Community Council Recommences
Community Council Recommences
Wenvoe Community Council will recommence face to face Council meetings from
17th June 2021
We request anyone who wishes to attend, emails their request to the clerk as due to covid restrictions we will be limited on numbers in the hall. As such should several members of the public wish to attend regarding the same or similar matter then only one group member be able to attend. At present we may not be able to accept all requests due to Covid hall limitations.
Covid precautions apply, as such please do not attend if you are feeling unwell especially if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid. On arrival please pay attention to the signage around the community centre, scan the QR Code or provide your details to a Council representative . There is a one way system in place. Please adhere to the following guidelines;
- Stay at home should you feel unwell
- Use Hand Sanitisers around the centre
- Follow the one way system
- Keep your distance – 2m social distancing is in place
- Avoid touching your face
- Wash your hands
You will also be required to wear a mask which will only be allowed to be removed when seated during the meeting, unless you can provide your exempt card.