December Letters

December Letters


My mother Jean Austin passed away on 21/11/20. She had been suffering from dementia from 2013. We moved to Wenvoe around 2000 and over the years have got to know quite a few of you. I would like to thank, on her behalf, and mine, all of you who have been such good neighbours over the years. You have been great, especially recently. She was buried in Wenvoe on 14th December.

Alex Austin Woodside




In the last year or so the young children of the village community have benefitted from new play facilities on several sites. The older children have nothing. In the summer, they play on the field opposite the school or on the playing fields. In winter, the fields are too muddy and instead they congregate on street corners or in the car parks of the village hall and community centre which is not entirely welcomed by some members of our community.

The Section 106 funds provide a one-off opportunity to provide the older children/teenagers with some decent all-weather facilities. What is required is a multi-use games area (MUGA) as seen in other play/games areas. This would provide for various ball games including football, netball, and basketball.

Placing it next to the playground opposite the school would create something of an eye sore and it would not be in keeping with the nature of our semi-rural community. One solution, which has a number of benefits (outlined below), could be to situate it in the corner of the school playing field. There could be a gate from Station Road preserving the security of the school site. It could be screened by hedges/trees from the houses on the opposite side of Station Road.

If this is appropriately designed it could also be used by the school as an additional facility with access via a locked gate directly from the playground i.e. it could be for school use during school hours and community use out of school hours and in the holidays. The facility could also be used by other local community groups such as Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. It would also support community fitness, health and wellbeing.

The cost of such facilities is very variable, depending on size, the playing surface (the cheapest being Tarmac) and particularly whether or not they have lighting. I would suggest that there is no lighting, partly to reduce the cost and ongoing maintenance requirement but also it will then not encourage people to congregate after dark which could be a nuisance to neighbours.

I have shared this suggestion with the School. The Headteacher feels it would benefit the community and is open to discussion with the Community Council. I have also shared this idea with some older children in the village who were very positive.

Hopefully, the project could be financed from Section 106 funds but, if it’s too expensive, then it’s possible the school may have access to funding streams for such facilities or there may be sponsorship possibilities for local companies – for instance, maybe Cemex would donate building materials for the surface?

This suggestion would provide additional facilities for the school and the village community whilst preserving the green heart of the village. The older children of the village deserve better and with this Section 106 funding, the village and the Community Council now have a real opportunity to make a real difference for the current generation of young people and future generations.

Dave Roylance, Old Port Road




Thank you to everyone who organised or participated in the Advent windows and all the villagers who lit up their homes. The village looked great. After such a difficult year it was a real lift to everyone’s spirits.

A Happy and Healthy New Year to everyone.

Annie Bennett, Walston Rd