Goodbye 2020: Hello 2021
So it’s goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021, farewell to all the problems during the past year and now we look forward to better times in the New Year.
Our Christmas programme in church, which was always dependent on the Wales Gov’t and Church in Wales directions and regulations, took place in such different conditions from any year anyone of us can remember. No Community Carol Service could be held, so we had an online Carol Service at 6.oopm on Sunday 20th December, with contributions from a virtual choir, readings, prayers and carols sung some of which were “signed” – how wonderful was that. We have so much talent in our churches and through the miracle of the internet, we have been able to worship together, have Bible Study and so much more. To take part in these activities, we have to be computer literate, and it is amazing that so many of us have turned out to be “silver surfers” with the world of knowledge and interactive information at our fingertips.
The momentum to the forming of the enlarged Ministry Area, when we welcome Porthkerry, Rhoose and Penmark into fellowship with us, is gathering apace with the first steering committee being held in January. There is much to discuss and agree on, and as the formation of the enlarged group will be brought into being by the Bishop’s Decree, we have no choice but to do as we are commanded. It is our intention to cooperate with each other’s churches so that we can agree amicably between ourselves, to avoid being told what we will do. This new arrangement is far reaching, with all financial affairs being pooled into one Ministry Area account. Governance of the new group will be under the leadership of Jon, who has been appointed the leader by Bishop June. He will be assisted by one Parochial Church Council, made up of members from each of the nine churches. The chair of this new council will be a lay person, who with an area treasurer and secretary will oversee all the business and work of the individual churches. Each church will then have a local church council to manage the affairs of their particular church, but will have to refer to the Ministry Area PCC to agree any items they want to pursue. This sounds very complicated and bureaucratic but with willingness and co-operation between us, let us hope that it will turn out to be a workable plan for the future of all the churches, under the bye line of
At this time of the New Year, it is the time to make a gift, in appreciation of some kindness received in the preceding year. St. Mary’s church is in great need of your gift in recognition of the part the church in Wenvoe has played throughout the past year and the hundreds of years before that. A gift in memory of a loved one, a special occasion, or just simply wanting to see the church in Wenvoe remain at the heart of the village for many years to come. Please make your cheques payable to St. Mary’s Church Wenvoe and can be slipped under the church door. Thank you.
Thank you all for your generous donations to the Foodbank during the last two months. It has been a privilege to transport everything to the centre in Barry. In particular all the Christmas goodies were amazing and will be well used. Indeed, we have never seen the centre so busy receiving donations, packing the goods and sending them out making deliveries of basic foodstuffs and treats for Christmas. The staff and volunteers have really got to know us again and have been really pleased with what has been achieved.
Of course help will still be vital after Christmas when people may have precarious work patterns during lock down periods. The last date we made a delivery in December was on 17th December and we will then make the first one in the New Year on 7th January 2021..
This year due to the pandemic restrictions The Big Wrap needed to make alternative plans to help families who would find it hard to give their children Christmas presents. Our usual method of giving toys needed to change and following discussions with the organisation we decided to make a monetary donation. We were overwhelmed with your generous donations and were able to give them our collection of £810 from the three churches. Again, they were so pleased with what we achieved and alongside other donations they will be working with social services to buy appropriate toys and gifts.
Many thanks for all your gifts
Jude ( Food bank organiser)