, and messages of support have been a source of great comfort, as well as a testament to how well-respected Gordon was within the village.

I would like to extend a special thank you to The Reverend Lyndon Hutchison-Hounsell for conducting the lovely funeral service at St. Mary’s Parish Church on October 10, and to all those who were able to attend and join in the wonderful singing. Your presence meant a lot to us.

I’m please to say that the collection held at the service raised £1000 for the Royal National Lifeboat Association (RNLI), which was a cause close to Gordon’s heart.

With sincere thanks,

Elizabeth Jones



We are looking for a couple of players to boost our team, we have five players already from Wenvoe.

We play from Ely Cons on a Friday night and away games any night. We car share where possible. This team has been going since the 60’s.

If interested please ring Bernard on 07960135606