Watch Co-ordinators





Watch Co-ordinators met on Wednesday 26 October 2016

Walston Close, Greave Close and Port Road. New Co-ordinators have volunteered for these roads. We greatly appreciate their help.

Clos Llanfair. – A Co-ordinator is needed for this road.

Neighbourhood Watch is a national organisation where individuals in a community offer to keep alert for any suspicious activity in their areas. In Wenvoe we aim to have a Co-ordinator for each road in the village and we encourage Co-ordinators to introduce themselves to the residents in their areas. There is an Annual General Meeting held about February to which any Resident is invited. There are also 2 meetings in a year for Co-ordinators.

If you are interested in being a Co-ordinator please contact Jackie Gauci on 2132 8539 or Alan French on 2059 8092.

We would like to include residents in The Grange and St Lythan’s estates in the scheme and are considering the best way this can be achieved.

It was reported that small, empty cylinders about the size of a hand torch, had been found on Grange Field. They might have been used to sniff a gas and this was reported to the police.


Alan French






Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators met on July 1 and were pleased that PCSO Russell Evans was able to be present. Items from the discussions included:

A number of vacancies for Co-ordinators have occurred and attempts will be made to fill them by contacting residents in the localities. We hope that residents will feel able to help; the main requirement is to be aware of activity in your immediate locality and act as a method of communication to report incidents. Being aware is one of the best deterrents for criminals. The time required is minimal and you do not have to come to meetings unless you wish to do so.

We were introduced to the term “creeping burglar”. This is a criminal who moves around an area, usually in the early hours of the morning, trying door handles, looking through windows and trying gates. He, or she, is looking for anything which can be useful if stolen. The advice for Wenvoe residents is to make sure valuable items are out of sight and door and window locks are fastened.

Distraction burglary is another common term, often used when two or more criminals call on residents in their homes. One distracts attention and the other steals. Advice to Wenvoe residents is to only let people you know into your home.

Vehicle parking in Wenvoe is a continual problem. PCSO Evans advised us that parking around the school has improved and he patrols the area as often as possible. He has also provided advice to residents in the Rectory Close area about the parking problems there.

PCSO Evans told us that police surgeries would be starting in Wenvoe very soon where residents could discuss any policing matter with him or a colleague.

Alan French


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